What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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If I asked you a question that was ignored my apologizes.
My opinion was that if we as a Nation could divert the 10% of GDP going to Corporations (see non people middlemen) to say Education perhaps we could slow the dumbing down, or speed up developing Alternative Power.
We are the govt. make no mistake.

unfortunately, our education system has become a joke. i want to see more local and state government rather than federal being in charge of certain functions that are required in society. we are already paying too much in taxes and they are already wasting too much! i know WTP could be the government but we can't even hold civil conversations with each other regarding weighty topics much less come together in agreement that the current system that we have now is a failure.
unfortunately, our education system has become a joke. i want to see more local and state government rather than federal being in charge of certain functions that are required in society. we are already paying too much in taxes and they are already wasting too much! i know WTP could be the government but we can't even hold civil conversations with each other regarding weighty topics much less come together in agreement that the current system that we have now is a failure.

I agree, we should burn one and converse.
earlier i was asked a question about health care that i responded to and it was ignored for most to just refer to me as "it" or stupid, etc., so i don't care to engage in that type of internet behavior. however, your comment regarding health insurance is what i was referencing in that original comment - there isn't necessarily a free market with health care. you schedule a surgery with the local hospital in your area (they are all connected) and you pay what they charge for the surgery, which is usually 7-11 prices. there are a lot of things wrong with the system, but personal responsibility goes a long way. getting government involved in those kinds of decisions is always a mistake.
Just the facts, I see that you are sensitive about being called stupid. Never did that.

Average individual health care plan in the US costs about $4500. Corporations pay about $15,000 per family. Median income of a worker is $35,000. How is a single mom with 3 kids making the median wage going to come up with between $15k and $20k for heath care coverage for herself and her kids? This is about facts not morality. A sick mom will not be able to provide for her kids. Kids raised in poverty are unlikely to get the education that this country needs to grow. They too will be unable to afford healthcare and when they have kids the cycle continues. A growing economy needs healthy people. These are just facts.

What you propose is that the rest of the US joins Mississippi and accept third world economic status.
So, facts is facts then. Regulations are necessary.

Except you're wrong.

You still don't know how regulations punish consumers via market restrictions, not to mention regulations arise from a flawed assumption that party A has any right to intervene forcibly in the business of party B, C, D etc.

What in the mother fuck is this happy horse shit?! Who here is STILL deluded into thinking that Trump is not a fucking traitor?

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador



Is anyone still unclear on the fact that our President is a traitor? Is there any blind, deaf, dumb mother fucker out there who doesn't realize the obvious?
What in the mother fuck is this happy horse shit?! Who here is STILL deluded into thinking that Trump is not a fucking traitor?

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador


All depends on the information he gave. Could be good if it helps Russia weed out ISIS and shit.
Maybe if them regulations didn't allow for pink slime injected into my meat... Do I need to mention why the EU don't allow most of our beef in?
Yeah, no accounting for taste. Regulations don't say McD can't sell something that's disgusting, just they can't sell meat that doesn't meet standards. Such as can't misrepresent horse meat for beef or sell hamburger that has saw dust and shit ground with it like happened in the old days before regulations.

You make absolutely no sense. Then again no right wing libertarian ever has.
We are not at war with Russia and until then we remain peaceful members of the UN. :)
They are still deemed a hostile country, officially. The UN is irrelevant. Our country has deemed them a threat. And we wouldn't even be giving highly classified information to our allies. Stop talking out of your ass before you make yourself look more dumb than you do.
Yeah, no accounting for taste. Regulations don't say McD can't sell something that's disgusting, just they can't sell meat that doesn't meet standards. Such as can't misrepresent horse meat for beef or sell hamburger that has saw dust and shit ground with it like happened in the old days before regulations.

You make absolutely no sense. Then again no right wing libertarian ever has.
You really think McDonald's sells 100% beef? You poor ignorant fool. LMAO :lol:
Actually as president, he probably can give away highly classified and top secret information to our adversaries.

That anybody defends him for doing so says a lot about them.
This further solidifies that he is in league with Russia. He's even flaunting it. He's lying about it, but he's continuing to do shit like this. This is just going to bury him.
They are still deemed a hostile country, officially. The UN is irrelevant. Our country has deemed them a threat. And we wouldn't even be giving highly classified information to our allies. Stop talking out of your ass before you make yourself look more dumb than you do.

When you say "our country" don't you really mean people who hope to profit off a continued military / industrial hoax ?