What do liberals really want?


New Member
Let me get this straight....

Your version of 'compassion' is addicting people to an entitlement mentality where they are completely dependent on government largess rather than their own initiative?

I'll choose a life off the plantation, thank you.
Talk about dogma, you are one warped SOB johnny. Just because one doesn't see things your way doesn't make them a government dependent. Outside of SS which I paid into for 50+ years, I rely on no government subsidies, well except there is the VA that I sacrificed 3 years of my life in a combat zone for. Just think, I could of got wasted and saved the government, (your taxes) some few bucks. I'm pretty sure that is your wish for all liberals. Please, stay off my plantation.


New Member
What do liberals really want?

That is easy. They want conservative, selfish assholes to die. :finger:

And as always, may the bluebird of happiness take a shit on a republican cake. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Talk about dogma, you are one warped SOB johnny.
You are right on one point, Meddie. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. I am a son of a bitch, metaphorically speaking of course.

One has to be a son of a bitch in order to thrive in this world. Because whether you like it or not, competition is the natural order. And that will not change.
Just because one doesn't see things your way doesn't make them a government dependent. Outside of SS which I paid into for 50+ years, I rely on no government subsidies, well except there is the VA that I sacrificed 3 years of my life in a combat zone for.
But a plantation mentality does encourage government dependence. After all, isn't the goal of the collectivists to make everyone government dependent?

So you paid into the government sanctioned Ponzi scheme, and you will get back far more than you ever contributed, assuming you stay healthy. But you do know that Social Security is due to be insolvent very soon, are you not?

What then? The Social Security swindle that would make Bernie Madoff proud is too big to fail? Okay, but means higher payroll taxes because the out of control borrowing has just about run its course.

Higher taxes on failed programs such as the ones upon which you are dependent only drive people to do as I have done, Meddie. The scourge of Democracy is chipping away at the resolve of the achievers. We are dropping out. Refusing to consent to the current state of affairs.

Hunkered down. Flying under the radar. Shrugging.

I have no intention of underwriting your retirement.

And until the policy makers decide to stop rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior, more and more high achievers will continue to do as I have done.

We're gonna wait your dumb ass out. In the meantime, we make sure the hatchet is sharp, the powder is dry, and the musket is clean as a whistle.
Just think, I could of got wasted and saved the government, (your taxes) some few bucks. I'm pretty sure that is your wish for all liberals.
What would RIU be if you had actually stayed true to your word and left the site?

For that matter, what would RIU be without you continuously reminding us that you were a support soldier in Viet Nam?

It would be pretty damn boring around here. :lol:
Please, stay off my plantation.
History tells us the plantation system was destroyed.

I don't need to come anywhere near your piece of shit plantation because that house of cards will fall on its own.

Welcome back. ;-)