What did you accomplish today?

this is a good example of what i was saying on how we typically use the word Haole and associate it versus what it actually means.

it's mostly used towards white people and as a racial slur when you hear someone say it to you it's basically them disrespecting you. not saying you guys are wrong cause your correct it's just the ignorant way people tend to use it or classify others. pretty sure the guy yelling is a haole too XD
I'm such an asshole. Because of people like that, if I had the power, I'd plow under everything on one island that "white" people brought to Hawaii- modern buildings, roads, power generation, water treatment, medicine, etc, etc and just leave farm land and native living structures, then designate it a nature preserve and make all those Aholès move there so that they have to live by their coveted traditions. I get being pissed because your culture was purposely destroyed, but don't overlook the positives of what came of it. I bet that guy would cry like a bitch if he had to farm his own food and didn't have access to modern clothes or electronics. IDK what triggered him, but once he started bragging about hitting animals, it woulda been on.
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Dementia is bad bad juju, my sympathies
I honestly don't think it's dementia. I do think she's bi polar and swings wildly from manic to depression. On top of that, she's just really fucking dumb
this is a good example of what i was saying on how we typically use the word Haole and associate it versus what it actually means.

it's mostly used towards white people and as a racial slur when you hear someone say it to you it's basically them disrespecting you. not saying you guys are wrong cause your correct it's just the ignorant way people tend to use it or classify others. pretty sure the guy yelling is a haole too XD
Hey, you live in Hawaii? What a great place, you lucky bastard :)
Ever heard of this guy?

He's fucking excellent!!
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How bout some coffee with that sugar? o_O I brew my coffee strong, then one sugar and a splash of half and half, or straight heavy cream. You need the fat content to get the right velvety mouth feel. Butter works good but takes a little more work to incorporate.

I find coffee really bitter with a bad aftertaste. Lots of sweetness makes it tolerable.

Butter in your coffee? I think you're pulling my leg.
160mg of caffeine per can! :shock: lol I'd be bouncing off the walls, looks like it was never available in Canada.
When it first came out, I believe in the early 90's, they did a commercial blitz touting that slogan all over TV and radio. Caught the eye of the FDA and other groups worried about kids. That scrutiny kinda cooled them down, though they stayed in business for a number of years
Save your calories, better living through chemistry:

Butter is congealed cream so yes it works but doesn't tend to mix as well as cream in coffee. But it works in a pinch LOL

That's getting into crazy territory... 200mg! We wouldn't let the 160mg pop in but the pills with higher caffeine are okay. I tried one of those 5 hour energy shots a while ago. It worked, but gave me a wicked headache.
That's getting into crazy territory... 200mg! We wouldn't let the 160mg pop in but the pills with higher caffeine are okay. I tried one of those 5 hour energy shots a while ago. It worked, but gave me a wicked headache.
You can break them in 1/2 or even a quarter if you have a pill cutter. Add one of these

and your dosage options become virtually infinite.

Edited to add the scale you'll need:
First person I’ve met that drinks foster and I’m Aussie. The don’t really have them at the Bottle’o these days

An old buddy of mine who passed away had a beer distributor a couple miles from my house 15-20 yrs. ago.

He knew I always wanted something different and said try this. I was Foster's Bitters in a brown snubby bottle with a green label, bottled in Canada I think.

Wasn't bad at all, haven't seen it since. Can't even find an internet pic.

The guy was a very cool local character that everybody liked.

He was a black guy that graduated with my sister in 1962 and he got his first job right out of HS as a driver for the local godfather who ran the 9th biggest mafia organization in the US.

Just listening to his old stories was worth the trip to the beer distributor. And wow, did he have stories to tell, he could have written a book.
I extorted 25 dollars from my daughter.

So I've been putting in bamboo flooring on the top floor finally. Having finished her room yesterday the only thing left this morning was hanging the doors back up (closet and door to the hallway. I have to pull them to cut the door jambs and then can't put them back 'till after the install and caulk dries).

So I had told her yesterday that re-installing the closet door was free, but the door to the hall was 25 bucks.

So I just finished all of that and knocked on the guest room door to wake her up so I can go out and cut the lawn. As she came out the door I pointed down the hall to her now installed door and said, "you owe me 25 bucks" and laughed.

So I'm sitting on the steps to the garage putting my work boots on to head out to do the lawn and she walks by and drops 25 bucks on my head.

Why would you charge your daughter for you to finish the job you started? Explain by what reasoning she owes you. What is the lesson here? Please reply as an educator teaching at a police academy. How does gaslighting your daughter promote her integration into lawful society?