What did you accomplish today?

My dad would have had me helping all the way
My daughter has helped me hang drywall on a ceiling with a dead man. helped do some taping and mudding, and helped paint. She changed out the points on her Mustang (she did forget the whole gapping the points step though). I gave her my old power miter saw because she would use it. Her husband is not mechanically inclined at all.
Coffee is a wonderful thing. It's very much like marijuana: you have to find your own brand.

If coffee seems bitter to you, you're either drinking too dark a roast or too cheap a coffee.

Experiment. Since it seems bitter, try a lighter roast.

Try Gavalia light roast. https://www.gevalia.com/light-roast-regular-ground

I think I've tried almost every type of coffee at one time or another, I'm just not a fan. I never really outgrew my dislike for strong flavours that I had as a kid. I like coffee desserts and coffee crisp chocolate bars. I'm weird I know. :P
I think I've tried almost every type of coffee at one time or another, I'm just not a fan. I never really outgrew my dislike for strong flavours that I had as a kid. I like coffee desserts and coffee crisp chocolate bars. I'm weird I know. :P

I'm pickier yet. Any trace of coffee flavor in a dessert or sweet and I'm out. My son, now ... he likes the "nuclear double Italian roast" style.

We don’t hate it just not our best beer so it gets pushed to the side. The generally sell it on tap in the city, we used to drink it with tourists and tell the outlandish tales of crocs and snakes. None of which were true but you never let let a bit of bullshit ruin a good story lol.
Do you start calling people “cobber” when you drink it and when people ask about stuff do you answer with “she’ll be right mate” or the modern “yeah,nah”.
But I’ve also been told that Fosters overseas isn’t the same as it here and taste better overseas. This was off a friend who went to the states. Can’t see them making to recipe’s, maybe it was all the cocaine he was doing made it taste awesome lol
Dunno if it tastes better here but it sure makes you pee. There was a small tavern near where I worked many years ago, and a few of us would routinely stop by after and have a few. While on the second you'd have to pee and every subsequent one you'd have to pee like clockwork and the volume was about equal to a beer. Very odd, never happened with any other beer
I used to live on eating no doze like candy, double dosing Stackers and 4-5 extra large ice coffees everyday. I had to easily be over 2000mg of caffeine a day. I just looked it up and Mayo Clinic says 400mg/day is safe for most adults. :shock: I'm still surprised I never had any heart issues from that. I was pretty ripped back then because of it, I had the energy to lift daily and trail ride my mountain bike 3-4 times a week, plus my metabolism was in double over drive.
In desserts too? Do you like the smell of coffee brewing? I like the smell in the morning.
Yah nothing worse than a nice delicate chocolate cream/mousse pastry destroyed by detectable coffee. Mocha is a four-letter word in my lexicon.

The smell of coffee brewing bothers me less, so long as I'm not expected to ingest any. I can live with a coffee drinker; a cigarette smoker is categorically a No.
Yah nothing worse than a nice delicate chocolate cream/mousse pastry destroyed by detectable coffee. Mocha is a four-letter word in my lexicon.

The smell of coffee brewing bothers me less, so long as I'm not expected to ingest any. I can live with a coffee drinker; a cigarette smoker is categorically a No.

You're weirder than me :)

Ditto for cigarettes. I like the smell in the same way that I like the smell of gasoline or a lit match. I used to get my caffeine from diet coke, now I almost never have caffeine. When I do it's like being turbo charged for a few hours.
I think I've tried almost every type of coffee at one time or another, I'm just not a fan. I never really outgrew my dislike for strong flavours that I had as a kid. I like coffee desserts and coffee crisp chocolate bars. I'm weird I know. :P
Black double espressos that’s how I role this is the coffee machine I brought the other week. I ment to post it earlier, I can make anything with this bad boy. Mostly babycino’s for the kids lolE30B8530-478D-4A51-9307-1018B42D035B.jpeg
You're weirder than me :)

Ditto for cigarettes. I like the smell in the same way that I like the smell of gasoline or a lit match. I used to get my caffeine from diet coke, now I almost never have caffeine. When I do it's like being turbo charged for a few hours.
I loved the smell of gas before they fouled it with cheap, octane-number-boosting olefins.
MTBE smells so nice and crisp.

Caffeine used to rattle off me like gravel off a garden shed. Now that I'm pushing 60, if I have a caffeine I get all weird and nervous and defocused for an hour or two. I never saw the appeal.
Dunno if it tastes better here but it sure makes you pee. There was a small tavern near where I worked many years ago, and a few of us would routinely stop by after and have a few. While on the second you'd have to pee and every subsequent one you'd have to pee like clockwork and the volume was about equal to a beer. Very odd, never happened with any other beer
We call that breaking the seal because once you do you know your back to the toilet every 20 mins
Yah nothing worse than a nice delicate chocolate cream/mousse pastry destroyed by detectable coffee. Mocha is a four-letter word in my lexicon.

The smell of coffee brewing bothers me less, so long as I'm not expected to ingest any. I can live with a coffee drinker; a cigarette smoker is categorically a No.
Dessert coffees are for teenagers shouldn’t be classed as a coffe more like a milk shake or hot chocie. Mocha in Aussie slang is the black shit that is in a dirty bong lol. When ever someone orders one I picture the drinking the water ewwwwwwwwww.
About 3 cigarettes and a couple black cups of coffee in the morning gets the train rolling out of the tunnel no problems.
Groceries are bought and put away, had big ol Porterhouse steaks for $7.65 lb, guess that's dinner. Need to go on a beer run then I'll be done for today. One of my turn signal lights is burned out, runs in hummingbird mode now. I'll pull it out sometime this week in the cool weather.