What did you accomplish today?

Little Inda killed the fuck out of all the recyclables this evening.

Notice the can is falling back with a hole in it View attachment 3983388

And the can is dead belowView attachment 3983389

Those are screen shots out of a video I took. He wanted to have a video to show his Grandma.

Safety glasses, never to early to start good habits. I'm surprised they didn't come with the gun. Besides they look cool too.
I shot a cricket ball with an airgun. The pellet came back and hit me in the forehead, right between the eyes.
Not much to report, the COBS are hanging, clones are in, Put an extra layer of light insulation over the window. Gotta deal with some light leaks around the door still, have some cardboard and tape ready.
I spent the weekend at my son and daughter in law's, surfing and partying. I'm getting to old for this shit.

On the way home I had a Kratos sighting, this passed me on the freeway at Wilshire (actual gold plate not the wrap):