What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Out of all my years in my trade i’ve only been technically laid off once. Jobs nearing end that shop will send me to another if no other work lined up with them, a big heads up is given amd i have another job lined up. Usually back to a shop i’ve worked for before.
The one time i got straight laid off was at the Capitola swim center. Was just me and one other dude. I was fucking hammered and walked a county building inspector through a bunch of shit.
The next day the company owner, small outfit from Turlok, came up to me and told me he had to lay me off because the inspector smelt booze on me. I said whaaaaaaaa? Should i roll my shit up right now? He said no. Not until you’re done building the crazy wave looking wall out front. I rolled my shit up a week later. Lmao. Had a job lined up.
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Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
@Aeroknow she just sounds like a bitch to me.

I hate labels but if someone wants to label themselves, go for it.

I don’t understand the pronoun stuff either. Like calling themselves they/their. I don’t get it and it confuses me too. But it’s not for me to say.

I think porn confuses people. Juno doesn’t look like that now and I believe she’s a trans woman.

Everyone is different, thank God for that.

You’re a good man for even caring.


Well-Known Member
after one day of labor my mind and body begged for relief
on day two i knew it was the right thing to do
and on the third vanity and deceit seemed different side of the same stone
on the fourth i came to implore all shiftlessness as my body burned its clear fuel
and now , as i view my compatriots with a jaundiced eye
I realize i am the machine