What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I logged on to the unemployment site today out of habit, even though I knew consciously the program was over last week. It was so great to have the gov't pay my rent and all my bills for the last year and a half. Thanks, Obama! My nest egg has grown considerably. PT is going well, working at it each day, and both my therapist and doctor are impressed with my progress and range of motion (73 degrees!) I have a monster hinged brace with dials and latches, and all kinds of futuristic shit, but I rarely use it unless I'm doing some taxing physical labor (which I try to avoid at all costs.) I'm walking with my cane fairly quickly, with only a slight limp. At home I can get around pretty well even without the cane. I can tend my grow all by myself now, which is great timing as my kid just started working full time. The music biz is CRAZY busy! I've got gigs coming in from so many sources, and my SEO is driving many more people directly to my website. I missed the summer, but things are def looking up. I'm looking at houses and planning to buy one all cash soon. It is surprising how difficult it is to get in contact with a lot of these RE agents. Lazy fuckers. Hope everyone is well...

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
Mowed the grass yesterday. I've been experimenting starting in the middle of the big yard and going in a circular way. Almost got the right start spot flagged. Cut 10 minutes off the mow time....


Well-Known Member
What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)

Watered plants at my girls house, then out in my guerrilla patch, and now I’m going home to water for other grow. I need to get some automated watering going. Grabbed some McDonald’s too happy Friday! Here a picture of my 3 lemon kush clones in a 2x2 under 240watt kingbrite led. ✌C65C448C-C483-4401-8336-45A70654363C.jpeg