went out with my girl last night, she just bought herself a S&W M&P M2.0 9MM, so we went to the local range and fired off a couple of boxes of ammo. She did great, especially considering it was her first time firing that pistol, hit the bull 3 times, and stayed in the main body mass every shot...i'm so proud...choking up...and i'm getting to like my hipoint carbine more and more, ten inside the 8 ring every time, as fast as i can fire it....of course, Bud's range is only 25 yards deep, but i'm pretty sure i could do that out to 65-70. there's a skeet shooting range, but you have to be a member, but fortunately, i know 3 or 4 members and one of them is usually up for blowing some shit up, gonna get with one of them and see how it does out to 100-120 yds, it's supposed to be good for that distance, if you can see the target...not sure if i can or not..may just need really big targets
oh, and we ate at Quaker steak...which was better than i was expecting, and went to the Aquarium after.

thought this might ba an albino pup but the chick watching the area said they'd darken up as they got older

the penguins are usually pretty entertaining, but we were there close to closing time, guess they were tired

a young'un

this cuttle fish didn't like me taking his picture

so he hid and flipped me the bird

the mating dance of Mr. Crabs....those guys are 4 and 5 feet across the legs

jellyfish foreplay

stonefish, incredibly painful venom, possibly fatal to humans...

this lady was huge, 3 feet across the shell, 5 feet from front to back, but she just wouldn't come any closer