What did you accomplish today?

They do and I'm still feeding the grandchildren of my Raven rescues. They still come to visit me.
I read an article a couple years ago, where this lady started feeding a raven that would come to her balcony. After this, the raven, everyday, would bring the lady gifts, like shiny objects, metal, glass etc… in return for more food. Soon other ravens caught on and started do the same thing. Cool as shit.

Now when I see ravens and crows looking at me, think of them differently. It is said they have the intelligence of a seven year old…cool a scary at the same time. Lol
I read an article a couple years ago, where this lady started feeding a raven that would come to her balcony. After this, the raven, everyday, would bring the lady gifts, like shiny objects, metal, glass etc… in return for more food. Soon other ravens caught on and started do the same thing. Cool as shit.

Now when I see ravens and crows looking at me, think of them differently. It is said they have the intelligence of a seven year old…cool a scary at the same time. Lol
Right before the last time I saw Stinky Girl she brought me a gift. It's a lovely marble and she left it on the block column where she would come and call to me to feed her from.

Check out this youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/theravendiaries
It is harvest week, and this is the first time in my growing career that I've had an injury serious enough not to be able to accomplish everything on my own. So my kid has been stepping in to assist, and doing a bang up job if it! My knee has been getting progressively more painful, especially since the swelling has gone down, and the the internal bleeding seems to have stopped. It is a big, bruised, misshapen mess. Even a layman can see the surgery that is needed. It gets so painful at times, that I cannot do anything but sit there and cry, but the one thing I know is the more I stay off of it the better it feels and the less damage is being done. My boy came over yesterday and stayed for about nine hours, and he trimmed an entire tray all by himself! He also moved around for me and brought me everything I needed to work beside him to cut moms and fill my cloner while in a relatively comfortable position. He followed direction well, and was eager to learn everything he could about how the op runs. His gf doesn't like him spending all this time at my place, but excuse me when I say FUCK HER!!! I've never met her, haven't liked her, and like her even less now. I am proud how my kid stands up to her as gently as possible, while firmly putting his foot down. He's already better with women than I am. This is the first time through countless injuries that I've needed help from ANYONE. It is only right that I am getting a little back from all I've given. Anyway, my kid is coming back tomorrow to help plant the new tray and finish up the harvest, and also clean and vacuum the house. It is great to be able to work and spend time together, non-stop great conversation and our bond is only getting stronger. I was hoping my surgery would be early this week, but it is being performed on July 8th. Fuck. I am going to have to give up a LOT of booked gigs, and that is a lot of money. Fortunately, I have talented and very eager colleagues that are happy to perform in my stead and make that money. I already gave up two gigs this last weekend to my married violinist gf, and she is very grateful for the work. I don't mind pain if I know it is leading to healing, it just sucks when it is for naught, or worse, causing more damage. So c'mon doc, fix my shit so I can get on with my life. I'm in a really strange sort of limbo right now. Again, hoping your week is going better than mine...
it sucks that it took a serious injury to make it happen, but bonding with your kid is maybe worth the injury?