What did you accomplish today?

I'm so glad this is the last day of this cleanse. Holy shit. I've never been so fucking hungry in my life. I signed for a package today, and I swear I almost took a bite of the fed ex guy. I don't think about it when I'm deeply focused on a particular task, like practicing. I've added another hour to my violin practice (6-10pm) a few weeks ago, and I'm glad I did. It's another hour of not thinking about it. Looking forward to that morning pizza...
I'm so glad this is the last day of this cleanse. Holy shit. I've never been so fucking hungry in my life. I signed for a package today, and I swear I almost took a bite of the fed ex guy. I don't think about it when I'm deeply focused on a particular task, like practicing. I've added another hour to my violin practice (6-10pm) a few weeks ago, and I'm glad I did. It's another hour of not thinking about it. Looking forward to that morning pizza...
Good for you Tyler! You've done it. Pics of the pizza.
Looking forward to that morning pizza...

Good for you Tyler! You've done it. Pics of the pizza.
Is it a breakfast pizza with egg and bacon
Image result for breakfast pizza

or a dinner pie with the works?
Image result for works thin  pizza
Ordering most everything for the grow rebuild online to be dropshipped. Why not right? The driver today told me he aint driving out to my property. Dirt roads + rain etc. so he dropped it off at a local grow shop where I picked it up right after lmao. 2 pallets and 12-4X8 trays.

That was something I don’t want to have to explain to those guys ever again lmao :-D
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After a warmup I did 120 full squats, with 150lbs on my back. 1 Set. I weigh 148lbs. Then ran 5 miles.

Wifey did 500 full squats with no weight in 28 minutes. She weighs 105lbs. She ran 10 miles.

Ill be sore for 4-5 days.

I like to do all kinds of crazy shit. I also like to push a good size car around the block. 1/4 mile.. Cant do it all at once of course. Takes about 15 minutes.
I do this 4 times a month. 1 time a week. Best ab exercise there is.
I learned this from a guy that held the world record for situps.
He could do 48,000 with a 45lbs plate behind his head, and over 90,000 with no weight. He used to do this for charity, and gave the money away.
But he said the best ab exercise was to push as heavy a car as possible up a 45 degree incline for 100 yards, but I cant do that. So I improvise. I do have a slight incline in a couple places. It really rocks your world when you hit an incline. I live in east ky, so there aren't many completely flat places where I am. But no way I can push up a 45 degree incline 100 years.

Car I push is a 66 Buick Electra 225. 4 door. Weighs 4519lbs with no driver. Wifey only weighs 103lbs.

I also forgot to mention I throw up regularly doing this. Its expected. Especially in the heat.


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Ordering most everything for the grow rebuild online to be dropshipped. Why not right? The driver today told me he aint driving out to my property. Dirt roads + rain etc. so he dropped it off at a local grow shop where I picked it up right after lmao. 2 pallets and 12-4X8 trays.

That was something I don’t want to have to explain to those guys ever again lmao :-D
You're starting veggies for your friends organic farm obviously.
I should just probably have PM’d you this bro, but I really want to thank you for the words of encouragement you gave me the other day. Meant allot dude. I sware to god I was about to start crying. So stressed man.

“Hang in there” from a hard charging go getter like yourself meant allot. Thx bro.
Thanks man, dude you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever seen. You have gone through hell and are taking the up hill both ways road out. I too lost my house and everything with it and like you I rebuilt with my barehands . I have all the respect in the world for you, I know it’s hard and sometimes it feels like it’s to much . Stay strong , we all believe in you.
Thanks man, dude you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever seen. You have gone through hell and are taking the up hill both ways road out. I too lost my house and everything with it and like you I rebuilt with my barehands . I have all the respect in the world for you, I know it’s hard and sometimes it feels like it’s to much . Stay strong , we all believe in you.
Thx bro, as I have all kinds of respect for you too ;-)
After a warmup I did 120 full squats, with 150lbs on my back. 1 Set. I weigh 148lbs. Then ran 5 miles.

Wifey did 500 full squats with no weight in 28 minutes. She weighs 105lbs. She ran 10 miles.

Ill be sore for 4-5 days.

I like to do all kinds of crazy shit. I also like to push a good size car around the block. 1/4 mile.. Cant do it all at once of course. Takes about 15 minutes.
I do this 4 times a month. 1 time a week. Best ab exercise there is.
I learned this from a guy that held the world record for situps.
He could do 48,000 with a 45lbs plate behind his head, and over 90,000 with no weight. He used to do this for charity, and gave the money away.
But he said the best ab exercise was to push as heavy a car as possible up a 45 degree incline for 100 yards, but I cant do that. So I improvise. I do have a slight incline in a couple places. It really rocks your world when you hit an incline. I live in east ky, so there aren't many completely flat places where I am. But no way I can push up a 45 degree incline 100 years.

Car I push is a 66 Buick Electra 225. 4 door. Weighs 4519lbs with no driver. Wifey only weighs 103lbs.

I also forgot to mention I throw up regularly doing this. Its expected. Especially in the heat.

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Where do I find these guys when my car breaks down???
Thanks man, dude you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever seen. You have gone through hell and are taking the up hill both ways road out. I too lost my house and everything with it and like you I rebuilt with my barehands . I have all the respect in the world for you, I know it’s hard and sometimes it feels like it’s to much . Stay strong , we all believe in you.
Thx bro, as I have all kinds of respect for you too ;-)

Get a room, you two. J/K. It's great to see the love around here. Inspiring...