What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Are you expecting company?

View attachment 4403847

Got cps called out to my house from my autistic sons school after they slapped him. They tried to blame it on us. They made up some false accusations that we weren't giving him the right medical treatment. Cps walked through the house and said everything was perfectly fine and that the case would be terminated. Let's just say that the school will be contacting me through my attorney from here on out. Cameras are to deter them from harassing us any further. I've got 8 on my property lol.


Well-Known Member
Finished replacing my two front yard cameras and the driveway cam. Added a backyard camera. Just need to replace my tinfoil hat now.
My Guardzilla cam stopped sending alerts to phone a couple months ago.

Still shoots a video, support chat said server problem and they were on it, also a couple months ago.

I'll have to chat them up again I guess.


Well-Known Member
Grandkids stopped by last night, it was nice to see them. We watched the younger two while the eldest went with mom to get her ears pierced for her birthday. Got out the weedeater and edged the sidewalk out back today. Filled the beer shelf and the baby food jar I have my tincture in on the counter. It'll be easier to get an eye dropper (or two) full now. Chicken on the Q tonight. Buds and suds time.


Well-Known Member
all the hack nail bangers around here only cut rafter tails and nail fascia to them. I’m weird as shit! I did sub-fascia all the way around. It makes for some nice 2x8 fascia/rake boards attachment.
Plus it gives me some nailing for my high rib lath.
Straight as a mother fucker! I’m pretty stoked right now as you can probably tell. Getting dangerously close to the end :hump:


Well-Known Member
I just went inside and was informed that they’re gonna announce in an hour if they’re shutting off the power again here.
They say it’s supposed to be bad again where the camp fire started.
Bring it fucking on again i say! Mother fuckers DIDN’T shut it off a year ago even after haven warned us all for 4 fucking days.

I say go for it! The reality of it is they have to do the most extreme now., then mother fuckers complain, and than there will be a sensible solution to come out of it.

Good thing we had a big winter and not such a hot summer.


Well-Known Member
and than there will be a sensible solution to come out of it.
Oh yeah,
I meant to say i hope there will be a sensible solution to this shit soon. Before i’m fired back up. One day power outage here and there really ain’t shit it’s when it’s out for 2 days like a couple weeks ago. That type shit sucks fore the indoor. Got a good generator now though
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Well-Known Member
You're pretty optimistic bro...you are talking about PG&E...We just warned the M in law. They just confirmed pulling the plug on the news.
But have i ever told you how much i hate them?

Realistically, its going to have to be this way. I’m not down with any of this shit. But reality is that they will shut er down just like THAT! For a while. People, local governments will bitch, and there will be a hybrid solution come from it.


Well-Known Member
Look what happens to the stock in a grocery store after a couple days, I doubt insurance companies will cover a "planned outage"
The answer is to bury their transmission lines, but that won’t happen anytime soon unfortunately but they should.
Big cost, but much gained going forward with ever worsening climate change

The fucking transmission tower that caused the camp fire was slated to be replaced for 20+yrs now

But it’s the powerfull north winds, late in the season, getting worse and worse without early rains line what happened last year, that make those lines swing like a draped rope in the wind and sparks these big ones when it’s dry as fuck like nov 8 2018. Almost zero percent humidity, 45mph winds jarbo gap. Pge. Huge fucking fire
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Well-Known Member
Well I accomplished moving into a different house by myself. yep it’s over after 10yrs and an 8yr old:sad: @420God this sucks bro. much harder than my first marriage, I actually love this one. she didn’t cheat on me or wrong me in any way. Just polar opposite and didn’t want to grow old and resent each other. I get it but this absolutely sucks. Maybe I’ll get a bike...