What did you accomplish today?


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Staff member
Yesterday, my birthday, was a record breaking day as it was the hottest day in October EVER recorded in history in Georgia at 94 degrees.

Today, we'll break that record as it's due to hit 97 degrees.

In the fall.

Climate change is false my ass.
Happy belated Birthday. Only the finest and smartest people have October birthdays.



Active Member
Idk if I accomplished anything but I stood in my growroom on top of something with a shovel and a bb gun for a good hour. Damn 3 or 4 foot cottonmouth sitting right by my stuff thought it was a hose almost picked it up until I realized I didn't have a black hose. I shot it in the head with a bb gun pissed it off and ended up destroying much of the room trying to chop it with a shovel while it's trying to kill me hiding under shit on top of that my lights kicked off right at that time and i almost shit myself
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Well-Known Member
View attachment 4402867
The fastest vehicle I ever had and it's a truck. Aluminum body doesn't hurt. And it wasn't the fastest engine, the 3.5 twin turbo is 65 more HP and much lighter and faster the sales guy said. I buy off the lot, this is what it had in it so I bought it.

Crosswinds on the interstates blow the aluminum body sideways though, and you notice it big time. Drive with tailwind for best results.

If that engine was in my Mustang, the car would be worth twice as much. But I don't really need to go 140 mph, too many deer on the roads.

eh go for it, you only live once......don't wanna do that bring it down here for the Texas Mile, or the Cannonball in west Texaa.....you can hit 140mph there no problem....


Well-Known Member
The Texas Mile is a "Standing start" measured mile.
I don't think that's where the 305 mph came from, more of a top speed thing.
the cannonball in west texas is like that too....but with that it's i think 10miles of road with turns and such and your timed, quickest speed and time wins...

actually they call it now the Fools roll now.....from Austin the Las Vegas....
