What did you accomplish today?

I didn't realize surveillance was that bad in California. Starting to sound like London. We have license plate scanners and downtown Toronto has cameras everywhere, I don't think they have as many outside the city core. Lots in the public housing areas where there's constant shootings. It kinda bugs me that we have the most expensive data in the free world and the police are free to use it to send us messages without an option to opt out. They should at least have to pay us a small subsidy for being forced to receive these. I'm in a bad mood this morning so I say burn it all to the ground.

I'm off to learn how to be a cheery customer service agent. This ought to be fun.
I’m north LA county it’s not as bad in the less populated areas. Unfortunately I think this is the way everywhere is headed.

Have fun being cheerful.
Do you guys in the US get these amber alerts on your phone? One came in this morning around 3am and again a few minutes later. It turns your phone up full blast and makes a horrible siren sound regardless of your DND or sleep settings. We both keep our phones next to our bed so when it went off it was really loud and scared the shit out of us. I was just getting settled and falling back asleep and it went off again. I wasn't able to fall asleep after the second alert. I'm supposed to go for training today and I'm tired and bitchy. :cuss:

I read in the news this morning that they didn't suspect foul play, they thought an old man was lost. This system is relatively new and the cops are already abusing it, claiming an abduction when they know they're dealing with a missing person. People are going to ignore these if cops continue crying wolf.


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What's the point of this?

"4093 warheads are being tracked into the US and will strike in 20 minutes. But don't worry, we launched 6750 back at them."
We're meeting somewhere public and it's to be about the paperwork only. My sis is coming with to keep me in check.
I assume the GF will be there? Be careful and keep the secondaries apart. I'm serious. Keep sis further away too, don't want your wife to feel outnumbered/pressured. This is a delicate time and can go south in a heartbeat. Do not get or allow emotions. I've been in this position, trust me lol
I assume the GF will be there? Be careful and keep the secondaries apart. I'm serious. Keep sis further away too, don't want your wife to feel outnumbered/pressured. This is a delicate time and can go south in a heartbeat. Do not get or allow emotions. I've been in this position, trust me lol
She was cheating on me but she isn't in a relationship with the other girl, at most she'll have her best friend with her. We're meeting just after she takes our daughter to an eye appointment. Her parents still don't know she's lesbian. They think we're splitting because we've been fighting a lot.
We're meeting somewhere public and it's to be about the paperwork only. My sis is coming with to keep me in check.
I assume the GF will be there? Be careful and keep the secondaries apart. I'm serious. Keep sis further away too, don't want your wife to feel outnumbered/pressured. This is a delicate time and can go south in a heartbeat. Do not get or allow emotions. I've been in this position, trust me lol

I've never been in the situation, but my advice is to refrain from asking for nudes.