What did you accomplish today?

stinky job must get paid good though. my sisters bf i think wants to do that but not work directly with the poop pipes. he majored in construction but the state gave him a hard time after he had a work accident. guess they dont want to take care of there workers or some shit? so now that he can actually work they wont rehire him in the field. shitty job i heard though over here cause so much people want to get into construction but the waitlist is stupid long only so many jobs and when they no more jobs they have to work side jobs. too much people wanting to get in but not enough jobs basically. i'd assume that is true cause i know a lot of people like that they work construction but then they working odd jobs like painting or w.e.

Wow I never thought about not being able to find work. I've been in construction for over 34 years and I have never been out of work. I do all kinds of construction and can easily work 90 hrs a week yr around. But I try not to do more than 70, with a 40 hr week with benefits plus my own business, it's hard to keep up with demand. I have worked scheduled for months out, I guess I'm a little spoiled to it, but there's just not enough people here doing high quality work. The area I'm in is growing like crazy, the town I do most of my work is adding over 5000 single family dwellings every year plus a shit load of apartments and since I do mostly remolding and repair, I'll be busy until I die.
Wow I never thought about not being able to find work. I've been in construction for over 34 years and I have never been out of work. I do all kinds of construction and can easily work 90 hrs a week yr around. But I try not to do more than 70, with a 40 hr week with benefits plus my own business, it's hard to keep up with demand. I have worked scheduled for months out, I guess I'm a little spoiled to it, but there's just not enough people here doing high quality work. The area I'm in is growing like crazy, the town I do most of my work is adding over 5000 single family dwellings every year plus a shit load of apartments and since I do mostly remolding and repair, I'll be busy until I die.
nice yea over here on Oahu is a bit different shit load of workers not enough jobs to compensate. Job market here is rough small island too much people and not enough jobs. in my field we have a lot of elderly i think it's because they cannot afford to retire. some of um have major health issues too i worked with this one old man he is literally limping in the kitchen like he sprained an ankle or something.
Finished all my chores for the day waiting for the weekend to come by to see if my plant can start to weave into my net i think i got about 6 inches of height to go. if i do it correctly i should have enough room to flower without any heat issues as far as lighting being too close.

my dads dog went to the vet to see what is wrong cause his butt is bleeding heavily every time he poops. it has happened all this time vet said it might be his diet so we put um on a special diet but it just got worse more recently ( he has been on this diet for a long time already like 2 years now ). getting kinda worried cause they called me saying they be home at 6 and it's almost 7 already so not sure if it's bad news or like what? i assume they went to the vet far from the house and are stuck in traffic but at this hour traffic should be gone already.
eating some of this sweets my sister bought from the UK. not gonna lie this shit taste fucking good!. it's like waffle waffers with some sort of caramel in the middle. smells like gingerbread imo or like a hint of it at least and it's gooey af but the caramel isn't sweet at all. it smells good but it doesn't taste very sweet at all and the wafers are flimsy it feels like a soggy thin cookie imo.

starving btw waiting for my dad to get home cause he called earlier saying he gonna buy food but the dog is still at the vets. not sure wtf they are doing though cause this thing was supposed to be done by this afternoon. i assume they had to do immediate surgery or he opted for that since this is likely a 24/7 animal clinic with emergency. it;s kinda far little bit further then where i used to work at and i worked right near pearl harbor memorial but it's like a 10minute drive further not too bad tbh.
Do you guys in the US get these amber alerts on your phone? One came in this morning around 3am and again a few minutes later. It turns your phone up full blast and makes a horrible siren sound regardless of your DND or sleep settings. We both keep our phones next to our bed so when it went off it was really loud and scared the shit out of us. I was just getting settled and falling back asleep and it went off again. I wasn't able to fall asleep after the second alert. I'm supposed to go for training today and I'm tired and bitchy. :cuss:

I read in the news this morning that they didn't suspect foul play, they thought an old man was lost. This system is relatively new and the cops are already abusing it, claiming an abduction when they know they're dealing with a missing person. People are going to ignore these if cops continue crying wolf.


Do you guys in the US get these amber alerts on your phone? One came in this morning around 3am and again a few minutes later. It turns your phone up full blast and makes a horrible siren sound regardless of your DND or sleep settings. We both keep our phones next to our bed so when it went off it was really loud and scared the shit out of us. I was just getting settled and falling back asleep and it went off again. I wasn't able to fall asleep after the second alert. I'm supposed to go for training today and I'm tired and bitchy. :cuss:

I read in the news this morning that they didn't suspect foul play, they thought an old man was lost. This system is relatively new and the cops are already abusing it, claiming an abduction when they know they're dealing with a missing person. People are going to ignore these if cops continue crying wolf.


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Yes we do. I was sitting in the waiting room at the Dr.s yesterday around 2:30pm, every cell phone went off, mine and the 4 others in waiting room, all the girls phones behind the desk. Was very loud and obnoxious and most folks were frantically trying to turn them off. It was a BOLO for a vehicle. Turns out a mother had a supervised visit with her one year old child, pulled a knife on the social worker and kidnapped her kid. Her mother was waiting in a running vehicle and they took off. Cops caught them soon after
Yes we do. I was sitting in the waiting room at the Dr.s yesterday around 2:30pm, every cell phone went off, mine and the 4 others in waiting room, all the girls phones behind the desk. Was very loud and obnoxious and most folks were frantically trying to turn them off. It was a BOLO for a vehicle. Turns out a mother had a supervised visit with her one year old child, pulled a knife on the social worker and kidnapped her kid. Her mother was waiting in a running vehicle and they took off. Cops caught them soon after

I'd be okay being woken up in a serious situation like that where a kid is actually at risk.

You can turn it off in message settings, except presidential alerts here. I was sick of hearing about missing kids in Milwaukee which is 3 hours away and most of the time just a runaway.
View attachment 4363353

You can't control it here and it ignores all your alert settings.
"All your phones are belong to us" ;)
I'd be okay being woken up in a serious situation like that where a kid is actually at risk.

You can't control it here and it ignores all your alert settings.
I have very mixed emotions about these alerts. First in CA we are mostly disarmed so self-defense options are quite limited (legally). Next we've had every tax grab excuse there is to put cameras at every intersection and every place else that do facial recognition instead of traffic and simple security as they initially started out. We also have license plate scanners everywhere. We have electronic snooping and other means of tracking and tracing the populace. We even have planes and drones in the air above us watching us and cataloging everything.

Why do they need our eyes? Aren't these expensive systems capable of doing this job? So we see something and report it. Response time is abysmal. So what about some folks who might be tempted to intervene. I can't count the number of Good Samaritans we've attempted to patch up after a well meaning intervention went bad. As well as the ones their families had to bury.

I don't believe they need our help and I have darker suspicions about the use of that equipment that has nothing to do with these alerts. But I'm old and suspicious and cranky.
I have very mixed emotions about these alerts. First in CA we are mostly disarmed so self-defense options are quite limited (legally). Next we've had every tax grab excuse there is to put cameras at every intersection and every place else that do facial recognition instead of traffic and simple security as they initially started out. We also have license plate scanners everywhere. We have electronic snooping and other means of tracking and tracing the populace. We even have planes and drones in the air above us watching us and cataloging everything.

Why do they need our eyes? Aren't these expensive systems capable of doing this job? So we see something and report it. Response time is abysmal. So what about some folks who might be tempted to intervene. I can't count the number of Good Samaritans we've attempted to patch up after a well meaning intervention went bad. As well as the ones their families had to bury.

I don't believe they need our help and I have darker suspicions about the use of that equipment that has nothing to do with these alerts. But I'm old and suspicious and cranky.
And that's why you got old ;)
I have very mixed emotions about these alerts. First in CA we are mostly disarmed so self-defense options are quite limited (legally). Next we've had every tax grab excuse there is to put cameras at every intersection and every place else that do facial recognition instead of traffic and simple security as they initially started out. We also have license plate scanners everywhere. We have electronic snooping and other means of tracking and tracing the populace. We even have planes and drones in the air above us watching us and cataloging everything.

Why do they need our eyes? Aren't these expensive systems capable of doing this job? So we see something and report it. Response time is abysmal. So what about some folks who might be tempted to intervene. I can't count the number of Good Samaritans we've attempted to patch up after a well meaning intervention went bad. As well as the ones their families had to bury.

I don't believe they need our help and I have darker suspicions about the use of that equipment that has nothing to do with these alerts. But I'm old and suspicious and cranky.


I have very mixed emotions about these alerts. First in CA we are mostly disarmed so self-defense options are quite limited (legally). Next we've had every tax grab excuse there is to put cameras at every intersection and every place else that do facial recognition instead of traffic and simple security as they initially started out. We also have license plate scanners everywhere. We have electronic snooping and other means of tracking and tracing the populace. We even have planes and drones in the air above us watching us and cataloging everything.

Why do they need our eyes? Aren't these expensive systems capable of doing this job? So we see something and report it. Response time is abysmal. So what about some folks who might be tempted to intervene. I can't count the number of Good Samaritans we've attempted to patch up after a well meaning intervention went bad. As well as the ones their families had to bury.

I don't believe they need our help and I have darker suspicions about the use of that equipment that has nothing to do with these alerts. But I'm old and suspicious and cranky.

I didn't realize surveillance was that bad in California. Starting to sound like London. We have license plate scanners and downtown Toronto has cameras everywhere, I don't think they have as many outside the city core. Lots in the public housing areas where there's constant shootings. It kinda bugs me that we have the most expensive data in the free world and the police are free to use it to send us messages without an option to opt out. They should at least have to pay us a small subsidy for being forced to receive these. I'm in a bad mood this morning so I say burn it all to the ground.

I'm off to learn how to be a cheery customer service agent. This ought to be fun.