What did you accomplish today?

Funny you should ask that. My hands WERE a little dirty and grimy afterward. It was unpleasant. I don't think I'll be doing that again unless it's an emergency. I felt like I grew a little as a person from the experience, still walking around with my chest further out than usual...

Tyler after changing BOTH windshield wiper blades.

What is Redeye gravy ?:shock:

Other names for this sauce include poor man's gravy, bird-eye gravy, bottom sop, cedar gravy, and red hamgravy. The gravy is made from the drippings of pan-fried country ham mixed with black coffee. The same drippings, when mixed with flour and milk creates the base for sausage gravy.
Main ingredients: Country ham grease
Course: Side dish
Type: Sauce
Red-eye gravy - Wikipedia


Other names for this sauce include poor man's gravy, bird-eye gravy, bottom sop, cedar gravy, and red hamgravy. The gravy is made from the drippings of pan-fried country ham mixed with black coffee. The same drippings, when mixed with flour and milk creates the base for sausage gravy.
Main ingredients: Country ham grease
Course: Side dish
Type: Sauce
Red-eye gravy - Wikipedia

Worst shit imaginable.
I use this on my corn flakes, much better :)

Bright light in the sky this morning, been awhile. Couple of minor storms rolling through next week but the one a week from Sat is going to dump on us again with strong winds. We are at 125% of normal rain, it can quit anytime now, although I'll be wishing for a cool breeze in a couple months when it is 105+ outside. Forgot to pick up eggs yesterday, so I guess pancakes are in order.