What did you accomplish today?

just purchased my first fan an AC Infinity T4 for a 4x4 hopefully it can drop my temps and humidity. comes in on thursday so it says.. paid $40 for shipping with amazon prime so i mean either way if it comes within 3 days that is still worth it not too high of a price for me without prime i think i'd be paying closer to $60. i also bought bulk dog poop bags. we be picking up dog shit for DAYS.. one of my moms dogs poops like hell takes about 3-5 poops in the morning. they are not small poops either they are good sized poops. he has a pancreas issue though and has to take medicine for life otherwise his poop is all watery and looks like jello.
Don't buy those plecos with anything under 120 gal tank.
I had one sailfin .. it went back to the shop after killing like $50's worth of plants in one day.

lol mine did the same i tried to make it a planted tank and it chewed up the plant i had a baby flower horn did the same it was like "fuck yo plant!" pleco's are herbavors i believe maybe omnivors and i know they are nocturnal. mine used to eat flakes and algae off the glass but the flakes were not algae pellets they were regular fish flakes.
The bristle nose plecos are no problem around plants. I suppose you could find the odd one., But I've never had a problem with them.
Longfin albino bristle nose are spectacular.

aint that the one off Hawaii recently? and people here tell us we don't get great whites lol. i know we get tiger sharks and hammer heads for sure probably black/white tip reef sharks too
There's a reason my name is Beachwalker and not Beach swimmer LOL ..always knew we had great whites on Cape Cod but it wasn't until Shark-week started that I found out that the great whites swim up to the Gulf of Maine in August and head back south the end of September, then I realized that this requires them swiming right offshore of the beach I frequent the most, haven't been in the ocean since. Have only spotted one small? shark 30ft. offshore of a local Beach in the mid-1970s, saw the fin break the surface but never saw the shark
More rain today, supposed to get into the 70's this weekend. I might have to put in my veggies with a shovel and amend the soil around them that way. Who knows when I can run the tiller with how wet the soil is. Son started some yellow cherry and regular tomatoes along with some unknown type of red tomatoes that started growing in the compost bin. Garlic looks good though.
The bristle nose plecos are no problem around plants. I suppose you could find the odd one., But I've never had a problem with them.
Longfin albino bristle nose are spectacular.


My bristlenose pleco is the best fish ever- I move him around from tank to tank and he eats every bit of algae in 2-3 days

I have a couple of Aulonocara Stuartgranti "Maleri Island" females holding eggs in their mouths right now
There's a reason my name is Beachwalker and not Beach swimmer LOL ..always knew we had great whites on Cape Cod but it wasn't until Shark-week started that I found out that the great whites swim up to the Gulf of Maine in August and head back south the end of September, then I realized that this requires them swiming right offshore of the beach I frequent the most, haven't been in the ocean since. Have only spotted one small? shark 30ft. offshore of a local Beach in the mid-1970s, saw the fin break the surface but never saw the shark

i feel you a couple years ago my dad took me to work with him in koko marina which is in Hawaii Kai here on Oahu ( rich neighborhood ) the houses have like a small dock and i was trying to fish off the little dock in the houses back yard and i saw a huge ass hammer head right below me and i poked it with my fishing pole. years after that my gf at the time took me there to do some water activities for my bday via a company we got to ride on the little banana boat and the boat drags you and tries to fling you off. they did it in the area i saw the shark but this time the water was super murky couldn't see a damn thing.

im not scared of the ocean but rather just shit swimming in the ocean like sharks.
When I was diving on Guam I only saw little black tip reef sharks, but I was talking to a fisherman that said they were tuna fishing off the south end of the island and had to stop because the tiger sharks were biting half or more of the tuna's off the hook on the way in