What Cured Weed Looks Like

Curing properly gives aerobic bacteria time to digest the chlorophyll metabolites and other sugars. Drying to quickly does not allow that. Simple and straight forward. You simply telling everyone their stuff sucks, you are the greatest and have created a way to make science work differently is really quite amusing. The single fact that you ignorantly tell everyone their stuff sucks really makes your opinion a joke but at least your ranting is amusing. Now as you were.
Your stuff sucks. How do I know? Because I know you just dried it the fuck out and stuck it in a jar, so how the hell could it NOT suck? I'm not "ignorantly" telling anyone anything, I'm knowledgeably telling them their weed sucks. Now you, you're ignorantly telling people stuff, yeah, no doubt.
I never usually cure, just dry and jar to store. Pretty much all my stuff is sitting at 45-50rh right now, it hung out in my dry room I built based on @Gemtree’s 60/60 for 3 to 6 weeks, I found that I could leave it in there pretty much as long I wanted and it was safe. I ended up shutting down the room because the old walk in cooler tecumseh compressor was rattling the floor joists and the old lady was getting bitchy. Go figure.. heres what I was too lazy to deal with from there, got most cut down further anyways. I jarred 24 1L wide mouths and called it quits. Whatever I have left after the next run will be bubble, well.. unless the Cajun shwag tech fails...

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It ain't shwag tech, noob, it's real weed tech. Now your weed would be schwag tech, the incredibly complex procedure of dehydrating followed by jarring. Wow, I'm surprised you were able to successfully follow the instructions, like everybody else does because none of them have the slightest originality.
Real weed tech, lol. Your idiocy is only outdone by your unwarranted arrogance. Back to your Jiffy Pot basement dweller.
My arrogance is very warranted, unlike yours, because I'm the only person who actually cures weed and makes realistic Nepalese hash. Now about curing, obviously you don't need to use a heating pad, you could cure plants hanging up, IF you increased the temperature and hung the pants in a closed space so the humidity would stay high enough for curing to take place. What noobs do is the exact opposite, they reduce the humidity and keep the temperature low. Not surprising that they end up with just plain old dried weed.
My arrogance is very warranted, unlike yours, because I'm the only person who actually cures weed and makes realistic Nepalese hash. Now about curing, obviously you don't need to use a heating pad, you could cure plants hanging up, IF you increased the temperature and hung the pants in a closed space so the humidity would stay high enough for curing to take place. What noobs do is the exact opposite, they reduce the humidity and keep the temperature low. Not surprising that they end up with just plain old dried weed.
ROFL, I am sure after 2500 years of making hash the people of Nepal are dying to hear how to do it right.