What Are You Smokin On Right Now! Post a Pic! My Blueberry Diesel!

Easy guys i just got some bud and i dont like the look of it! here's a pic... what do you guys think? it looks odd to me. it has an odd smell.... a quick reply would be very much appriciated


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I've only ever heard British people talk about weed being 'sprayed' with stuff after harvest to add weight. Not sure what is going on across the pond there
Damn, never heard of people spraying buds to increase the weight....smh Would definately like to know more about this subject! Thanks for the share!

Here some Larry OG I picked up today and I have to say although its not the best looking buds this has got to be some of the best buds Ive smoked! IMG_0070[1].JPG
And for the record AZ dispensary cannabis is garbage. Even in Phoenix. Im in AZ so i know. Never waste ur cash there.
And for the record AZ dispensary cannabis is garbage. Even in Phoenix. Im in AZ so i know. Never waste ur cash there.
Really? This sucks because they just started this kind of deal so I'm not surprised but I was hoping some wares would come from Cali or something. Cross some state lines because they don't need to be packaged yet. At least flower doesn't. Must be the salt in Arizona that makes this happen.
Really? This sucks because they just started this kind of deal so I'm not surprised but I was hoping some wares would come from Cali or something. Cross some state lines because they don't need to be packaged yet. At least flower doesn't. Must be the salt in Arizona that makes this happen.

AZ has had medical for 5 years! It its gotten so bad because if u live within 25 miles of a dispensary u cant grow which covers fuckin everyone so dispensaries are putting up shops that dont even do business to make local people stop growing. This means...
Quality down, pricrs up.
No competition.

Honestly anyone going to a dispensary is getting.straight robbed. The delivery people are so so.

This of course doesnt go for cali or colorado shops, some of them have spme very good cannabis. But when i moved here i was shocked how bad it was.

The people dont even believ u wem u tell them theres better weed in places like Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan.(lived in this region for 20 years) People here think "oh we r close to cali, pot mecca, we know good smoke" well they dont its pretty terrible.

Also for the record, between those three states. Mayb ohio, those growers r seriously putting out some amazing stuff.(not that they havent been for years)
Really? This sucks because they just started this kind of deal so I'm not surprised but I was hoping some wares would come from Cali or something. Cross some state lines because they don't need to be packaged yet. At least flower doesn't. Must be the salt in Arizona that makes this happen.
And it aint the salt. We have tons of mountains and climate that rivals California. Arizona has a similar environment and latitude to many strains in there natuaral environment . Not to mention theres a huge retirement population here that doesnt kno quality so theres a quieter voice of complaint.
Its extremely difficult staying legal. If u dont have $150,000 to get a dispensary started ur lokking at spending thousands keeping up with local laws. But its not.impossible just wicked hard. So only a few can get good meds.
And it aint the salt. We have tons of mountains and climate that rivals California. Arizona has a similar environment and latitude to many strains in there natuaral environment . Not to mention theres a huge retirement population here that doesnt kno quality so theres a quieter voice of complaint.
Its extremely difficult staying legal. If u dont have $150,000 to get a dispensary started ur lokking at spending thousands keeping up with local laws. But its not.impossible just wicked hard. So only a few can get good meds.
That is such bullshit. People deserve better and those dispensaries are basically producing their own personal snake oil. What's worse than that is if dispensaries aren't letting people grow? What's stopping them from growing? My question to you is does the weed look bad, smell bad etc??? What I meant is that medical is actually fairly recent 5 years. That's not that long but the whole " we got good pot, we're near Cali" doesn't mean anything to me.
If something were imported from Cali or a reputable grow with good meds, you probably wouldn't be writing all this up would you? Sorry your medicine is shit but have you made changes for yourself so the medicine is tolerable or working on that? the one thing you can change is yourself make something better do something about it.
The smoke used to be better first off. Second the reason people cant grow is because, at first they were allowed because there were few dispensaries but as they increased more people foumd themselves violating state law. Third, my weed isgreat. Im legal.
Fourth people dont import because they dont need to theres no competition...,also.certain districts only allow so.many dispensaries per are.

Sometimes the medical is bad looking sometimes looks.good but a good nose can.tell it will taste lile.burnt hair, i used to work a a dispensary ad they think.spraying flowering plants with nutrients is a good thing.

Now my issue is that people are smoking terrible smoke here and more and more people are complaining but its taking forever. Years. I belive cali enacted medical in 1996. And as i said it was better but as caregivers are pushed out of business due to state law quality is hitting an all time low.

I did talk to a guy who owns.a delivery place.amd he has a cali grower moving here bit idk how much that.matters.

And i wouldnt b writting any of yhis if people here wuld replace thete illegal grows or the quality eould go up period thats all i want. My quality is fine but i.kno people that use the dispensary and its there problem. Im only complaining to get the message out that AZ needs help.with quality smoke and growers in other words there.alot of money to be.made
Wen i worked at "unnamed dispensary" i would sometimes work at theshops out in bum fuck nowhere and people qould come in yelling at us and protesti.g the shop because wen it opened a bunch of legal registered and paid caregiver lost their licenses
Wen i worked at "unnamed dispensary" i would sometimes work at theshops out in bum fuck nowhere and people qould come in yelling at us and protesti.g the shop because wen it opened a bunch of legal registered and paid caregiver lost their licenses
Oh wow that's crazy the experience will live on for you since you're aware of the issues that need change. Sounds like in dire need of some people who know good medicine and tell those who think they have good medicine but fucking shitty can fuck off. Nobody needs bad pot for medicine. I can see why the pot would
Taste so bad with nutrients on the flower. That's just ruining a natural thing right off the back. Thanks for sharing, makes it known and hopefully we can find others in Arizona that say the same thing on here. Maybe I ought to check out the medical area and specific location thread. I'm in WA but parents live part time in Arizona. Would have made it a thing to keep property in Arizona if it's feasible later on but I don't want to deal with bad pot if I I become a mmj patient.
Bad knees and insomnia sometimes.