My untrainable, mutant bitch. Amnesia Haze


Active Member
I get a mutant almost every grow.
These days I look forward to them; I don't know why other than I think they smoke better. And I got nothin to back that up.
This gal (pic1) started in my tent then just decided to get weird under LED's
I only like to grow 3 in my tent anyway, so out #4 here went.
I tried to train her early on but she kept slipping her leashes due to lots of wind.
Had a bad thunderstorm and supercell burst hit us which took out her left half (you can see its missing at the base).
Still, this lass steadied on.
When the 3 girls in the tent FINALLY made me realize my LED sucks for flowering (very pissed. I spent some good greenbacks on that lamp and the results were the same across 3 grows), I murdered those bitches (they smoke well, I switched them 12/12 a ways back and had a few samples. (pic of them drying). I just got tired of fighting them in that damn tent. Enough of that LED crap. Outdoor from here until grave. I got a decent little haul out of them; I'm not actually complaining.
The basket you see was all the little f\/ckers I honestly just didn't feel like trimming up.
Guess I've reached the point of growing where not everything is a prize and I don't care. ;)
Once they are just a little dyer in that cage, I'm going to make RSO out of it, probably some aside for some tincture as well. I rather like the "whole" plant use of RSO, though. Super nice, rounded high.

Its been a minute since I've kicked back here at growitup. I started my shenanigans 15 years ago learning from this site. Still growin behind the scenes. Trying different things.
I just came up for air after all the lockdowns and crap.
I went my own way during that time practicing the Grey Man as best I could; I stayed out of dodge, thankfully.
Hope all you stoners made it through ok.
Looking forward to learning some more and reading what all the members here have to share.


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Welcome back, gotta love the mutants. My current ETHOS Purple Sunset grows buds out of the fan leaves every so often. One of my best cuttings other than Tastebuds MAC Muffin when it comes to production and potency balance.

Sometimes the more relaxed you get with the grow the better it turns out and surprises you, I definitely feel you there. Things can very quickly get monotonous with growing weed after years of doing it, especially full-time.