What are you doing tonight?

Here in central R'stan it's been raining off and on. But the radar to the north simply exploded with bands of red&yellow. I am anticipating getting awed and mildly freaked by rain coming down hard while I'm too beWidowed to know quite what it is. cn

<edit> My version of Stormfront. :joint::bigjoint:
Lets hope it stays that way. I read an article today that said it could rain for 30 days, causing massive flooding, especially in SAC. They said it could cause $400B in damage. These natural disasters are getting ridiculously expensive. I don't know how much more we taxpayers can take.
If congress ammends the constitution and causes a shift in powers and monetary policy could do wonders for our countries current fiscal issues... rain for 30 days strait... i doubt it but if so... thats why I live in the mountains ;)
Lets hope it stays that way. I read an article today that said it could rain for 30 days, causing massive flooding, especially in SAC. They said it could cause $400B in damage. These natural disasters are getting ridiculously expensive. I don't know how much more we taxpayers can take.

I've said it before and I'll say it again ... well dammit. :mrgreen: cn

about this transgendered friend...


We are still in the early stages of the relationship ans I am going to do my best to make it a long term relationship! I will say this, she is blonde, cute as hell, a little on the skinny side (normally I am into thicker women), she wears glasses, has about a 7" cock that when it gets hard it is like a steel pipe! Her penic is one of the most gorgeous cocks I have ever seen! She is also very smart, witty, charming, kind, caring, and an amazing kisser. Also, she is 25.
why is it 5 am i'm on my 4th drink took a molly pill and smoked abouth an 8th of bud and i find myself here. probably because philly police shut down the electric factory tonight due to od's some fucking asshole had to go and sell bad drugs and a bunch of people got sick and at least one died. we had 50 cops show up in uniform and basically push us out of a concert venue saying hey sorry parties over. fuck that I paid good money for my ticket/parking and I got 15 minutes of an opening act not even second or zeds dead who I went to see which would have been amazing and I waited a month and a half for it. fuck
last night i had gotten a new tattoo and then really high.

and about the weather, we're having seriously heavy downpour. A little flooding in parts of town
comming to sunnis ;) HAHHAHA

Sweetie google maps won't even give me driving directions to Ontario... It basically said "Fuck you fool.. your ass better fly!"

Otherwise I'd be heading over in a heart beat to hang with you.
Sweetie google maps won't even give me driving directions to Ontario... It basically said "Fuck you fool.. your ass better fly!"

Otherwise I'd be heading over in a heart beat to bang you.
