What are you doing tonight?

Sunday is the wife and I's date night. We go out to dinner and come home and snuggle up and watch a movie. It's the highlight of our week. Er... maybe just my week.
Sunday is the wife and I's date night. We go out to dinner and come home and snuggle up and watch a movie. It's the highlight of our week. Er... maybe just my week.

where did yougo for dinner ...and what movie are you gunna watch?

so lucky ima stay home by myself like ALWAYS and play some TF2......
Never got into TF.. our clan fell apart around the time that game came out. We where split between Day of Defeat and COD then a bunch of guys jumped ship for TF and some other war game.
Never got into TF.. our clan fell apart around the time that game came out. We where split between Day of Defeat and COD then a bunch of guys jumped ship for TF and some other war game.
do you have steam?
do you have steam?

Not on my Laptop but on my old gaming rig (now the kids pc) should be able to find me under Evil Rubber Ducky or D3monic or playstation network under D3monic_urges

I have to admit... since your a bit of a gamer that peaks my interest just a tad more :mrgreen:

where did yougo for dinner ...and what movie are you gunna watch?

so lucky ima stay home by myself like ALWAYS and play some TF2......

We go to the same place. An Asian buffet. Not sure what we're going to watch.
I sorely miss having a special someone to enjoy going out and doing things with :( ..... when lavenstars comes around I still feel compelled to love her, do those things with her, romance her, and treat her that way. It sucks... because the thought of actually doing those things disgusts me, just that their is that huge gaping void where those parts of my life was.... i wish that is what I was doing tonight.
Not on my Laptop but on my old gaming rig (now the kids pc) should be able to find me under Evil Rubber Ducky or D3monic or playstation network under D3monic_urges

I have to admit... since your a bit of a gamer that peaks my interest just a tad more :mrgreen:

i dont have aps3.. i dont do console im into computer gaming though also theres like a kajabillion people with both sn names
I'm stuck on the couch... will someone go up to my room and grab my hash for me... Been listening to the beginning intro for Grantourismo for what seems like an hour.
i dont have aps3.. i dont do console im into computer gaming though also theres like a kajabillion people with both sn names

I would have to rebuild a comp. My old rig is way outdated. Not even sure my Nvidea geforce 8800 gts can handle most newer games frame rates. It was bad ass in its day though.
I would have to rebuild a comp. My old rig is way outdated. Not even sure my Nvidea geforce 8800 gts can handle most newer games frame rates. It was bad ass in its day though.

My comp is awesome lol, asus g73 jh..or is it gh, laptop, it eats any game you throw at it. I'm home for a couple minutes atm to feed my dogs and myself before I head back down to my uncles. He got a massive 8 point with 19 inch spread that we're butchering up tonight, we have it skinned and the heads cut off for mounting I just finished cleaning it up and once I get back we're gonna start quartering it.
I'm getting ready to break fast and set out a meal for everyone. Today is fast Sunday. Pasta salad and cold hamburgers. Yum!
I'm getting ready to break fast and set out a meal for everyone. Today is fast Sunday. Pasta salad and cold hamburgers. Yum!

I'm gonna wait with bated breath for your slow Sunday menu.

Have you noticed that our local Dinner thread has been hijacked? We must begin afresh and maintain a presence here in Central. cn