That's the origins of the word. You're breaking a fast. With today being Fast Sunday Mormons skip two meals and donate the cost of the meals to the Church which is used for the poor. They are called fast offerings. With twelve million of the faithful that's a lot of meals.
The day that I realized the origin of the word more or less on my own, I got a shiver down my spine. Etymology still fascinates me. But the way Americans pronounce the word has led me to some grief, since i am occasionally prone to twisting of the tongue. Let me tell you: I do not recommend sitting in the backseat of the car and singing the jingle for some "Saturday-morning special" cereal, and breezily finishing with an announcer's voice enunciating "Part of this complete breastfuck"! cn
Normally I am not into that, but for you, you I will make an exception. Just a "heads" up, I don't do anal but, I can throat up to 9"! Yes, I know how to relax my throat and breathe!
Normally I am not into that, but for you, you I will make an exception. Just a "heads" up, I don't do anal but, I can throat up to 9"! Yes, I know how to relax my throat and breathe!