We're officially out of the Paris Climate Accord

In AK, you might look into wind power. Suitability maps about on the internet.

There's a fair amount of wind power generating into the grid now. More coming online annually. We're behind the times, distant, shipping is costly and logistical. Last wind farm was 2years lead time scheduling a barged road crane suitable to set towers.
It's far rarer here but occurring.
Govt subsidy and a good feed in tariff (which has now been reduced) has made it a huge industry here.

We also have a Renewable energy target in Australia that is going to be hard to achieve. Amazing what can be done when a target is set! Its created new jobs and investment opportunities. A whole booming industry really.

You want to maximize the return on solar panels, buy an electric car and power it with them.
I tow a trailer with my work vehicle so electric wont do it for me. Great for city people though, those and scooters are great.

Interestingly enough more and more mowing contractors are going into electric gear..blowers, trimmers (u call em weed eaters i think), hedge trimmers and stuff.
ya lipo packs I've seen all kinds of nonsense...swelling fire, when they say do not charge unattended they're not joking.
even the 18650s can fuck up, especially lithium cobalt 18650.

the manganese seem to handle high output relatively stress free but still.......
It's not about single cells though, when you run 18650's in parallel the load is spread out.

Modern 18650 are as close to safe "solid state"-ish batteries that we have.

Lead acid batteries used to be the standard but you needed to monitor electrolyte levels, ventilate for any hydrogen released, etc.
Brit? (Not that there's anything wrong with that).
Just spent alot of time in Europe and do contract work for a European firm...they always tell me I can't spell properly :(

So my writings are a random mix of both, sometimes completely misspelled cos I just can't remember what is correct, lol.
It's not about single cells though, when you run 18650's in parallel the load is spread out.

Modern 18650 are as close to safe "solid state"-ish batteries that we have.

Lead acid batteries used to be the standard but you needed to monitor electrolyte levels, ventilate for any hydrogen released, etc.
sure. in parallel the amps and kWh go up and voltage remains constant.
I tow a trailer with my work vehicle so electric wont do it for me. Great for city people though, those and scooters are great.

Interestingly enough more and more mowing contractors are going into electric gear..blowers, trimmers (u call em weed eaters i think), hedge trimmers and stuff.
The current problem is a lack of electric trucks. Believe me, when they become available you'll wonder how you ever put up with wimpy turbodiesels.

100% of rated torque at zero RPM must be experienced to be fully appreciated.
you think global warming is a jewish conspiracy.

fuck right out of here, jew-hater.
The widening circle of collateral damage from the Chump's pullout from Paris;


Goddamn he's one stupid motherfucker.
can you explain in more detail what they were doing with the money ? because to me it sounds like this.say your car is a smokey pile of shit and they tell you it will cost 1000 bucks to get it to pass emissions testing.plus your neighbors car is even worse,and its going to be your job to pay for that car also.so you give the tech the cash and your car comes back still puffing a good amount of smoke.the neighbors car looks worse,fact is every car in the subdivision is a mess.but its cool,you did your part for climate change,plus they took all your money so thats got to feel good also right ? theres no reason the USA cant lead by example on this,clean up our own air and tell other countries we wont do business with them until they do the same.without just handing a bunch of polluting shills our tax money

can you explain in more detail what they were doing with the money ? because to me it sounds like this.say your car is a smokey pile of shit and they tell you it will cost 1000 bucks to get it to pass emissions testing.plus your neighbors car is even worse,and its going to be your job to pay for that car also.so you give the tech the cash and your car comes back still puffing a good amount of smoke.the neighbors car looks worse,fact is every car in the subdivision is a mess.but its cool,you did your part for climate change,plus they took all your money so thats got to feel good also right ? theres no reason the USA cant lead by example on this,clean up our own air and tell other countries we wont do business with them until they do the same.without just handing a bunch of polluting shills our tax money
You're literally retarded.

Do you think we're just giving that money away? It's to help US cut emissions too, dumbass.

Hence why I was asking if you'd accept a Govt Grant for 25 years of free electricity.

Could put evacuated tube panels up for people further north too then they'd have heating completely independent of infrastructure. Save alot of old people's lives in the deep of winter.
You're literally retarded.

Do you think we're just giving that money away? It's to help US cut emissions too, dumbass.

Hence why I was asking if you'd accept a Govt Grant for 25 years of free electricity.

Could put evacuated tube panels up for people further north too then they'd have heating completely independent of infrastructure. Save alot of old people's lives in the deep of winter.

You lost me @ retarded,i cant take anything you say seriously now.you're right up there with buckwipe when you talk like this.
It's not about single cells though, when you run 18650's in parallel the load is spread out.

Modern 18650 are as close to safe "solid state"-ish batteries that we have.

Lead acid batteries used to be the standard but you needed to monitor electrolyte levels, ventilate for any hydrogen released, etc.
What's the life of those 18650 batteries? Do you just replace them all on a schedule or have a way of locating the ones that need to go?