We're officially out of the Paris Climate Accord

Batteries are coming down in price all the time. Lots of competition and investment is going into them. Remember you dont have to have batteries either. you can run on the panel and any extra from the grid. Sell what your not using back to the grid and at the end of the day have a very very inexpensive power bill, future proof your house and add value to your house

That's the setup I'd go with. Don't want the batterries
what are batterries?

it's ok, just ignore the tyranny of the red squiggly line, you jew-hating retard.
My mom's dad was Jewish and a pretty cool dude...

...hey buck why is the political zone here so hostile?

Some cat named big Lou seems to really dislike me and I don't know why...
That's where total array size comes into play, if you oversize it and have battery storage you can just about get around most obstacles now.

It's a shame the way most modern electrical goods expect AC though. With a solar array youre inverting DC to AC so a transformer in your electrical items can convert it back to DC again. Quite inefficient but it is what it is.

Yes, design has to meet demand. Panels now come with inverters on them, cool huh?
There is less line loss with AC , especially if the the array is a good distance from the batteries\house. I will be adding an array onto a similar system this summer for a client.
That's because you're obviously pretty stupid.

I just told you a way to get the power utility's dick out of your asshole forever and you just need to keep servicing those fuckers.

I like em. They're good lovers. Reliable. Always getting what I want. A continuous flow of electrons at a fair price. I'm on a dedicated circuit that feeds critical infrastructure and I very rarely lose power for short periods. I already have backup generation. I'll simply consider cost savings without batteries. Not gonna deal with em. I wanna stay tied to the grid. If it's not evident already I could give a fuck less about my co2 output.
I could give a fuck less about my co2 output.

or having a nice home.



Most utilities don't allow it anymore that's why batteries make the most sense.

They are allowed here, but they are starting to charge a monthly fee to solar customers. Almost seems to defeat the purpose. In the future utilities will need every one to have them just to meet demand. Remember the rolling black outs?
you still haven't accepted the fact that humans, by their own activities, have dramatically changed the earth's climate, sending CO2 skyrocketing to 410+ PPM, a level not seen in 800,000 years.

so of course a retard like you will be skeptical that humans, by changing their own activities, can limit or contain the damage they have caused by funding new technologies that reduce or eliminate our dependence on CO2 pollution.

FFS, you actually think the whole thing is a KKK-inspired, david duke type conspiracy to take money from white people and give it to jews and brown people.

so maybe you should not be the one to opine on this topic, ever. you jew-hating retard.

Bet you won't answer a simple question!
What has more influence on Earths temperature:
Solar radiation?
You mean Li-po (Lithium-Polymer)?

Except that they're pretty prone to exploding and all...

18650's are what most people use for, well, nearly everything nowadays.

ya lipo packs I've seen all kinds of nonsense...swelling fire, when they say do not charge unattended they're not joking.
even the 18650s can fuck up, especially lithium cobalt 18650.

the manganese seem to handle high output relatively stress free but still.......