Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......


Well-Known Member

Way to go man...

You will be sooo happy when you are fully rotational...


Thanks Gypsybush, yeah ill be over the moon when it fully rotational, im still having minor setbacks because i dont have all the equipment but im getting there......

sweet setup, i got a chair pulled up n tha bong loaded. curious to see tha results of this one.
Hopefully the results will be good bro, im hopin for 1oz per plant but anything near that will do......thanks for watching

I like what you got going man kind of like what i plan to set up im ready to see the 1oz tops............
Hey FutureGreenThumb trust me ive been buildig this setup in my head for about a year but to actually have it almost up and running now is amazing, its hard times at the moment the world over so weed is an answer, pity the governments dont see it that way lol, anyways keep posted as always i update often with pics tracking progress of everything



Well-Known Member
Ok just took some pics when the lights went out, the buds look a lot smaller than they actually are....alsoill be updating tomorrow after ive doe a res change time for the pk 13/14 for the 1st batch as its week 5, anyways keep posted.....



Well-Known Member
Ok heres some pics i been doing ome work on the room setup, i am slowly getting there but it looks a lot better already, i will update in a bit.....

Lemme know what you think all



Well-Known Member
As you can see there are only 2 tables up and running at the moment, the other table will be up and running in the next few days and a fresh set of cloes will go in, then there is only the last table to set up which will also be done on time, so all in all looking very good im about 3 weeks away from 1st harvest, and then hopefully on schedule after that....

Lemme know what u think guys


Well-Known Member
Ok so hi all sorry i ahvent updated ive been having a bit of a nightmare things have gone off track a little bit, ok so here is where im at:

1st tray: 6 weeks into flower from clone - all lemon clones budding nicely lookin like an oz/plant - all GWS clones not doin so great very little bud production so i will be fazin this strain out...

2nd tray - 3 weeks into flower - mainly lemon skunk clones with a few GWS and 1 super lemon haze clone...

Super lemon haze clone is looking good, good short nodal spacing and good early bud growth, this is the strain i want to have fully in the end but some work still to be done...

Ok so the 3rd tray hasnt been setup yet, i have all the pieces but the hydro shop forgot to send me fittings for the corners, so i have been delayed, however i have 36 rooted cuttings ready to go straight in....

Here are some pics to show you what ive been up to....i intalled the 10" fan although its not fully functional yet, i am waitin for a 250mm-200mm ducting reducer so i can attach my ducting as the hole in the tent is only 200mm (8")......also installed is a Primair fan controller but to be honest i think im gonna buy a mini air-con unit as summer is coming and this is the only way i can control temps 100%.....what do you guys think?

Ok so Pics

Pic 1 - Pic of fan installed with primair fan controller...

Pic 2 - Primair fan controller thermostat wired to middle of room about canopy level....

Pic 3 - 36 rooted cuttings ready to go in.....12 SLH, 16 Lemon Skunk, and 8 GWS (soon to be cut for good)

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Ok all i have another query that im gonna post in a min if any1 can help, but for now lemme know what you think about my OP so far, o and also any advice on using an aircon unit during summer...IS IT A GOOD IDEA????



Well-Known Member
Ok all so heres my next question if someone can help me, i have made 2 diagrams to explain what i mean, and sorry for the artwork...

Basically when my table floods the water drops back down into my res, but it makes a lot of noise as it is dripping, as you can see in Pic 1.

I want to add another pipe which goes back into the solution to stop the noise, but im worried the table wont drain back into the res witht he pipe or it will take ages....can anyone enlighten me on this?

Basically my thoughts are because there is not enough pressure the tray will just keep flooding and not drain and therefore overflow unless its set perfectly, or will it work because the pump sucking water up means it will suck the water back down from the tray??



Pic 1 - Current setup without a drain pipe..

Pic 2 - What i want to do with a pipe draining down into the res...

Let me know what you think all im looking to do this asap and some help in advance would help loads, if no1 knows i will do the testing myself and see what happens, thanks again all



Well-Known Member
Looking nice, I'm subscribed... here is my advise, sell that 10" fan and use the money to help buy a portable A/C unit with no exhaust hose... there is a link in the Portable A/C thread going around right now that shows one, and then seal up the tent and get some Co2 going in there... It will make a 100% difference in yield...

That sucks about the great white shark clones, I was going to try that strain out becuz it says it has a 50 day harvest period which is fast fast... maybe u just had a bad mom out of the bunch?


Well-Known Member
Looking nice, I'm subscribed... here is my advise, sell that 10" fan and use the money to help buy a portable A/C unit with no exhaust hose... there is a link in the Portable A/C thread going around right now that shows one, and then seal up the tent and get some Co2 going in there... It will make a 100% difference in yield...

That sucks about the great white shark clones, I was going to try that strain out becuz it says it has a 50 day harvest period which is fast fast... maybe u just had a bad mom out of the bunch?
Hi murtymaker, thanks for stopping by.....do you have a link for the air con unit thread at all im havin trouble findin it, and also why would you say use an aircon unit with no exhaust hose?? I am plannin on gettin some co2 goin but wont be for a while yet just wanna get things tickin over nicely 1st then do it....

Also im not so sure i had bad mothers i had 5 GWS mother plants 3 of which grew very strongly, but as soon as i put the clones in flower they just didnt respond like the lemon skunk clones....however the super lemon haze clones look like the pick of the bunch, i only have 1 in flower right now but its looking like the best very short node spacin and already loads of bud development so if this turns out to be a good smoke my crop will be 100% Super Lemon Haze......but anyways let me know about that link, thanks again bro.......



Well-Known Member
Ok so ive been reading up on portable a/c units and i think im gonna buy one, it makes sense as its summer time and the temps are rocketing if i have an a/c unit then there is no problems just a constant correct temp....

Anyways i went on fleabay and i have found one and spoke to the bloke and im collecting it tomorrow...

Its a Duracraft 8000 BTU with remote control and also lets you set the exact temperature which is perfect, it has an exhaust duct which i will just duct out of my grow space, so hopefully this should work out perfectly...

For anyone in UK its the model for sale at homebase priced at £545, but im gettin it for £50 which is a pretty good deal considering its almost brand new........anyone has any comments on air-con or whether this is a good idea? Let me know


Well-Known Member
Ok all so heres my next question ...

I want to add another pipe which goes back into the solution to stop the noise, but im worried the table wont drain back into the res witht he pipe or it will take ages....can anyone enlighten me on this?


First of all... let me take my hat off to you Sir... :clap:

Second, I will take moment to look at your beautiful girls again... :hump:

And last but not least...

I understand EXACTLY what you mean about the noise... I had the same issues...

But I never raised the question you did... I just put a piece of hose on the overflow fitting, back to the res... :lol:

No issues at all... unless your res is SEALED and AIRTIGHT (I am sure your res is not a pressure vessel), the water will displace the air... and no changes will occur in the fill or drain cycles...

The only thing that will change, is you will need to get used to the silence...

I must say that I missed the noise at first, as it let me know the water flowing and that the pump didn't quit... lol..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok so ive been reading up on portable a/c units and i think im gonna buy one, it makes sense as its summer time and the temps are rocketing if i have an a/c unit then there is no problems just a constant correct temp....

Hey man...

Just a thought...

Have you considered a water cooled radiator?:shock:

I am just going to point you to 2 links...

But if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up...:hug:

I really think this is a better alternative to AC... and it has a way smaller impact on the environment...lol....:hump:




User SOG is working with this technology, but he is doing it himself...

Here are his links... the cooling stuff is twds the end of the discussion... it is a CURRENT event...lol...


SoG Grow Room Op

SoG Albums Here


Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsybush thanks for stopping by, and also thanks for the links to SOG's thread ive been following it for a while anyway he is a lot more into engineering and building stuff than i am so i think im gonna stick with the ac at the mo...but thanks for the suggestions.....and also thanks for the comments im slowly gettin there but soon it will be fully up and running and rotating....

Anyways ive taken some pics of my flowers 2nite just after the lights went out, i find all my pics look better when taken in the dark with the flash on rather than under the glare of the HPS....

These girls are 42 days old...



Well-Known Member
Hey man...

Just a thought...

Have you considered a water cooled radiator?:shock:

I am just going to point you to 2 links...

But if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up...:hug:

I really think this is a better alternative to AC... and it has a way smaller impact on the environment...lol....:hump:




User SOG is working with this technology, but he is doing it himself...

Here are his links... the cooling stuff is twds the end of the discussion... it is a CURRENT event...lol...


SoG Grow Room Op

SoG Albums Here
those water coolers are great!!! they should have a drain hole at the bottom to drain the condenstion, the rad is cold and your moving warm humid air through it so it will have quite a bit of condensation forming on it