Well Al B Fuct, its 2400w in budbox's 2 week harvest......


Well-Known Member
I hate having any shit delivered to my house. It's the whole paranoia issue. If I'm getting grow equipment I'm going to the hydro shop in a buddies car and I'm smoking all my weed before I get there and while I'm there so I don't get fucked on the way home either.

Edit: Also, loudblunts, I'm interested in this effeincy cast per ounce thing you're working on. Please once you figure it out, either direct me to a grow based off the information or pm me how much it's costing and roughly with what lineup you're using. This is something I'd really like to check out.


Well-Known Member
i dont have the balls to show my face in the hydro shop around here, the folks are cool...its the spies or how im being watched from the outside that scares me

and no doubt revolution, ill let you know


Well-Known Member
i dont have the balls to show my face in the hydro shop around here, the folks are cool...its the spies or how im being watched from the outside that scares me

and no doubt revolution, ill let you know
That's why you go with a buddy, in their car, and switch the shit over back at their house before you bring it home... if you really think you're being followed or anything. Most I could see them doing is running a few plates parked outside for a few addresses to go check out.


Well-Known Member
i trust noone. do my dirt all by my lonely...i be damn if i have a co defendant up on the stands testifying against me supposed to be my 'buddy'

nobody knows im growing.... i used to ask them things to spark their interest, but now i know better....wouldnt even use a friends car for anything...nope. not my buddies, not nobody..... buddy


Well-Known Member
i trust noone. do my dirt all by my lonely...i be damn if i have a co defendant up on the stands testifying against me supposed to be my 'buddy'

nobody knows im growing.... i used to ask them things to spark their interest, but now i know better....wouldnt even use a friends car for anything...nope. not my buddies, not nobody..... buddy
I agree Loudblunts security or lack of is what will mess ur shit up......i personally order from a friends card to his address and then collect it from there....this is my friend of 20 years and he wouldnt say nada in court, especially as he has nothing to do with it and wouldnt be convicted of anything.....but thats just me....apart from him no one else knows what im doing. No one asks any questions either as i work full time aswell so its all good, anyways back to the grow....

I havent put the clones into flower yet because my hydro-shop run out of pots, they are bein delivered on friday so that is when i will be moving them. I set everything up so they only have to be transplanted and they are good to go......i was looking at some new extractor fans as i need one or two, has anyone seen or tested the new RUCK fans with the thermostat built into it?? I doubt ill be getting one as they are new and may have probems like anything new so ill be using my trusty primair fan controller for my fans at the mo.....but i plan on setting up another room in another location in a few months and i may get one then.....

As far as the clones go they have all developed strong roots so everything should be all good, out of 26 clones 24 will be going into flower and 2 will be kept in veg as future mothers as my current ones are getting too big.....

As always please comment ill be updating with pics soon....:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok Hi All, so i got shafted out of my delivery because friday is a bank holiday and so is monday so i wont get my delivery until tuesday......basically i was waiting for my 1st flowering room cooltube and 25 pots....

I couldnt wait any longer with the clones they have been sitting in the aerocloner for 2 weeks now and had started to go a bit brown on the leaves......so i decided to just use my Supernova reflector and the 16 net pots i got with the flood and drain system...

I know its not ideal but as soon as my delivery arrives tuesday i will change the reflector to the Cool tube, and my next set of cloes going in will be in the new pots so i will have 24 instead of only 16, but hey 16 is better than nothing.

When i mixed the res i put 150ml EACH of Canna Flores A + B so 300ml in total, and also 100ml of Canna Rhizotonic to help with the transplant stress......so 400ml of Nutes in total.......

As i only used 16 clones i put 8 GWS and 8 Lemon Skunk in just to see how they will turn out...the super lemon haze still not ready for cloning yet but they will be soon.....

Here are some pics anyway to show you my setup, i havent got everything yet but it will all be coming as i go along and with no more bank holidays there wont be any problems of things not arriving in time......

Pic 1 - My Flood table

Pic 2 - Another pic of setup so far

Pic 3 - Extractor Fan mounted

Pic 4 - Supernova Reflector with 600w HPS...will be changed to cooltube as soon as it gets here

Pic 5 - Pic of Nutes Used

Btw Canna Rhizotonic smells absolutely nasty lol.....comments anyone???


Well-Known Member
funky shit, but that fucker works

reduce from 15mL to 1.9-2mL once you like the roots and they are established....otherwise you'll just be wasting nutes and money


Well-Known Member
funky shit, but that fucker works

reduce from 15mL to 1.9-2mL once you like the roots and they are established....otherwise you'll just be wasting nutes and money
Hey Loudblunts.....i didnt even know how much i was supposed to be putting in i just wanted to make sure i had a bit in to help with transplant shock.....also my res is 90L and i put in 100ml so thats about 1.1ml/litre.....which isnt that much.....anyways i cant wait for all 4 tables to be up and going, it was a bitch throwing away 5 good clones today but i had no space for them......not a bad problem to have though.......:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
you seem to refer rhizotonic as the king of stress reliever or only as a stress reliever

its not necessarily an all out solution...

it works just for everything....almost like a superthrive on steroids.

promotes a nice root system too....

so dont get caught up in 'stress reliever'


Well-Known Member
Ok Update All.....lemme post pics and ill write after...

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Ok all so pic 1 basically shows all of my mothers which are way overgrown. I could do with some advice about how to keep plants short and pruning as im worried whenever i start cutting stuff off plants.....

Pic 2 is of the lemon haze mothers, currently growing very slowly and weakly as they are not getting enough light......

Pic 3 is my table of clones....i had a little accident with them this week i will explain in a sec....

Pic 4 is a shot of 1 of my clones 1 week into 12/12 straight from clone....

Pic 5 is my temps and RH....

Ok so basically i still havent recieved my cooltube yet so im using the supernova reflector....i did have the 600w HPS in it but my temps were reachin 34 celcius even with the extractors and other fans on...so i took away the 600w hps and im using the 125w enviroite i use for my clones...this is until i get my cooltube from the post office tomorrow....

Another little accident......i think 1 or 2 days ago when i was adjusting the timings of waterings..i forgot to turn the plug back on so they didnt get watered...as a result 1 of the clones died but the others have all perked back up and when they get under the 600w HPS tomorrow they should explode growth-wise....

Ok so it hasnt been the best week but things are back on track, my clones have only been on 12/12 for a week so my next lot doesnt go in until next friday....ill be cutting the clones tomorrow so everything is still on track....also another lesson ive learned is to have all the equipment ready and not wait on deliveries because anything can happen.....so this week i will be ordering all the rest of my equipment and then i dont have to worry.....

I done a res change on my mothers today as it was almost empty....i used 200ml EACH of Canna Aqua Vega A + B and added 10ml of ph down, which made my solution 2.0ec/1400ppm and 5.8 ph...which is perfect for me...

I will be doing a res change either monday or tuesday for the 1st flower table as they didnt get watered for 2 days the solution is still pretty fresh....

Anyways what does everyone think.....do you think ill get close to 1oz lollipops with my clones....my next batch of clones are a lot bigger so hopefully this helps...this is a learning curve for me but it'll be pretty efficient soon enough......

Also if anyone has advice about keeping plants short or pruning could you please post because soon im gonna take 2 lots of cuttings (4 weeks worth) and clear out all my mothers and raise some new from clone, also this will let my super lemon haze get bigger for cloning....

Thoughts Plz TY....:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok all update again.....lemme post pics and ill update after....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Ok ill update with comments now, thanks


Well-Known Member
Ok so hi all things seem to be coming along nicely...i got a lot of viewson this thread but not many comments so please give me your opinions....

Pic 1 - A new set of clones, cut on Sunday evening so about 36 hours old now...

Pic 2 - As you can see the clones are a lot bigger and thicker stemmed than previous ones...this should be good...bigger stems bugger budstalks

Pic 3 - My mother table after taking clones, basically i topped all of my 'big' plants and this has created a lot of space for light to get to my super lemon haze mothers which have not developed enough yet...

Pic 4 - Another pic of mothers....showing how much space there is compared with the pic from a week ago....

Pic 5 - A Super Lemon Haze mother which is developing nicely, already has some cloning potential but ill wait a bit before i do take clones....

Pic 6 - A group shot of my 1st flower table, been flowering about 10 days now but 7 of them were under the 125w so about another 7 weeks left...

Pic 7 - A close-up of 1 of my lemons in flowering, you cant see form this closeup but all the clones in flower have white hairs forming so hopefully see some bud soon...

Pic 8 - My cooltube setup over 1 flowering table...same fan as extractor so temps still a bit high (27-28c) but a new fan is on the way so it will be changed soon....

Okay so as i said in previous posts i was gonna do a fair bit of ordering so i dont mess myelf up anymore....basically i ordered...

2 x Flood and Drain Table Kits
2 x Cooltubes
2 x 600w HPS Bulbs
2 x EZ hangers
1 x 10" Extractor fan
50 pots

Still to get

1 Flood and drain table
1 cooltube
1 bulb

I didnt order all of it because i didnt have the money right now but when all of this arrives by the end of the week i will have enough equipment to last me for another month at the least, during which i will order the last bits....

Okay so back to the grow...i cut some clones on sunday evening, they were all a little fragile because they were from the top of the plant, and if you look at the previous pics they were very cloe to the light therefore they had burned or taken a hit of heatstroke lol.....they all drooped immediately but they have been in the cloner 36 hours now and looking good like my previous clones, so hopefully all will be ok...but as you can see they are all a lot bigger which in my view is better for what im doing, SOG.

As soon as these have roots which i think will be this weekend, probably sunday, i am moving them to the flowering room..i took 28 clones 2 of which were lemon haze clones, jut to make 1 a mother and the other 1 to flower and see the results...and out of the 26 left theres about 15 lemon and 10 great white sharks.....

I did the same when cloning except this time i didnt make the slit up the middle of cut-stem....i didnt do this because last time i cloned the bootom turned brown and looked dead and roots came further up the stem, so i dont think it helped at all.......also in my cloner res i put normal ph'd water with 50ml of Canna Rhizotonic, which i hope should help them root faster and healthier but again im experimenting so we'll see.....

So all in all things are going well, the only problems right now are the fact that my extractor fan for the flowering room is also my cooltube extractor, but i cant do anything about this until i recieve my new fan.....i ordered a 10" fan which i will use as my main extractor fan, and the 8" fan i have already will cool my cooltubes which are 6", i already have the 200mm-150mm reducers so this should be good, also just to point out my cooltubes are going to be vented from outside the rooms airmass, which means the fan will suck air from outside the tent, through the cooltubes and back out the tent, which should mean i can control the temps inside the temp a lot easier.....

Anyways guys ill update with some pics when the rest of the equipment arrives and i have it setup, until then please give me some opinions or whateva u want, thanks



Well-Known Member
Ok so hi all things seem to be coming along nicely...i got a lot of viewson this thread but not many comments so please give me your opinions....

Okay so as i said in previous posts i was gonna do a fair bit of ordering so i dont mess myelf up anymore....basically i ordered...

2 x Flood and Drain Table Kits
2 x Cooltubes
2 x 600w HPS Bulbs
2 x EZ hangers
1 x 10" Extractor fan
50 pots

Still to get

1 Flood and drain table
1 cooltube
1 bulb

lots of equipment, ittl look great when its all set up and running

cant wait to see the clones take off

how much are you trying to yield

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
i really like your whole set up dogg... looking real good .. i love the cool tube for your 600 watter.. when i graduate from my 400 watt HID system im gonna go with 1000 watter with a cool tube like yours..i too growing with a grow tent.. but yo shit is huge love it!! +Rep for you keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
lots of equipment, ittl look great when its all set up and running

cant wait to see the clones take off

how much are you trying to yield
Hi ganjaboii, in the end im trying to yield an oz per clone, but as my 1st clones were very small i doubt ill get that, but my 2nd lot of clones are a lot bigger and with the temps under control etc im hoping to get close to 1oz/plant

i really like your whole set up dogg... looking real good .. i love the cool tube for your 600 watter.. when i graduate from my 400 watt HID system im gonna go with 1000 watter with a cool tube like yours..i too growing with a grow tent.. but yo shit is huge love it!! +Rep for you keep it up!!
Thanks for the rep LAX yeah this is all pretty good considering i only been growin 6 months if u look in my ig u can see my 1st grow, i yielded about 300g's and it was some nice shit, i sold it all for top prices so its all good, and now ive moved onto the perpetual harvest which when fully runnin i hope will yield me about 20oz's every 2 weeks which is perfect....as for the 1000w im gonna stick with 600w's the 1000w bulbs/ballast cost too much to start off with and id rather have a 600w light for each tray than just a 1000w for 2 trays...if u catch my drift lol, but thanks for the comments everything is all good the room will look even better when i get this equipment this week, i am gonna post photos as soon as it arrives


just L

Active Member
Looks totally awesome, im very interested about the GWS and SLH. ive been looking at those for a while now.

Cant wait to see them throw til the end.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so all the equipment that i ordered arrived, and i put together 1 of the flood tables....the 2nd one came with some old plastic connectors so they are sending me some new ones next week, and ill set it up then........but as you can see from the pics im pretty much sorted for a month now with this stuff.....

Okay so i also got my 10" fan today but i didnt get any ducting with it so ill be getting some from the shop tomorrow.....as for now i just set up 1 table but i havent set up the cooltubes yet as i need the ducting for the 10" fan, and also the clones arent ready to go in yet.......

I checked the clones this morning and 4 of them had died, which leave me with about 24 waiting to root....

As you can see from 1 of my pics the food table has 24 pots in it, which means i will be flowering 24 at a time from now on instead of 16 in the 1st batch, which was only because i didnt have the square pots......

Anyways heres some pics, i will be updating over the weekend as and when i install some of the equipment but im in no rush as i dont think the clones will be ready for transplant before sunday/monday at the earliest......

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Enjoy all, this is all looking good and i cant wait for all the tables to be filled.......some exciting times ahead so stay tuned all......



Well-Known Member
my imagination is running wild, your proposed sutup looks amazing (in my head, lol)
i cant wait 2 see it running
Sup Ganjaboii the setup wont be in ur head for much longer im close to finishing the setup and all ive gotta do now is wait, im 6 weeks off my 1st batch flowering and they are growing everyday, white hairs have started showing and loads of budsites along the main cola.....i cant wait for it to be done......thanks for comments stay tuned.....:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok hi everyone quick update ill post the pics and then update after.....

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Ok im gonna update now.....