Weirdest shit someone has tried to sell to you?

I bought a cooler off a guy at the gas station for $5, said he needed gas but as soon as I bought it he went to the liquor store across the street. Best part of that was inside the cooler was a brand new extension cord, 50’

It was clearly stolen.

$10 000
Just a few days ago a young couple tried to sell some male enhancement products and that was soooo strange. I've read about what they've been trying to sell on later on and turned out that it's actually a nice thing to use in some cases but God, those to were awful at selling things. I bet they won't be able to sell an ice cream in a desert full of people.
Just a few days ago a young couple tried to sell some male enhancement products and that was soooo strange. I've read about what they've been trying to sell on later on and turned out that it's actually a nice thing to use in some cases but God, those to were awful at selling things. I bet they won't be able to sell an ice cream in a desert full of people.

You should have asked for a sample to try out on his lady. How else could you know how effective the products are? Would def up their sales...
A guy drove up as I was getting out of my car on way to the bank..he says..psst hey buddy.."wanna buy a big screen tv?" I said no thanks..I don't have an extension cord long enough to plug it in from here.
A one-eyed guy in Ketchikan who was working on a broken-down van tried to sell me some "Tlingit art" which was basically a pencil sketch on notebook paper

I took this picture about 10 minutes before that when my wife and I were smoking a joint down by the waterfront in the seedy part of town

Alaska cruise 052.jpg