Yes I am at first was doing every 4 days until I realized the were weeping alittle bit more last two waterings of doing that so I now do 3 days and have been using about half-3/4 nutes recommended. I have a small fan sitting on floor that turns on every hr for 15 min with lights on as well as a bigger fan in corner moving air on top of plants running all thw time (low fan speed) both oscilating. Im using emerald harvest nutes which theres like 5 bottles for bloom and no info from other people because theyre newi agree, I stick to coco/perlite, soil is so... dirty..and I really don't miss the gnats that come with soil.
to OP, are you letting the soil dry out in between watering? if so, how dry? are you giving it any nutrients/supplements? and do you have airflow over the top of the soil?