This whole "white trash" & "white boy" bs you constantly post in thread after thread speaks volumes,nobody gives 2 shits about skin color anymore,except you,those type racial slurs are for loosers,no matter what your skin color is.
The whole ghetto kid who climbed out of the ghetto & makes good act you play is no excuse for bad behavior either,i grew up in the Cass ave area in the 60's & you dont get anymore ghetto than that,again BFD,its no excuse for bad behavior & surely not a free pass to constantly insult the white members,but you do what you do.
As for you not buying it i never blow smoke about how i live,what i drive or how i do business,i pay tax on every last dollar i make from dispensing so no worries about you wishing i'd go back to the joint,as for how i live,ive posted pics on this site of my home & its interior,i have a home stereo system worth more than your home, with pics posted right here,same with cars & motorcycles,ive posted lotsa pics of everything ive worked my ass off to get,im pushing 60 yrs old im not supposed to be broke,everything i say about how my family lives is gods honest & all backed up in riu archives with pics.
The only person i see acting as if they are better than others is you,your constant condemnation of the white race & any white people who are in the game surely shows who thinks they are better than others.
At the very start of this it was you who attacked a member who was simply trying to help educate the forum,you call a member ASSHOLE in CAPS then cry foul when somebody points out your unwarranted attack & you've done nothing but sling racial slurs & launch profanity filled attacks ever since,this isnt the 1st instance either its a pattern
And FYI i am not even married to a white woman & my children are mixed race but im sure in your eyes im a white trash just like your step father,you need to take a pill kid,your quick temper & venom filled tounge will end up getting the best of you,not all whites are pussies or sane,sooner or later you'll run into a white guy who's just as short tempered as you, with the same amount of biggotry & hatred in him that fills your heart ,when that happens its not going to be a good thing.
So before your next attack remember it was you who attacked 1st when you jumped on an innocent member screaming ASSHOLE at him,you just couldnt take being checked on it,hence the racial slurs & profanity filled attacks,im done with you your going directly on the ignore list.
For the op,i appologize for jacking your thread i just couldnt sit by & watch that biggot call helpfull members asshole without interjecting.