• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Weeds goin legal straight from the feds


Well-Known Member
and go far. lmao. see thats the thing dick, is i dont post my shit on a public forum. im not a fucking cocky dumbass. im here to observe and occationally comment. what i have wont been seen online. not here. stupid mother fucker talking shit, man i hope you end in jail again. lord knows you like the anal rape.


Sorry but if you want weed to be legal then yo kids gona be under a lot more dangers from drugs than what you doing now!

I got kids and id sign a petition to keep weed illegal!lol! Peace
So you got kids and want weed illegal, but you grow and smoke ? (correct me if im wrong), sounds like a big hyppocrite

you say if marijuana is legal then kids go do harsher drugs? From what I heard when theres marijuana in abundance and in quality the smokers dont try harsher drugs, this is true in my case

However, if he only has access to bad weed and not in abundance the persons turns to harsher drug in general

another reason people turn to hard drugs is if you have been bullshitted your whole life and you get a pleasant high smoking your first joint, you then realize governements bullshit on this medicinal herb they dare call a drug with no medical value

Ive been smoking since 15 and never had supply problem (woot canada for 80$ an oz) and i never touched any chemical drugs as opposed to some of my friends who had less luck and now take coke(just to name one) a few times a week

on the legal drug side, if you legalize marijuana, scientist will be able to use cannabis to create medicine (before it was used widely to cure many health problems)

just a fun sidenote:

back in 1700s in french canada you were forced to grow hemp by your government and you would actually get a fine if you did NOT grow cannabis, the reason behind this is that back then people were growing tobbacos on their farms and it was bad for their health and the hemp was used for its fiber to create many useful items, it was a way of being independant of the british which supplied many things to America.


New Member
I don't necessarily agree with legalization (a la tobacco and alcohol) but it should be prescription with the same charges possessing xanax or something without a script.


Well-Known Member
So you got kids and want weed illegal, but you grow and smoke ? (correct me if im wrong), sounds like a big hyppocrite

you say if marijuana is legal then kids go do harsher drugs? From what I heard when theres marijuana in abundance and in quality the smokers dont try harsher drugs, this is true in my case

However, if he only has access to bad weed and not in abundance the persons turns to harsher drug in general

another reason people turn to hard drugs is if you have been bullshitted your whole life and you get a pleasant high smoking your first joint, you then realize governements bullshit on this medicinal herb they dare call a drug with no medical value

Ive been smoking since 15 and never had supply problem (woot canada for 80$ an oz) and i never touched any chemical drugs as opposed to some of my friends who had less luck and now take coke(just to name one) a few times a week

on the legal drug side, if you legalize marijuana, scientist will be able to use cannabis to create medicine (before it was used widely to cure many health problems)

just a fun sidenote:

back in 1700s in french canada you were forced to grow hemp by your government and you would actually get a fine if you did NOT grow cannabis, the reason behind this is that back then people were growing tobbacos on their farms and it was bad for their health and the hemp was used for its fiber to create many useful items, it was a way of being independant of the british which supplied many things to America.
And! This is still my point thanks.

Scientists use synthetic canibinols in many many drugs, you probably had some and never really realised. Point is it aint illegal for the goverment to synthesise canabis products for commercial use and never has been. Peace


And! This is still my point thanks.

Scientists use synthetic canibinols in many many drugs, you probably had some and never really realised. Point is it aint illegal for the goverment to synthesise canabis products for commercial use and never has been. Peace
I actually dont take any pills (additive, medicament whatever you call it). Last time i took an advil was 3 years ago, however i have a sick mother which is in a deep depression and was close to suicide and has to pop many pills a day, some legal forms of speeds and other shits prescribed by the doctor , im not gonna go further in details,

but i have never ingested a pill outside of advils which i take very rarely like, less then once a year,

I do use a syrup when i get a cold made out of pine trees, not many things i can think of... I've been at the hospital once when i was kid for nose bleeding (here you actually enter healthy and come out sick out of the hospital, woot healthcare)

Im not really looking to get in a meds conversation as im in no way a doctor (and i dont take pills as i said earlier, so i dont know much bout them, just that you wanna stay away from them).

Every country has different medical situation (not even sure your talking about medical in your post, maybe just fibers which still has a different regulation everywhere, here its illegal to product hemp or transform it but its ok to possess it.

I still dont get your point, you understand the benefits of cannabis, yet you want to cannabis to remain illegal for your kids? so that you get a thrill of being a criminal? ( i might be taking this out of context but from your posts thats what I understand)

Keep it natural


Well-Known Member
Yep you are out of context a bit. Weed got its bad sides lets not gloss over it. Sensible use is fine but it can go too far and too much screws with the brain of kids. Yes i am hypocritical but i also consider the points of those who dont use marijuana, it is there society too, i just want to exsist in peace. Please dont use the obvious answers to sort of trap me with what i say, i understand both my veiws counter each other but still this is what i believe after years of smoking, when i was younger hell yer legalise that sh!t but now im older i feel wiser too it.

This is not an argument but a debate, i understand there are others who dont share my veiw nor i share theres, i still want to hear what everyone has to say though. The guy who started this thread seems to be doing a lot more risky things than me. I'm your homegrower type person. Peace


Well-Known Member
BTW Goverments dont grow weed for pharmacutical products, they just synthesise it in the lab, synthetic canibinols cover over 100 chemicals and used in a lot more than just drugs, you would be shocked.


care to give a link, I'm curious how goverments use it

Personnaly I'm more shocked (its no big news) that my goverment rather give someone speed and many other drugs (that under the form you see in the street they claims to be dangerous, partly because you dont know whats in them, but also for what it is under its pure form) on a daily basis, rather then giving her marijuana.

yes pot has some downside, lot of stuff has downside, but lets get this straight weed is safer then most meds they give on the legal marke, (like atm I think my mom is addicted to her meds, she would have severe withdrawal if she'd stop them)

I grow for my mother and myself, its a small grow aswell, just like you, I want to exist and be left in peace but for that to happen you need legalization (you probably have already thought about that, not gonna argue,but I'dd be a liar if id say i feel safe, bad lucks can happens)

(btw anyone know if its easy to get a med card in Canada for depression?)



Well-Known Member
The human body makes over 30 endogenous cannabinoids, so banning them by saying "anything that stimulates the CB 1 receptor" is impossible, that is why we support regulations that provide and avenue of funding so the regulations can be enforced."



Well-Known Member
As well as that our own bodies make them!lol! Bet ya didn't know that, science rocks, glad i paid attention in school!lol! Peace and good luck


As well as that our own bodies make them!lol! Bet ya didn't know that, science rocks, glad i paid attention in school!lol! Peace and good luck
this is not new material for me, but they sure dont tell you this in class here, schools i went to all had drugs are bad hmkay. (dont take me wrong, drugs dont belong on schoolyard (maybe medical) and i understand why they talk negatively about weed).

However there is one new thing you mentionned that there are plants outside of cannabis that produce canniboids, that I didnt know, sounds weird

I might not have as many post as you, doesnt mean i know nothing, they actually publied this in the journal a few days ago (an article about how eating fast food make your body produce canniboids and that make you happy when you eat fat stuff)

anyway I'm gonna let others discuss, synthetic weed aint my branch



Well-Known Member
From what I've read, people who use the synthetic cannabis say it doesn't work as good as the real deal.

If using the plant as a whole works better, then why push synthetics?


Well-Known Member
if i wanted the opinion of a beligerant white trash asshole id go look up my ol step dad. lmao. and you calling yourself the old dude with a jag. bitch please. go blow ur smoke up someother dumb kids ass cause i aint buying it. Dick.
This whole "white trash" & "white boy" bs you constantly post in thread after thread speaks volumes,nobody gives 2 shits about skin color anymore,except you,those type racial slurs are for loosers,no matter what your skin color is.

The whole ghetto kid who climbed out of the ghetto & makes good act you play is no excuse for bad behavior either,i grew up in the Cass ave area in the 60's & you dont get anymore ghetto than that,again BFD,its no excuse for bad behavior & surely not a free pass to constantly insult the white members,but you do what you do.

As for you not buying it i never blow smoke about how i live,what i drive or how i do business,i pay tax on every last dollar i make from dispensing so no worries about you wishing i'd go back to the joint,as for how i live,ive posted pics on this site of my home & its interior,i have a home stereo system worth more than your home, with pics posted right here,same with cars & motorcycles,ive posted lotsa pics of everything ive worked my ass off to get,im pushing 60 yrs old im not supposed to be broke,everything i say about how my family lives is gods honest & all backed up in riu archives with pics.

The only person i see acting as if they are better than others is you,your constant condemnation of the white race & any white people who are in the game surely shows who thinks they are better than others.

At the very start of this it was you who attacked a member who was simply trying to help educate the forum,you call a member ASSHOLE in CAPS then cry foul when somebody points out your unwarranted attack & you've done nothing but sling racial slurs & launch profanity filled attacks ever since,this isnt the 1st instance either its a pattern

And FYI i am not even married to a white woman & my children are mixed race but im sure in your eyes im a white trash just like your step father,you need to take a pill kid,your quick temper & venom filled tounge will end up getting the best of you,not all whites are pussies or sane,sooner or later you'll run into a white guy who's just as short tempered as you, with the same amount of biggotry & hatred in him that fills your heart ,when that happens its not going to be a good thing.

So before your next attack remember it was you who attacked 1st when you jumped on an innocent member screaming ASSHOLE at him,you just couldnt take being checked on it,hence the racial slurs & profanity filled attacks,im done with you your going directly on the ignore list.

For the op,i appologize for jacking your thread i just couldnt sit by & watch that biggot call helpfull members asshole without interjecting.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, people who use the synthetic cannabis say it doesn't work as good as the real deal.

If using the plant as a whole works better, then why push synthetics?
Good point,the pharmacutical drug your refering to is Marinol,my wifes pain mgt doc will give her pretty much whatever she asks for due to the levels of pain associated with her disease,she got that stuff & it did nothing for her,after she refused to take it anymore i tried a few of em,i think i got a little tired,maybe.

Marinol is useless & in no way has the same muscle relaxant effects she gets from our smoke.


Well-Known Member
panhead your a fucking dickhead and i could care less about your opinion. in fact i saw you quited me and didnt even read it knowing your just talking shit. talking down on people. how about you go fuck yourself. i think its hilarious you got fucked by the law and to be honest i hope it happens againl. douche bag. im done with responding to you you pompous prick. if i wanted the opinion of a beligerant white trash asshole id go look up my ol step dad. lmao. and you calling yourself the old dude with a jag. bitch please. go blow ur smoke up someother dumb kids ass cause i aint buying it. Dick.
Oh god dude shut the hell up lol go take ur meds. Your really not intimidating anybody just making your self look like a dam moron . Your a joke and everybody see's it on here you lose your temper on the internet i mean come on seriously? Couldent even spell "quote" properly due to you frustrations. Go to a group or something before more people laugh at you. Also your happy that another cultivator got in trouble with the feds ummm... i smell baconnnn dumbass narc. ;)

ahh you know what they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....


Well-Known Member
this is not new material for me, but they sure dont tell you this in class here, schools i went to all had drugs are bad hmkay. (dont take me wrong, drugs dont belong on schoolyard (maybe medical) and i understand why they talk negatively about weed).

However there is one new thing you mentionned that there are plants outside of cannabis that produce canniboids, that I didnt know, sounds weird

I might not have as many post as you, doesnt mean i know nothing, they actually publied this in the journal a few days ago (an article about how eating fast food make your body produce canniboids and that make you happy when you eat fat stuff)

anyway I'm gonna let others discuss, synthetic weed aint my branch

Nothing to do with how many posts you have dude, i respect your opinion, glad we both got to discuss it.

Yes my opinion conflicts but still i have a right to have it. This subjects got a whole lot bigger than what i thought. Just goes to show it isn't as simple as people say it is.

I have more respect for some one with 18 good informative non hating posts than i do for some one with 1600 pointless posts. Thanks dude, we all learnt somthing! Everyone got a different veiw. Good discussion. Peace


Well-Known Member
Good point,the pharmacutical drug your refering to is Marinol,my wifes pain mgt doc will give her pretty much whatever she asks for due to the levels of pain associated with her disease,she got that stuff & it did nothing for her,after she refused to take it anymore i tried a few of em,i think i got a little tired,maybe.

Marinol is useless & in no way has the same muscle relaxant effects she gets from our smoke.
I too have heard synthetic canabinoids are useless. Studies over here for legal highs show very few contain any canabinoids whatsoever but the kids buy it regardless.

I fully support medical marijuana, i too understand its benifits. I have a curvature of the spine and that weed is the only stuff that makes the pain bearable.

If i disagree with anyone it only means i'm trying hard to be your friend. Peace love and grow that sh!t regardless, we all got opinions so lets share not bash. Respect