Panhead I'm sure if you were growing 4-6 plants ( personal use) you would not have anything confiscated.
Thats a valid point & in some places most likely true,sadly not in michigan & surely not the suburbs of detroit i now can afford to live.
I lost everything over 30 years ago & was one of the 1st cases in the state to have newly adopted seizure laws applied to thier case,was i growing more than a few plants you bet,also i was not using it for personal only,i was slinging on the street to adults & making good money.
But at the same time i was gainfully employed,i made $20 an hour in 1979 so i could afford the nice things we owned,my ex wife was also employed,between our 2 incomes we were pushing $50,000 a year when the average auto worker made about $15,000 a year,we both had good income & bought nice things from our hard work.
I proved i had enough legit income to afford the luxury items but that mattered not,they took it all,put me in prison,threw my wife out in the street without a dime to her name,they even took her car & left her on foot,after they took everything from me i lost my wife too beacuse she wouldnt wait 2 to 5 for me.
Then when i got out i had to pay over $30,000 in restitution,fines,court costs ect,how much is enough for those fucks,this was in 1979 thru 1983 ,that money back then woulda been over a quarter mil in todays dollars.
In the late 1990's one of the journeymen who worked for me got pulled over driving home from work,the state police found a old miniscule roach in his ash tray,they arrested him,seized his new truck & sold it,they also kept & sold the tools in his gang box that he needed to work his trade,gave him a bunch of community service & made him pay over $15,000 in fines & court costs,all this for a roach when the crack epidemic was full swing in detroit.
Its about money, not justice & plant count is meaningless, if you have real assets they can get hold of you will be treated much harsher than an indigent broke stoner,people with cash are rare & when they get hold of one they sink their teeth in for all they can get.
Im not sure where you live but i assure you most places in the usa will skin your family alive while they sleep over 4 or 5 illegal plants,its a money making enterprise that uncle sam sponsers,this alone is why our federal government cant stand the thought of legal mj,even for medical reasons,its a multi billion dollar cash cow & they will never let it go.