wealth distribution


New Member
the whole argument can be called out this way. 80% of western jobs create nothing and we use up 50% of the natural resources traveling back and forth from jobs that create nothing.


Well-Known Member
when I talk about redistribution of wealth I'm talking about raising taxes for those people that are so rich that they can live off the intrest of all the money they have (well thats an exageration). The waiter was pissed because the homeless guy was is just going to go waist the money on alchahol if he's pan-handling. waiters need money, homeless people need medication or education or both. When Obama redistributes the wealth he's going to give money to waiters. that waiter needed the money, not wanted it.


Well-Known Member
I also think that it is being over looked that a redistribution of wealth isn't taking nearly all the earnings, it's taking some. Also I bet you did make that homeless guy pretty happy.

by the way, if you stop giving money to the poor that isn't going to convince them to try and make their situation better, I challenge you to find me one person that would say "I would work harder but I just don;t see the point with this fat government check."

Another thing, I challenge you to find one country that isn't a shit hole that shares your views.


Well-Known Member
i look at it this way if we pay taxes for police to protect "us" and for schools to educate our children then why shouldnt our taxes pay for our health care its the well being of every citizen that were protecting i dont see anything wrong with that. redistribution of wealth on the grand scale helps everyone . plain and simple poor people are spenders they get money and spend it helping the econemy. this giving away the tip thing is just a show of arrogance . you re simply trying to make others feel bad so you can feel good about yourself..


Well-Known Member
tax is tax income property sales taxes pay for stuff i work for a city i know dont worry!


New Member
because interest is not actually printed or issued like principal is there is no way to pay off debt as a whole concept. its like if there was an air bank and we all promised 11 exhales for every 10 inhales


Well-Known Member
i look at it this way if we pay taxes for police to protect "us" and for schools to educate our children then why shouldnt our taxes pay for our health care its the well being of every citizen that were protecting i dont see anything wrong with that.
Those are functions of the states. The federal government should have no say in local law enforcement, public education, or health care. See the 10th Amendment.

Yet the federal government controls all of those through grants. In order to qualify for the various grants, the states must meet federal requirements.

If a state wishes to provide a generous health care system, more power to it.

redistribution of wealth on the grand scale helps everyone . plain and simple poor people are spenders they get money and spend it helping the econemy.
It helps the government. All that seized wealth is washed through the system where administrative graft and corruption consume most of it. Then the poor must jump through hoops to meet various requirements in order to receive a pittance.
this giving away the tip thing is just a show of arrogance . you re simply trying to make others feel bad so you can feel good about yourself..
The tip story is a joke. I've seen it a few times in various place online.

The whole tip system is a rouse by the restaurant industry to keep prices lower. The server gets punished if the food is not right or if the customer is a lousy tipper. Meanwhile, part of their tips are seized by the restaurant in what is known as tipshare as a means to compensate other employees. Meanwhile, the restaurant requires the servers to do other non-server tasks because they are getting paid by the restaurant. Never mind that the wage is a joke.


Well-Known Member
I had dinner out last night at a nice restaurant. The waiter had a small "Vote Obama" pin on his tie. When it came time for the tip, I told the waiter that I was going to redistribute his tip and give it to a less fortunate person than he; the homeless guy begging in the parking lot outside. I gave the homeless guy the amount of the tip, ten bucks. I went back into the restaurant and told the waiter that even though he did the work and gave the service, the homeless guy really appreciated his tip money. I expected the Obama fan to be really appreciative of my redistributing the wealth, but instead, he was really pissed off. I swear ... there's no way I understand these libbies. No matter what you do, there is just no satisfying them. :roll:

So is this to say you equate the waiter as a wealthy person in this scenario? the topic is redistribution of WEALTH, not money that people actually earn. I still have yet to receive an answer from anyone as to why Paris Hilton deserves her obscene wad of cash so much more than the waiter you illustrated here.

So would you still be cool with the status quo if the division of wealth was say 99% in the hands of 1%? Would you still be so cavalier? I really want an answer as to why the rich deserve so much more than everyone else that works just as hard for it, you have any suggestions?


New Member
1. So is this to say you equate the waiter as a wealthy person in this scenario? the topic is redistribution of WEALTH, not money that people actually earn. 2. I still have yet to receive an answer from anyone as to why Paris Hilton deserves her obscene wad of cash so much more than the waiter you illustrated here.

So would you still be cool with the status quo if the division of wealth was say 99% in the hands of 1%? Would you still be so cavalier? 3. I really want an answer as to why the rich deserve so much more than everyone else that works just as hard for it, you have any suggestions?
1. The waiter, in comparison to the homeless guy, IS rich. In the story, I was playing the part of government and redistributing the waiter's wealth to the homeless guy. The only difference was, I didn't keep a brokerage fee for my "services" and our government does.

2. Paris Hilton deserves the money she receives because there are enough idiots who believe she deserves it. They are, after all, her fans. Now, when the waiter provides a service, and acquires HIS fans who are willing to pay what they deem a valuable commodity, then the waiter will accumulate the wealth Paris Hilton has accumulated.

3. The "rich," other than those who have inherited their money, like the Kennedys for example, have acquired their wealth through providing worthwhile goods and services to the maximum amount of people. In reality, "hard work" isn't the key.

Digging ditches is hard work, but to my knowledge, no one has become rich from that back-breaking endeavor. Now then, invent the back-hoe, invest or raise the capital to design a working model, then manufacture the devise so it can be brought to market, thereby providing a way to dig a number of ditches that 1000 men couldn't dig in the same amount of time, and you will become wealthy ... deservedly so.



Well-Known Member
1. The waiter, in comparison to the homeless guy, IS rich. In the story, I was playing the part of government and redistributing the waiter's wealth to the homeless guy. The only difference was, I didn't keep a brokerage fee for my "services" and our government does.

2. Paris Hilton deserves the money she receives because there are enough idiots who believe she deserves it. They are, after all, her fans. Now, when the waiter provides a service, and acquires HIS fans who are willing to pay what they deem a valuable commodity, then the waiter will accumulate the wealth Paris Hilton has accumulated.

3. The "rich," other than those who have inherited their money, like the Kennedys for example, have acquired their wealth through providing worthwhile goods and services to the maximum amount of people. In reality, "hard work" isn't the key.

Digging ditches is hard work, but to my knowledge, no one has become rich from that back-breaking endeavor. Now then, invent the back-hoe, invest or raise the capital to design a working model, then manufacture the devise so it can be brought to market, thereby providing a way to dig a number of ditches that 1000 men couldn't dig in the same amount of time, and you will become wealthy ... deservedly so.


Vi, I think you misunderstand what most people mean by redistributing the wealth. I don't think that the 5% that controls practically all the money should just give it up. By redistributing it I (I would go so far to say we) just want the common working man to get a little more of the piece of pie. We just advocate being able to earn a better living and despite how you may lament I don't think that the wealthy would be that hurt by it. I don't even want to be wealthy, I do however want a job that I can actually LIVE on without having to resort to food stamps. The wealthy could part with 1% of their fortune and hardly realize it while average people like you and I would notice a great deal of difference. If these bastards get rich by using the system, it shouldn't be too much to ask them to put just a little tiny itty bitty bit back into it and help the people that actually made them rich (IE people who work for wal mart or Bill Gates... Without these peeons to do the shit work they wouldn't have their damn fortune; those who compromise the workforce are more or less living breathing machinery or tools. I can see no way that that can be conducive to any form of a greater good.) I just want a chance to earn a better living, not someone else'


New Member
If these bastards get rich by using the system, it shouldn't be too much to ask them to put just a little tiny itty bitty bit back into it and help the people that actually made them rich (IE people who work for wal mart or Bill Gates... Without these peeons to do the shit work they wouldn't have their damn fortune; those who compromise the workforce are more or less living breathing machinery or tools. I can see no way that that can be conducive to any form of a greater good.) I just want a chance to earn a better living, not someone else'
Its the other way around, cleatis. If folks like Bill Gates weren't innovative, and didn't have the capital to create, the "peeons" wouldn't have their jobs.

The wealthy are already paying a little tiny itty bitty bit ... to the tune of 40% of the total tax burden. Corporations are paying the second highest tax rate on the planet at 35%. Ireland just lowered their corporate tax rate to 11% and the place is booming. The Irish "peeons" now have a real choice of good paying jobs as a result.

A word of advise (even though you didn't ask for it) ... Instead of "going to work," find a job that is like going to play. Become obsessed with your work. Learn everything there is to know about it. Become an expert. Be better than every other employee in the place. Earn your boss/company a nice profit. After you've done all of that, ask for a raise. If you don't get the raise, move on to an employer who really appreciates a great employee like you. Don't look back, look forward. Remember ... you'll find true security as soon as you give up the security you have right now.



Well-Known Member
This brings up a question that has troubled me for a long time.

Is it fair that smarter people make more money?