wealth distribution


New Member
Some would label it crass hypocrisy, but while Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin are berating Sen. Barack Obama over his alleged “socialist-spread-the-wealth” policies, Alaskans eagerly anticipate their annual welfare check from the state government.
This year, every Alaskan man, woman and child receives a government check in the amount of $3,269, which amounts to a citizenship reward of $22,883 for Gov. Palin’s seven-member family. The government, quite literally, pays people to live in Alaska.

On the national front, for the past eight years we’ve rapidly been redistributing wealth from the middle class to the affluent so that the top 1 percent of our population now controls a higher percentage of wealth since the foretelling year of 1929. Median incomes continue to drop, while the wealthy grow obscenely rich with no apparent regard to those whose ever more productive labor feathers their beds.

Sen. Obama believes this “Robin-Hood-in-reverse” situation is neither sustainable nor beneficial for the vast majority of Americans, while Sen. McCain advocates expanding President Bush’s failed economic policies.

Sen. Obama’s policies are designed to correct a dangerous and growing economic imbalance, but he’d never dream of filling America’s cup with Alaska’s socialist broth.


New Member
I had dinner out last night at a nice restaurant. The waiter had a small "Vote Obama" pin on his tie. When it came time for the tip, I told the waiter that I was going to redistribute his tip and give it to a less fortunate person than he; the homeless guy begging in the parking lot outside. I gave the homeless guy the amount of the tip, ten bucks. I went back into the restaurant and told the waiter that even though he did the work and gave the service, the homeless guy really appreciated his tip money. I expected the Obama fan to be really appreciative of my redistributing the wealth, but instead, he was really pissed off. I swear ... there's no way I understand these libbies. No matter what you do, there is just no satisfying them. :roll:



Well-Known Member
I had dinner out last night at a nice restaurant. The waiter had a small "Vote Obama" pin on his tie. When it came time for the tip, I told the waiter that I was going to redistribute his tip and give it to a less fortunate person than he; the homeless guy begging in the parking lot outside. I gave the homeless guy the amount of the tip, ten bucks. I went back into the restaurant and told the waiter that even though he did the work and gave the service, the homeless guy really appreciated his tip money. I expected the Obama fan to be really appreciative of my redistributing the wealth, but instead, he was really pissed off. I swear ... there's no way I understand these libbies. No matter what you do, there is just no satisfying them. :roll:

You have my vote for the biggest jackass on this sight buddy. That is the most twisted, convoluted, stupid, interpretation I have ever heard of in my life. What an asshole thing to do. I guess that restaurant is just another bridge you burned in the name of stupidy. :cuss:


New Member
You have my vote for the biggest jackass on this sight buddy. That is the most twisted, convoluted, stupid, interpretation I have ever heard of in my life. What an asshole thing to do. I guess that restaurant is just another bridge you burned in the name of stupidy.
What?? Did the reality of wealth redistribution hit home with you like it did with the waiter? :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
thats funny. ok so what about highways and shit like that. dont ya have to call that socialism?
Good question. The U.S. Constitution is straightforward on the powers and responsibilities of the federal government.

In the case of Interstate Highways, the Commerce Clause, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.


Well-Known Member
I'm caught kinda in the middle.
While someone is having a nice fancy dinner, someone eles 50 ft away is homeless?
I'm to defend that, how?
....I agree the scales are off and balance is needed. but to enforce balance, I do not agree with.
what about pay grade based on your companies net gross, like ceos have it set up?
The ave Mcdonalds worker could make $15-$18.That's a good thing for everyone. my big-macs wouldnt look like shit and maybe these people will take pride in there jobs.(whatever that job entails)


Well-Known Member
Lets put it in prospective.

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that
read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I
laughed as he had given away his political preference--just imagine
the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to
him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept.
He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to
redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the
homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the
server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The
homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I
realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn,
but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did
earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in
concept than in practical application.


New Member
According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, tipped employees are individuals engaged in occupations in which they customarily and regularly receive more than $30 a month in tips. The employer may consider tips as part of wages, but the employer must pay at least $2.13 an hour in direct wages.


New Member
On top of that Vi gave the ENTIRE amount of the tip to the bum not just a percentage. Exagerating is lying.
No, on the contrary, exaggerating the truth is comedy. :bigjoint:

Oh yeah, and seeing as how you bought into my little story ... I have a nice little bridge I'd like to sell ya. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Vi's mockery of what your advocating is no more bullshit then what you are advocating, because it is the same thing.

Though personally, I suspect I would do exactly that if I was being served by a waiter that was wearing an Obama tag. Nothing like shoving the principles of idiots in their face to illustrate how stupid their principles are.

Everyone here objects to giving what the waiter "earned" to the homeless person, but then advocates doing the same damn thing. Hypocrites and fools, and blinded by ideology and wishes.

The failure of your ideology and your "good" deeds is evident by the fact that the government has to continuously raise minimum wage. If raising minimum wage was truly an answer then it would have worked the first God Damn Time.

If wealth distribution was the answer during the 30s, instead of having a starving economy we would have had a booming economy. It wasn't until the United States entered World War II that the economy started moving again. Of course, seeing as how you can't possibly admit that war has positive benefits (like more employment) there is no way to make you see that your ideology is flawed.

Of course, the real solution would be to stop stealing other people's money, and let every one keep what they earn. Then perhaps it would motivate people to work harder to get better jobs so that they could support themselves. Of course, as it stands right now, I'm seriously contemplating giving this country the finger and emigrating. That's nearly sixteen thousand that this country would lose. Now imagine that its repeated over a million times. It adds up quickly. This nation can not stand as long as it is trying to chase off those that work by punishing them for working.

At least not as a Republic, or any kind of country that I would want to have any part in.