We just got a plant and havn't a clue


Well-Known Member
It's not 250w, it's 125w but I checked the web site and it says 9,600 Lm. No wait I had a look there again and it doesn't say there, must have said on the box because I defiantly read it somewhere. As for a reflector I don't have one but I made a homemade one from a beer can.

I have the two parts of the beer can taped together now and they are suspended over the lamp. I also ordered a desk fan and a timer off ebay today so they should arrive next week


Too many brownies
"more lights fucking way closer get two inches away with the bulbs if you can and maybe four more of that same bulb would do the trick."

I was mostly refferign to thsat comment....he doesnt need 500 watts worth of CFL's for one fucking plant man.

and also this comment

"50$? that looks like a cfl am i correct if it is you got ripped. the amount of lights depends on how strong the one you have is." ...the person stated the wattage of the bulb....and if a 42 watt cfl puts out 2600 lumens obviously a fucking 125 watt bulb will put out more than double that.

anyways like I said you really didnt know what you were talking about and you were telling them to do things like buy 4 more 125 watt cfl's...
so dont go flickin me off buddy. :finger:


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah a lot of the people on here think everyone has money to splurge on unnecessary items. it's the same people that would buy a car that has 5 wheels.


Well-Known Member
I was just shocked when i saw that the cfl came to $50 but then he explained he got the ballast aswell & the wattage of the bulb :)

I dont have any money to spend lol, mine is probably the cheapest grow ever! So far it has cost me....nothing lol, apart from the weed that the seeds came with lol!

Can you upload more pics of ya plant and its current age?

i loveee the pics lol


Well-Known Member
The last one was the most recent, taken this morning but I'll put one up tomorrow of the side close up if you want. I have a grow journal going here


We have no idea of the age because it was given to us during the week on Monday, I don't know the guy who was growing it originally but my housemate does so I could get him to ask how many days he was growing it before we got it.

Thanks for the help on all the stuff about 4 extra of those bulbs, was thinking it was a bit of overkill for one plant, I'm going to put one more light in there though for the side of the plants, not another 125w one though!

I found this too

It's an insulated map to lie on when camping, could I use it was a reflector around the sides?

Oh and how long will I have the fan on it to strengthen the stem so I can put it on the 12/12 cycle? Or can I put it on the 12/12 cycle as soon as the fan goes in?


Active Member
hey man dont panic. just get in a big pot of with some regular plant food from home d. grab a 150w grow blub from there to, thats what i used when i had an emerg. veg it for a few days with either 18 or 24 hrs of light dosnt matter. when its as big as you want it turn you light cycle to 12hrs of light 12hrs of COMPLETE darkness, and youll have bud in no time! p.s. you might want to pick up a light timer as well there at home d.


Well-Known Member
Here you go you little picture whore :weed:

I don't like the look o the bottom leaves, some have yellow spots on them and the bottom ones are curling up too, I found another light in my parents house which I'll wire up later or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Its looking pretty nice :)
Roughly how tall is she now?
From what i have read the yellow spots could be the result of spider mites, check the underneath of the leaves for tiny mites or there web.


Well-Known Member
Yeah if that doesn't fix it just trim them and concentrate on the top. Make sure that fan is on and you may need some support once the top really starts filling in. I doubt it's spider mites, could have been from anything. Most likely your watering was under or over. Looked a little overwatered before. Take closer pics of leaves and if it's not on the newer leaves I wouldn't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i think you should try just cutting them of and fingers crossed none of the other leafs are like it :)


Well-Known Member
Yea it's not on any of the newer leaves checked under them and didn't see them, I don't know the size of it really but here's a picture of it with a 60gig ipod if it's any help.

And here's two of the leaves close up, sorry about the quality, it's off the phone.

I don't have a fan on them, I ordered one on Ebay Friday so it should be arriving during the week


Well-Known Member
I transplanted 2 of my little girls (fingers crossed) last night and one of them seems to have the same problem as yours, but they have only really got 2 sets of leafs lol.