We just got a plant and havn't a clue


Well-Known Member
OK, we just got a plant off a friend and to be honest don't know what to do with it. At the moment it doesn't look the best, it's a bit weepy and the person that gave it to us said it might die in a few days, i'll get a picture up tomorrow, it's in a 5 L bottle of water with the top cut off and I think the soil is in is just regular dirt. It was just dropped on us and we're totally unprepared. Please help!


Well-Known Member
I took pictures on my phone but then the battery died and I can't fins the charger. At the moment it's in natural light from a window and at night we put it under a regular light in the kitchen. Like I said, it was just dumped on us out of nowhere and we don't know the first thing about growing! I'll get up the pics as soon as I find my charger

Finally found it, if you need more/better pictures just ask



Well-Known Member
Hey man it doesnt look to bad, but the first thing you need to do is go read the growFAQ
at the top left of the screen it will answer most of your questions...


Well-Known Member
You need to get some indoor grow lights. It's kind late to plant outside for most places. The plant actually looks pretty damn good. You need to transplant it into a 5 gallon bucket it and bury the stem up to the first set of leaves. The GROWFAQ is very helpful. The regular lights in the kitchen probably aren't doing anything for you. Get a fan blowing on it too to strengthen up that stem.


Well-Known Member
Are those lights expensive? My parents have an old sunbed at home, the top of it is not big and hangs from the ceiling which i could nick the next time im home, would this do the job for a light? The stem is pretty weak alright but dont know about buying a fan to strenghten it up. would a small bit of bamboo do? ill be going into town today to get a bucket and a bag of compost. Suppose ill go take a look at the faq


Well-Known Member
Are those lights expensive? My parents have an old sunbed at home, the top of it is not big and hangs from the ceiling which i could nick the next time im home, would this do the job for a light? The stem is pretty weak alright but dont know about buying a fan to strenghten it up. would a small bit of bamboo do? ill be going into town today to get a bucket and a bag of compost. Suppose ill go take a look at the faq
Unfortunately not, wrong color spectrum you need blue bulbs for veg and red for flower but from the look of the plant you could just buy red for now and start it flowering. Welcome to the world of cultivation


Well-Known Member
Just looking at the lighting info in the FAQ, can I get a fluorescent light or something equal that would fit into a regular bed side lamp? Also I can't seem to find how long I should be giving it light at the stage its at now, is 24hours a day right? Oh and watering, just whenever it goes dry or what?


Well-Known Member
We did a bit of shopping today...

v This is to show the height of the lamp from the plant, can I put it closer or is it too close? I put proper compost in it and its in a new pot, since the pic ive put tin foil on the ground and some on the walls at the bottom.



Well-Known Member
get the light a bit close and take the tin foil out, the wrinkles in the tin make hot spots and will burn your plants in time.have your light on 18 hours a day and off for 6,this is the 18\6 veg light cycle,to help your plant in this part of it life you need a nitrogen high fertilizer(always mix it way weaker than the directions say to at first).then when your happy with the hight and foliage you can switch to the flowering light cycle 12\12 12 light 12 dark.this will cause your plant to go in to flower and show it sex(pics on that in grow faq).in this cycle you will need phosphorous high ferts.then you just continue the 12\12 light cycle till your happy with the buds then harvest.you might want to add more soil to your pot as well,fill it up.what watt is you light ?? anyway hope this helps a bit...good luck!! :)


Well-Known Member
more lights fucking way closer get two inches away with the bulbs if you can and maybe four more of that same bulb would do the trick but you NEED a fan!that thing is a stick with leaves on it and when it flowers will be a stick with a bud on it a tiny bud.stem width benifits all growth speed ,yeild, nute intake ,everything!


Well-Known Member
Bollocks. Just leave your lights on 24/7 and get them closer to the plant, like they've said. If you want to start flowering the plant, you need to get it somewhere where absolutely no light can enter the room. Switch the lighting cycle to 12 hours on / 12 hours off. Good job with the transplanted plant!


Well-Known Member
Cheers, the lamp is 125 watt. I don't think 4 of these is necessary for just one plant. We were told one would do by the local head shop, plus there 50 big ones each and I' a student... I've moved the lamp closer now and can someone else give me an opinion (no offense madcow) on the tin foil? I've read to do it and not to do it in various places. And when should I start flowering it?


Active Member
The white paint in that room is probably better than tin foil, although it should be brighter than it is, ever put up a magnifying glass to the sun and catch things on fire? thats sorta white tin foil does to your baby girls, just not as fast so you dont think there is anything wrong until they are already burnt:joint:


Well-Known Member
If i were you id veg it until it was over the stress of all the transplants and traveling,50$? that looks like a cfl am i correct if it is you got ripped. the amount of lights depends on how strong the one you have is. if it puts out nearly three thousand lumens its allright but if it doesnt go to walmart or ace and buy some cfls for tops two dollars each they wont come with sockets but they do have a built in ballast. any light store ,walmart,ace, some furniture stores sell bathroom light fixtures for like 10$ put them braced to the walls on the side of the plant and keep the door closed to trap in light.paint the door white if its not and put a towel under it to stop light coming out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey, take the tin foil out and paint the walls with a flat white paint, check the box that you bulb came in to see how many watts it is and there should also be a number from 2700k up to about 5000k, this is important as it will tell you what spectrum it is. you want one that is 4000k +. And you may want to take the light back to the shop and ask for a refund if it is a cfl, they are about £10 max in your loacal hardware store. When you are happy with the size of the plant begin flowering it, to do this you will need to get a few more lights, they should now be around 2700k, put them as close to the plant as you can and all around it, leave the lights on for 12 hours and keep the plant in pitch black for the other 12 (the plant will double up in size in the first week of flowering so keep a eye on the lights and keep moving them when they get to close), no light can get to the plant at this time as it will trick it into thinking it is vegging again..erm....on the lights it should say how many lumens it is aswell,(Lm) you want to aim for around 20000 Lm + in total, im aiming for around 50000 for my 4 plants but i would be more than happy to have 100000 but i dont htink i will be able to get that many. The more lights the better. You should try and get a small fan for now as a big one will probably blow the little girl over, then once the stalk gets big and strong get a bigger fan.

Lol ive learnt most of that from this site over the past 5 days!
Look at other peoples journals, especially ones that are finished and used the same method as you (CFL) as you will be able to see what that person done and learn from there mistakes.

Good luck mate, you should also thank the person that gave it to you, and then slap them for being such a shit parent to the poor thing!!!