We just got a plant and havn't a clue


Well-Known Member
I've taken out all the tin foil now and have yet another few questions.

The plant is in a kind of walk in closet in my room which I don't use and when I go to bed at night I can see the light coming from the edge of the door which will probably freak me out some night I wake up and look at it. Is there some way I could stop it?

Watering - How often?

Will the plant reach a certain height when it's ready to be flowered or what? And how do I know when the plant isn't stressed?

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
My plants are also in a closet, i can see the light coming out aswell lol so i taped some card to the back of the door frame so that it covers the gaps a bit, before that i had some tissue taped onto the door in between the door and the door frame.

Not to sure on watering either really, i just wait until the soil is dry 1 inch down.

No you can start flowering whenever i think, once you think it is big and strong enough to support the size and weight of the buds.

That was an expensive light but thats because you got it from a head shop instead of a hardware store, yeah thats fine for vegetation just get another 1 or 2 if you can.
You will need to pick up about 4 more at around 2700k once you start flowering, the more light the better.


Well-Known Member
I would buy more but I'm back at college now so moneys tight. Will the one light be OK? Also, I'm worried about ventilation, should I leave the door open during the day with the window of my room open?


Well-Known Member
Yea im at college aswell lol i got a friend that gets 5-finger discount at a few shops :)
The one light probably wont be enough, the lights wont be nearly as expensive in a diy shop.
Erm depends really does the room seem to get very humid?


Well-Known Member
Well it does seem warm, I just have the door open now. the light thing is a pain, tell your friend to get me a few lights! I'll have to get the fixtures for them too, oh yea I forgot to mention I got the fixture with the lamp for €50, I really don't think I can afford more lamps. The dude in the head shop said that one lamp would do if it was just one plant


Well-Known Member
Nah it would be enough but it wouldnt yeild much i dont think, yea i dont know how much the fixtures are, i got 2 with a ballast already connected and just conected a mains wire directly to it, but i need to get a ballast.
He probable told you that so that you would defo bye one lol.


Well-Known Member
You can cure the light problem by buying a single sheet of panda plastic from here, for example: Visqueen Plastic Black/White The 5'x10' works great for closet doors. All you have to do is staple it to the walls, attach a tarp zipper, also found on that site or your local hydro store, and slice it right down the middle. Now you have a reflective surface on the inside of your room and also 100% light blockage.


Well-Known Member
So how many more would I need? I'm making a reflector from two old beer cans and putting the light horizontally, would a piece of string holding up the other end of the lamp be OK? And can I just balance the cans on the lamp, i.e. the metal directly touching the bulb.


Well-Known Member
9000 lumens is alot for one bulb if so you actually got a deal and dont need more lights but you have to make sure could you post a pic of the bulb close up,off so we can view it.it is NOT strong enough for flowering it will droop or have tiny buds if you start now.and for the light leak prob duct tape fixes everything. fans are not very exspensive and help alot leaving your door open wont hurt but can someone see in? light from your window across the room wont work alone tho so keep that light on. and when flowering if you choose to have your 12 hours of light during the night keep the door closed and block the plant from the sun when shes asleep or the confusion will cause her to herm.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well it didn't say on the box of the lamp so I checked the web site and it said 9,600. I'm buying a computer fan on ebay tomorrow and a timer, is there a certain size I should get and how do I set up the computer fan to work straight from the wall socket? It's a bit late now so I'll put up a pic of the lamp when I wake up. Any advice on the reflectors?


Well-Known Member
Just looking at ebay there, I think I'll get a desktop fan instead of a computer fan. What distance should it be away from the plant?


Well-Known Member
that many lumens for 50$ you ripped them off but where do i find a cfl that strong, how hot does it get? what light does it emit?lighting the lower branches still does help alot in the flowering stage. after flowering you should fill that closet with clones and have a sog!


Too many brownies
that many lumens for 50$ you ripped them off but where do i find a cfl that strong, how hot does it get? what light does it emit?lighting the lower branches still does help alot in the flowering stage. after flowering you should fill that closet with clones and have a sog!

Sorry but you really dont seem to know what your talking about.

Helvete that is a very good cfl for growing you got, and you got a deal for $50. Since that is such a high wattage cfl I would put it about 3-4 inches away from the top of the plant.

You need to get some sort of a reflective hood for it if you dont have one already. Something like this http://www.frontiernet.net/~mycomputeremailaccount/200cfl.jpg. You can find them at local pet shops.

If you position the light about 3-4 inches away from the top of the plant like I sai with a reflective hood like that you really need to buy a small desk fan and put it about 2 feet away blowing on the plant and the lighting.

Once you start flowering a couple more 23 watt cfl's from WAL-MART will help alot but until them your fine.

Anyways good luck and PEACE.


New Member
Hi any body have experience White widow xxx??how i can get the goodnes crystal??Some body tald me i must give here 7 days no light and she will be have stress thats why she give me snow??


Well-Known Member
Don't know the first thing about clones, but a SOG would be nice indeed. I got the lamp in the local head shop. Doesn't get too hot at all, I have it 2 - 3 inches from the plant and it's fine.


Too many brownies
Don't know the first thing about clones, but a SOG would be nice indeed. I got the lamp in the local head shop. Doesn't get too hot at all, I have it 2 - 3 inches from the plant and it's fine.
Do you have a reflective hood...it would seriously make a HUUUUGE differance...the plant would get like 30% more light. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nowstopwjining, how does asking where i can buy a 250w cfl mean i dont know much. all i can find near where i live are way weaker. until today i havent seen any other 250w but i have now on another thread.i grow outdoors so no i really dont know much about lights but the only way to learn is ask with one light above the plant the lower branches are going to need more light even if his light is strong there is absolutely nothing wrong with recommending a couple small cfls at the base of the plant.:finger: