Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

I'm getting high just reading about it here!!! Bongs are great! Vaporizer's are Great, but one big pain if you're in a hurry. Oney's seem to keep me purtty Ripped... A good Bat and Dugout filled to the brim will keep you fine all day and you won't even notice. That's until you start staggering around. I find being anxiety free usually works the best. I don't get higher when I'm paying my mechanic too much because that just plain pisses me off anyway. I don't drink anymore so weed is what I have to work with. Lucky for me I moved to California and I don't have to duck the cops any more. But, people have always been pretty bold about smoking here. Seems the general advice is "Just Relax". Sometimes going from a 'Top shelf'' potency range 'Down' a grade does the trick. Our brains are tricky and fun to try to 'trick', but if you didn't burn your dopamine receptors out with prior heavy meth use, you should be OK!
Anyone ever try gettin' ripped after donating a pint of blood? Eat a mango...drink a nice strong beer...follow with a bubbler chaser. You're done for folks!
I've heard that having a vegetarian or vegan style diet will allow u to get higher and stay higher longer. Although i don't know how much truth there is to it because giving up meat is not sumthing i'd be willing to do.

yeah my friends a vegetarian and he gets ripped off one hit,
im always so jealous
Number 4? Ever smoke the moment you get up? Seems to me that the experience usually lasts longer. I'd say it gets you more high, but that's probably because i'm prone to packing the first one of the day.

Number 1 add-on: High impact exercise (anything truly cardio) will get your heart rate up. This means more blood going to your brain more frequently. The air sacks in your lungs and the capillaries (blood vessels surrounding them that allow for transfer of oxygen, THC etc. into your bloodstream will also work at a higher capacity. Simples ;)
Ok guys I have a few personal experiences but here are somethings that have kept me higher longer and made the high stronger. Also I realize MAry affects everyone different but for the most part its all the same. Please feel free to add your ideas!

One time I was with my friend and he was all "nah blaze it", then I had a friend tell me he hella blazed it once.. Im probably gonna hella blaze it right now..
I used to take a big hit, and then cover my head with a blanket and exhale and sit in it for a minute or so. That worked great, but I have switched to vaping so I don't do that anymore.
Best way is to make BHO and use the proper tools for it but if you are talking about way of smoking bud then i say a 3-liter Gravity bong is cheap and very effective but you sacrifice taste. BHO is super easy to make tho and deff much much stronger then MJ from all my experiences. Basically make an extractor and do a few small runs and you will be able to see changes you have to make and things you can do to improve then i can almost promise you will will be very happy with it. To start all you need are a few basic items from like home depot or lowes and some butane from a local headshop. Then just smoke it on a knife with some sort of tube that will stand up to heat like if u can find a glass tube to suck the smoke up its so simple. not only will you be super high i think it tastes much better then bud but thats a personal opinion.
Best way is to make BHO and use the proper tools for it but if you are talking about way of smoking bud then i say a 3-liter Gravity bong is cheap and very effective but you sacrifice taste. BHO is super easy to make tho and deff much much stronger then MJ from all my experiences. Basically make an extractor and do a few small runs and you will be able to see changes you have to make and things you can do to improve then i can almost promise you will will be very happy with it. To start all you need are a few basic items from like home depot or lowes and some butane from a local headshop. Then just smoke it on a knife with some sort of tube that will stand up to heat like if u can find a glass tube to suck the smoke up its so simple. not only will you be super high i think it tastes much better then bud but thats a personal opinion.

Dry ice kief extraction does wonders as well, and it's a LOT safer.
Dry ice kief extraction does wonders as well, and it's a LOT safer.
never tried it but i would have to agree it would be safer but as long as you extract the butane properly then i dont see any difference on the safeness involved. IMO dry ice kief extraction would have a better taste but lower THC % then BHO but thats only from what ive read and my opinion like i said i never had it so i dont know for sure. I would like to try some solventless methods tho.
never tried it but i would have to agree it would be safer but as long as you extract the butane properly then i dont see any difference on the safeness involved. IMO dry ice kief extraction would have a better taste but lower THC % then BHO but thats only from what ive read and my opinion like i said i never had it so i dont know for sure. I would like to try some solventless methods tho.

I heat press the kief into hash, which does alter the chemical make-up from what I hear. I believe heat increases the CBD's. It's definitely a different buzz, I prefer it more so b/c butane is very difficult to locate in my area...then again so is dry ice for most folks. I just to happen to have a manufacturing plant in my town, which was dumb luck. So for me it is more about accessing materials. However, I have found the dry ice method produces more end product than butane.

BHO vs Dry ice kief
The Bho is waay more potent in terms of thc %. The Dry ice kief is much easier to "make". You get shitloads more kief than you would bho from using the same amount of product. The kief burns up quicker so you know for sure you are smoking it all and wasting less than the bho. I am a big fan of the kief and regular bubble hash, I dont like BHO that much even though it has higher thc % than everything else.
Dry ice kief extraction does wonders as well, and it's a LOT safer.

i like the dry ice bro. good shit. way more efficient and cheaper to make it with the dry ice in my opinion. plus i like the smoke way better and u honestly dont need heat to press it. ill be smokin half gram waffers playin ps3 once i harvest. lookin forward to it. :)