Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

if you change locations when you smoke you will feel way more blazed. The further you are from your comfort / saftey / usual smoking zone you will feel way higher than if you smoke in the same place all the time. You just get used to being hi in that place

This is 100% factual. I think it's why a lot of folks like to drive and smoke (not a good idea IMO, but I understand the appeal, best way to get busted though). Heroin users increase there chances of OD'ing as well if they are shooting somewhere they are not comfortable, same with a cocaine user etc.
This is an old post of mine.

First and biggest HOLD THAT SHIT IN-
If you're not sick, or crazy asthmatic, hold that shit in. Let that THC flow a little in your lungs. Maybe take an extra breath of fresh air to stir up the smoke, but don't breath out. GET HIGH, let your vision get snowy like a broken TV before you let out that first green hit

Kava Kava-
If you eat it 30 min before weed smoke, it increases the effects. It may be like your first time smoking again
There is a great synergy with these two plants

Dip your weed in BHO before the butane has evaporated. Get a nice fat nug straight SOAKED in BHO. It'll be dank as SHIT

There is no "synergy" here, more just Kr + Mj is nice.
can be drank or smoked

Cat Nip-
I have NEVER personally done this, but there's a definite possibility. The cats are really getting high on something
And I've read some stories on Erowid, looked like they were written by 13 year old though...

Caffeine + L-Theanine:
The L-Theanine itself makes you feel mellow, but what it does with caffeine is 100% reverse the effects. So that the caffeine focus's more on pleasure receptors, or getting you down like a pain killer. And mixed with bud it's alright. And L-Theanine is already somewhere in your brain or something I'm pretty sure, so it's alright...

Valerian root-
I haven't tried this myself, but I saw a dispensary that mixed keif and valarian root for a sleepy pill

"Cheech" "Dream Herb" or "Leaf of God"-
These are all the same plant. Just different names. But what it does, is induce not only dreaming, but LUCID dreaming. So I'm guessing this could have some interesting effects with MJ
And I have taken it alone in a tea, but I didn't take much and I don't dream much already. So my dreams weren't lucid, but I had dreams that night

I've only taken this with alcohol, but it made me and my girlfriend at the time pass RIGHT the fuck out

"Sun Opener"/Sinicuichi-
I've never taken this with bud, and have only smoked it once. But it's a mellow feeling, I bet it would have effects with MJ

Wild lettuce:
This will give you effects with MJ, but I personally don't feel it's worth smoking.
If you can't FIND any weed though, or happen to like salad. You can find wild lettuce in a bunch of different American states, just growing in your back yard. Pluck the leaves, make a salad, add some dressing, smoke a bowl after (or not if you have no weed) and if should have some good effects.
I just don't like salad, so I never liked eating it...

Wild Dagga/Lion's Tail-
VERY weak high, the only way I can see this being useful is made into hash, mixed into MJ hash...

...Weird high. Bowl of that, maybe eat some, then hitting a bowl. It's almost like you're coming up on mushrooms

Passion Flower-
Good smoke with MJ

Indian Warrior-
Weird sleepy high

Syrian Rue Seeds-
Makes everything stronger by Inhibiting your MAO receptors, which has to do with your immune system, DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL, EAT CHEESE, OR EAT CHOCOLATE.

Maybe it has some effects with MJ. Definitely works alone...

I'm working on a technique that I call "the pregnant woman". I take a bong hit and hold it a moment then when I have no air I expel a little and take a little oxygen real fast so almost no smoke comes out but I can still hold it some more and I repeat until no more smoke. Its like the smoke is rolling inside my lungs and going deep everywhere. The lungs are contracting and you end up looking like a pregnant woman but a real stoned one.
I agree. The 3rd one is true as well. Im an everyday smoker too, and some times if you want a REALLY good INTENSE high. Quit smoking for a few days.... Just a few! then hit the bong. PURE BLISS!! haha

:weed: Legalize the Herb! :weed:
Since about 2000 I was smoking at least a 1/2 oz a day to myself. After four or five years I began to notice that I felt like I was just not getting anywhere near as high as I used to when I first started smoking. I thought it was pretty common of anyone who smokes as much as I do for as long so I took the recommendation of another to just stop smoking for 1 week, and see what a difference it makes. Whalla he was on the money. It felt like one of the first times all over again.

Now day when I feel Like I am not able to get as high as I used to I stop and go on a two week hiatus. First couple of days always sucks as I tend to think or obsess about it. After all when you do it as much and as often as I do its bound to form a habit with negative consequences.

I have also tried different inhalation techniques to see if perhaps holding it in longer does give way to a higher effect. What I learned is that when you inhale the smoke it dissipates throughout your entire body. All you are doing is starving yourself of oxygen and thus getting the effects of that action. Its harmful to inhale the gases of a ignited plant to begin with. Granted it may not cause cancer, but inhaling any plants gases has negative consequences, and the longer you hold those gases in, the more compound the damage is. Trust that, holding cannabis smoke in as long as you can will not get you any higher than the guy who holds it in for 5-8 seconds , obviously smoking the same strength medicine.

Even if you smoke Concentrates that have compound drug compounds and you do it regular enough, you are bound to build a tolerance (defense ) system against it. So for all those lovely breeders that advertise strains with "no-ceilings"...well their are false. If you smoke it long enough, it will find you a ceiling for sure!
This is an old post of mine.

Maybe it has some effects with MJ. Definitely works alone...

salvias a great smoke, harsh taste but f*cking strong, you wont stop laughing, it dosent effect everyone the same though
and dosent have any effect on some people
Number 1. When you jog or play sports, endorphines are released so that is an extra boost to the weed.

Number 2. Bongs are more efficient with the smoke than joints, so yah.

Number 3. I have no experience with that one... but it may link up with No. 1. Your body says, yeah...smoke!! endorphine release. maybe..

out :blsmoke:
Yea, I like to go to the YMCA and play basketball and work out then go home and smoke it's the best.
After spending some time smoking I find the task arduous. I switched to oils. Why sit there and smoke hit after hit when I can take one hit off my oil dome and be high instantly and for a longer duration. It's like free basing marijuana lol. Why spend time getting high when you can be high?
yea taking a break always does it for me. Its almost always a stressful few days but the tolerance level goes way down. and save a couple bucks.
Yeah I am the same story. Apart from when I harvest my own I tend to buy from the black market. Its always hit and miss. Sometimes I score dank, sometimes its mid's, other times is commercial outdoor when in season.
There was times in my life where I smoked a dime bag a day off the black market. Not after to long I got to the point where a dime bag did nothing to me it was just enough to get rid of my cravings to get high. One day I said
enough was enough. I am sick of spending $300-400 a month on black market weed and where is it getting me???? Granted I would be high another day, but the cost never added up for me. It got so bad at one point

I caught myself making shitty choices and not paying my bills so that I can buy bullshit black market weed.

Now days, and for prob the last 4-5 years I have only smoked what I have grown apart from a few rare occasions. First, I love knowing what it is, how it was grown, with what products, yada yada. Its never a hit or miss thing and it gives me rain's over my tolerance level. My body is the way it is but I can only smoke 3 weeks out of a month. I always take the last 7 days of a month off just to recoup and gain my bearings back. Flush my system and that leads way to no tolerance again. IMO, its human nature to adapt. They longer we feed our bodies with the same meds, the more likely your body is to build a tolerance defense system against it.

One thing I have learned is that it helps to always keep changing strains. Don't work or consume the same variety all the time. Switch it up as much as possible.

Another thing I want to point out that I have noticed over the years is that I really lean towards indica heavy hybrids. Sativa's just don't get me stoned. They give me more of a light day time like buzz. I don't smoke all day, only at night once jobs are done and my feet are up :) If I am smoking say Apollo 13 or Super Silver Haze at night I will have to smoke 10x the normal just to get good and stoney :) Over time I thought why not try concentrate sativa doms. It worked great for a while and then bam, tolerance build up.

In my times, I have learned that Indica's tend to get the job done way better, way more often, FOR ME :) Sativa's just dont give me the effects I need and look for in cannabis. Even when concentrated they dont do the job of a solid indica and the sativa's always give me tolerance build up faster than a Indica.

But through this process it has taught me its not worth spending hard earned dollar for a unknown black market product. When I only depend on what I can supply myself with, I have way less of a tolerance than smoking a black market dime bag a day, everyday, 365.
I know EXACTLY what your talking about, it's not a sneeze but it's almost like taking in a big rip and failing to hold it in but still trying until it gets to be too much. Now that you say that might give it a shot for the hell of it I never thought of intentionally doing that. And yeah ever since I could remember Arizona's have been my cottonmouth-cure of choice seeing they are only a buck, that or water. :bigjoint:
I can definitely vouch for the vitamin c (which works with other things as well ie shrooms) and the mangoes . Both have been frequent additions to seshes in my life
Smoke more weed...

I remember hearing a while ago that lemon juice helps amplify the effects of mushrooms, maybe there's something along the same lines happening with adrenaline and weed?