
so, let me see if i have this straight yet...
Russians are good people, but every single one of them that has any type of power in any way shape or form turn into horrific monsters who want to nuke the world, which they consider full of vermin...
but the rest of them...good people...¿
she sounds like their version of Greene
she sounds like their version of Greene
they ALL sound like their version of magaty trailer queen...
Every one of them that actually has any kind of voice that carries past their own border sound exactly the same..."we should destroy some random city or state, they don't believe what we believe, they're sub human vermin, we should obliterate them."
but the voiceless masses are totally different :roll:
they ALL sound like their version of magaty trailer queen...
Every one of them that actually has any kind of voice that carries past their own border sound exactly the same..."we should destroy some random city or state, they don't believe what we believe, they're sub human vermin, we should obliterate them."
but the voiceless masses are totally different :roll:
I don’t have the same impression. I think a vocal minority with interests to protect is squeezing the moderates out of the spotlight. I hesitate to judge the voiceless masses; I mean, they’re voiceless. With nobody speaking plainly for or about them, I can’t guess their character, especially with how they’re being fed bullshit by the state media. I would not want Americans to be peremptorily judged by or as maga.
Building 400+ panther 2 tanks in Ukraine a year would end the Russian conventional war threat and put a dagger at Russia's throat. If Uncle Sam wanted to put nukes on Ukraine's border in the future pointed at Moscow, there would be no problem. Once they are ejected from Ukraine, they will have trouble in Belarus and Georgia, the more of their military that is destroyed the better the chances these places have of dealing with Russia and Ukraine can help assure their future security with troops and arms. The ring around Russia will tighten, since they made enemies of their neighbors who fear and loath them and they will be getting future military and economic support from the west and Ukraine. Ukraine will be very useful as a non-NATO member and would have much more freedom of action in helping certain countries like Belarus and even Georgia militarily.

Think about a future Russia in say 5 years with an independent Belarus supported by Ukraine, they would have hundreds of Panther 2 main battle tanks and the old Soviet shit could be refurbished and given to the reserves and places like Geogia for their reserves too, since they would get Panther 2s as well. What the reserves in Belarus and Georgia would be using would be superior to anything the Russians would have. The Russians would only have mass armies of lightly armed troops, infantry with very poor equipment. Maybe the Chinese will sink a fortune into Russia and arm them with their weapons, but the EU wouldn't like that, and neither would a lot of other countries they trade with. It would mean any aggression in Europe by the Russians would have to be supported and approved by China, making them the blame too.

I don’t have the same impression. I think a vocal minority with interests to protect is squeezing the moderates out of the spotlight. I hesitate to judge the voiceless masses; I mean, they’re voiceless. With nobody speaking plainly for or about them, I can’t guess their character, especially with how they’re being fed bullshit by the state media. I would not want Americans to be peremptorily judged by or as maga.
the only thing i can see that speaks to their character is that every one of them that gets a voice, uses it to call for evil shit...
Americans should be judged about maga...WE allowed that shit to happen, WE keep on tolerating it...that's tantamount to condoning it, and we SHOULD be judged about that. The entire country is bathing in apathy, and it's about to fucking drown us.
the only thing i can see that speaks to their character is that every one of them that gets a voice, uses it to call for evil shit...
Americans should be judged about maga...WE allowed that shit to happen, WE keep on tolerating it...that's tantamount to condoning it, and we SHOULD be judged about that. The entire country is bathing in apathy, and it's about to fucking drown us.
I challenge that. Many, yes. (The system selects for it, sorta like the GOP screens against nonfascists.) But not all. The casino effect kicks in: the noise from the nasties is all we hear.

I challenge that. Many, yes. (The system selects for it, sorta like the GOP screens against nonfascists.) But not all. The casino effect kicks in: the noise from the nasties is all we hear.

There are always dissidents, there will always be the few good apples that bob to the top of the barrel of rot...but it's still a barrel of rot, and those few good apples are the only good thing that's ever going to come out of that barrel.
There are always dissidents, there will always be the few good apples that bob to the top of the barrel of rot...but it's still a barrel of rot, and those few good apples are the only good thing that's ever going to come out of that barrel.
since they are being vigorously suppressed, there might be a volcano under Putin’s ass. More likely no than yes, but the political geology is right. We might get a chance to see them act if Russia is pushed into failure, which just might happen with Ukraine’s help.
A guy can dream.
There are always dissidents, there will always be the few good apples that bob to the top of the barrel of rot...but it's still a barrel of rot, and those few good apples are the only good thing that's ever going to come out of that barrel.
The collective price they pay will only increase and if the economic reports coming out of Russia are right, it is about to get much worse for the average Russian. The sanctions will stay on until the crimes against humanity and war crimes are addressed, they won't come off for mere peace, we will have peace, the peace of their graves. Many innocents will suffer, but they have been suffering in Ukraine for a while now and it's time the Russians shared the pain of Vlad's war of choice.
since they are being vigorously suppressed, there might be a volcano under Putin’s ass. More likely no than yes, but the political geology is right. We might get a chance to see them act if Russia is pushed into failure, which just might happen with Ukraine’s help.
A guy can dream.
I hope that is one dream that is fulfilled...
But, you're hoping that mental zombies who have been fed nothing but government poison their entire lives are going to revolt? the only revolting going on in russia involves their behavior to their neighbors.
Have you not listened to any of those man in the street interviews that get posted? maybe one russian in 10 says they aren't behind the war, and maybe one out of one hundred of them might have the courage to do anything about it.
the other 9 are not only behind it, they support the idea of moving on to Poland, Moldava, Belarus and stealing that land for russia too, killing the citizens, down to the babies, because, and i quote an old russian woman from the last video "they don't love us anymore."
i have a limited amount of sympathy, and at the moment, i have absolutely none to spare for any russian who isn't actively participating in an insurrection.
Building 400+ panther 2 tanks in Ukraine a year would end the Russian conventional war threat and put a dagger at Russia's throat. If Uncle Sam wanted to put nukes on Ukraine's border in the future pointed at Moscow, there would be no problem. Once they are ejected from Ukraine, they will have trouble in Belarus and Georgia, the more of their military that is destroyed the better the chances these places have of dealing with Russia and Ukraine can help assure their future security with troops and arms. The ring around Russia will tighten, since they made enemies of their neighbors who fear and loath them and they will be getting future military and economic support from the west and Ukraine. Ukraine will be very useful as a non-NATO member and would have much more freedom of action in helping certain countries like Belarus and even Georgia militarily.

Think about a future Russia in say 5 years with an independent Belarus supported by Ukraine, they would have hundreds of Panther 2 main battle tanks and the old Soviet shit could be refurbished and given to the reserves and places like Geogia for their reserves too, since they would get Panther 2s as well. What the reserves in Belarus and Georgia would be using would be superior to anything the Russians would have. The Russians would only have mass armies of lightly armed troops, infantry with very poor equipment. Maybe the Chinese will sink a fortune into Russia and arm them with their weapons, but the EU wouldn't like that, and neither would a lot of other countries they trade with. It would mean any aggression in Europe by the Russians would have to be supported and approved by China, making them the blame too.

The 130mm ammo will be a prob,ammunition mfg. is already a big prob,and I'm amazed how tank guns keep increasing,the Abrams started out at 105mm,then went to 120mm,the Russians had to have a bigger gun so they went 125mm in their T80-90's,and now 130mm,all NATO tanks were firing a standard 120 mm round,so Challengers,Leopards,and Abrams can share ammo,now this Panther w/a completely diff. round when mfg of 155mm artillery is no where near what Ukraine is using,in defense of Western miltary doctrine this type of static warfare being waged in Ukraine is the antithesis of how a combined arms war would be conducted by modern armies,lightning movement w/air support launched after suppression of air defenses has been the ethos of Western doctrine and training for decades. The capacity to mfg. artillery ammo. on an industrial scale for a static "Western Front' scenario was dismissed decades ago and the scenario that exists in the Ukraine/Russian war was never anticipated.
I hope that is one dream that is fulfilled...
But, you're hoping that mental zombies who have been fed nothing but government poison their entire lives are going to revolt? the only revolting going on in russia involves their behavior to their neighbors.
Have you not listened to any of those man in the street interviews that get posted? maybe one russian in 10 says they aren't behind the war, and maybe one out of one hundred of them might have the courage to do anything about it.
the other 9 are not only behind it, they support the idea of moving on to Poland, Moldava, Belarus and stealing that land for russia too, killing the citizens, down to the babies, because, and i quote an old russian woman from the last video "they don't love us anymore."
i have a limited amount of sympathy, and at the moment, i have absolutely none to spare for any russian who isn't actively participating in an insurrection.
The Russians are facing the same problem as the Republicans, more and more people are getting their news online and that can work both ways. Vlad's only chance is to snow us under with bullshit, not convince us of anything in particular, just so we don't know what the truth really is and there are multiple conspiracies a foot that are somehow hurting and controlling them, they seek to "mind fuck" their victims, like foxnews does. So, you have people being spoon feed a canned narrative on hate radio and foxnews, tailored to fit what racists, bigots and the fear driven want to hear. It makes money as long as you keep spinning the fairytale reality for them so they can feel warm and fuzzy inside and realize they are not alone in their struggle against "wokeness", though like the term "liberal", they don't really know what it means, but Tucker said it was bad!

On foxnews they give them bullshit straight up the old-fashioned propaganda way, online they sow confusion with multiple narratives and conspiracy theories. One is designed to inject the raw bullshit and the other to confuse the viewer with multiple false narratives, so they don't know what's true.
I hope that is one dream that is fulfilled...
But, you're hoping that mental zombies who have been fed nothing but government poison their entire lives are going to revolt? the only revolting going on in russia involves their behavior to their neighbors.
Have you not listened to any of those man in the street interviews that get posted? maybe one russian in 10 says they aren't behind the war, and maybe one out of one hundred of them might have the courage to do anything about it.
the other 9 are not only behind it, they support the idea of moving on to Poland, Moldava, Belarus and stealing that land for russia too, killing the citizens, down to the babies, because, and i quote an old russian woman from the last video "they don't love us anymore."
i have a limited amount of sympathy, and at the moment, i have absolutely none to spare for any russian who isn't actively participating in an insurrection.
I just can’t be angry at the victim class. That old Russian fool in the vid is saying what she has been told. I doubt I’d know better were I in her shoes. In this country we at least have the choice to read news that isn’t a product of the oligarchs.
And to rassle online with those who propagate the bs without needing to worry about a knock on the door in the wee hours.
The 130mm ammo will be a prob,ammunition mfg. is already a big prob,and I'm amazed how tank guns keep increasing,the Abrams started out at 105mm,then went to 120mm,the Russians had to have a bigger gun so they went 125mm in their T80-90's,and now 130mm,all NATO tanks were firing a standard 120 mm round,so Challengers,Leopards,and Abrams can share ammo,now this Panther w/a completely diff. round when mfg of 155mm artillery is no where near what Ukraine is using,in defense of Western miltary doctrine this type of static warfare being waged in Ukraine is the antithesis of how a combined arms war would be conducted by modern armies,lightning movement w/air support launched after suppression of air defenses has been the ethos of Western doctrine and training for decades. The capacity to mfg. artillery ammo. on an industrial scale for a static "Western Front' scenario was dismissed decades ago and the scenario that exists in the Ukraine/Russian war was never anticipated.
I'm sure they thought the logistics out, this war is teaching many lessons. Making these things in Ukraine at the rate of 400 a year should make Russia think twice and Germany has now shifted the battle zone from its borders to Russia's and will have a knife at Russia's throat with the Ukrainians holding the handle. Instead of Russia being 400 miles from Germany's borders, the Ukrainians will be closer to Moscow after this shit is over and Russia won't have much left by this time next year, unless China suddenly bankrolls them and gives them ammo and weapons.