
At 700 dead Russians a day, five more years would be. . . . . 1.27M dead russians. Not a bad outcome.
Huge number...not sure its true. Men or women have never been a problem for Russia. They used to send them in threes, one behind the other. The second and third had to pick up the weapon the first person was carrying.
I havent meet a Russian i didn't like. Its a shame we judge the person by the country they were born in
America isn't very far away off becoming a Non Democracy as we saw not that long ago.
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US and its allies have frozen more than $58 billion from Russian oligarchs
But how many haven't fallen out of a window?
Why weren't American Billionaires stripped of their assets because of the illegal invasion if Iraq?
As long as China stays out of Taiwan, for 5 years it should be interesting , they sound almost ready do something in 2 years
then the Muricans will say "hey Aussies, Uncle Sam needs you to help in the fight"

our current subs are a joke and we pretty much sitting ducks:wall: without the yanks

they should just give us a few cheap old hand me down subs that are being put out of service in the US to train on first
then sell us the new ones later

like do it yesterday

time to have a cone or two bongsmilie
We are a log way from China.
The sub deal is terrible. Own own Defence white paper states its pointless. We need to invest the money in quiet coastline electric subs (like the one we "sink" carriers with... and marine drones..hundreds if not thousands of cheap assault marine drones.
The Ukrainians are rotating troops out of the line and giving them leave to mitigate it a bit, but not so much the Russians, they are there until they die with no relief. War takes its toll and will for years to come, but Ukrainian veterans will get a Helluva lot more social support and political power after the war than the Russians will. The legion in Ukraine will run the place for a couple of decades after the war, as they did here after WW2, no politician would dare cross or disrespect the vets back then.


Small Drones & Loitering Munitions in Ukraine - The terrifying rise of cheap precision

While the news often focuses on the role of large, expensive systems in the Ukraine war (think of the attention given to tanks, aircraft, or MLRS and SAM systems in recent weeks and months) some of the most omnipresent and disruptive systems have actually been terrifyingly cheap and accessible.

Off-the-shelf commercial drones converted for military use have been deployed by the truckload, while some of Russia's more successful weapons have been comparatively cheap loitering munitions and kamikaze drones like the Iranian Shahed and Russian Lancet. Videos of equipment destroyed by drones that might cost a thousandth of the price have become image of the war across social media.

In this video, I examine the use of these (often civilian) systems in the war in Ukraine, look at international developments, and ask what lessons we can take from the terrifying rise of cheap sensor and cheaper precision on the battlefield.