
I got a letter of commendation from comdesron33 (commander of destroyer squadron 33) for singlehandedly putting out a shipboard fire while at sea

What's your assessment of the "flagship you sunk my battleship"?

Genuinely curious for a Military perspective.
Now is the time for every country in the world to send in as much weaponry as they can spare …… fuck you Russia!!! It’s also time to give them 48 hours to withdraw or warn of “serious” predictable repercussions. Cruise missile the shit out of any Russian asset that is touching Ukraine soil. Enough of this bullshit!!!! When this first started my thoughts were “not our fight” but as the pictures of kids dying (causing my partner to tear up every time it is shown) and cities are being destroyed it’s time to step up and throw some ultimatums right back at em! One dead child is one to many.
haven't these people suffered enough already
Here's another bunch of arseholes, Essex County Council
A woman said she was "shocked" to be told she could not house a family of Ukrainian refugees in her fully-furnished, heated static caravan

How do these pricks sleep at night?

Government figures show that as of 7 April, 12,500 sponsorship visas had been issued from 43,600 applications. However, only 1,200 refugees have arrived in the UK so far under the sponsorship visas.
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they really care about someone feeding them, if we can step up and help them out, American skullduggery will seem like less of a threat, and they'll remember it was US and not russia who helped them out...besides, i don't think russia is going to be in much of a position to help anyone by the time this is over
Sure. That is what they are hearing on the news right now. They are hearing due to Nato beating up on Russia that they will go hungry. It is Nato's fault that Ukraine is continuing this war. Uh, Special Operation.
I have to admit the sinking of that Flagship made me happy.

Naturally it sank because of a onboard fire but naturally Russia must get revenge for it on Ukraine.
So what is it? Ukraine sunk it with their Neptune missiles or inept Russian Sailors started a fire onboard and blew it up themselves.

So either got their ass kicked or they are too stupid to be left alone with munitions?

ass kicking.
Sure. That is what they are hearing on the news right now. They are hearing due to Nato beating up on Russia that they will go hungry. It is Nato's fault that Ukraine is continuing this war. Uh, Special Operation.
i know that some people have restricted access to the internet, but there are ways around that, there are very few people who should be entirely in the dark. it should be obvious to the world at large that NATO is not the aggressor here, that Ukraine isn't run by neo-nazis, (they would have to be very NEO indeed to be nazis led by a jewish president) and that russia is committing war crimes on a daily basis,
and lying to the entire world about every aspect of this war they started.
how many independently run, independently owned news services have to tell them the same thing before at least a few of them start to figure shit out? America has done some terrible things, and will probably do more terrible things, but we're half a fucking world away from russia, we didn't start a fucking thing. the Eu has made ZERO threatening statements to russia, NATO has made ZERO threatening statements to russia...Ukraine HAD made ZERO threatening statements to russia, before putin decided to invade their peaceful country on a flimsy unbelievable pretext.
i just have trouble accepting that the rest of the world blames us for putin's bullshit war, or it's consequences
i know that some people have restricted access to the internet, but there are ways around that, there are very few people who should be entirely in the dark. it should be obvious to the world at large that NATO is not the aggressor here, that Ukraine isn't run by Neo-nazis, (they would have to be very NEO indeed to be Nazis led by a Jewish president) and that Russia is committing war crimes on a daily basis,
and lying to the entire world about every aspect of this war they started.
how many independently run, independently owned news services have to tell them the same thing before at least a few of them start to figure shit out? America has done some terrible things, and will probably do more terrible things, but we're half a fucking world away from Russia, we didn't start a fucking thing. the Eu has made ZERO threatening statements to Russia, NATO has made ZERO threatening statements to Russia...Ukraine HAD made ZERO threatening statements to Russia, before Putin decided to invade their peaceful country on a flimsy unbelievable pretext.
i just have trouble accepting that the rest of the world blames us for Putin's bullshit war, or it's consequences

The very existence of a functioning Democracy is the threat.
That Ukraine might have become the example of Western Style Democracy in the Face of Russian Culture well that is the reason for the war.
Can't have basically a mirrored society given the connections of the peoples and the shared history of the region going back hundreds of years, becoming a Western ( In Russia's Face ) Democracy that functions better than whatever Russia calls itself.

What I don't get Rodger is that it has all backfired!
Perhaps Russia can carve away some more of Ukraine but what is left is now firmly Pro-West.
I believe Ukraine has applied to become part of the E.U.
I believe Finland and Sweden are joining NATO.
If they do and if Russia has to pull back after gorging on more Ukraine so they can reevaluate their economic abilities going forward then with the help of Western suppliers Russia will be met with a modern enemy coming at them with all the "Kick Putin's ass technology" the allies can allow.

Can you tell me what Putin really gets? What has this done for Russia or maybe it's ( like Trump ) all about Putin?
The Ukrainians make these commercially and many of these types are modeled on modern RC planes with fight control computers, GPS and FPV. It is controlled with a directional antenna on a mast, has interchangeable gimbled sensors and is probably cheap to buy. These are some of the recon drones the Ukrainians use, planes have a much greater range and endurance than quadcopters.
Drone Leleka 100 FullHD
The very existence of a functioning Democracy is the threat.
That Ukraine might have become the example of Western Style Democracy in the Face of Russian Culture well that is the reason for the war.
Can't have basically a mirrored society given the connections of the peoples and the shared history of the region going back hundreds of years, becoming a Western ( In Russia's Face ) Democracy that functions better than whatever Russia calls itself.

What I don't get Rodger is that it has all backfired!
Perhaps Russia can carve away some more of Ukraine but what is left is now firmly Pro-West.
I believe Ukraine has applied to become part of the E.U.
I believe Finland and Sweden are joining NATO.
If they do and if Russia has to pull back after gorging on more Ukraine so they can reevaluate their economic abilities going forward then with the help of Western suppliers Russia will be met with a modern enemy coming at them with all the "Kick Putin's ass technology" the allies can allow.

Can you tell me what Putin really gets? What has this done for Russia or maybe it's ( like Trump ) all about Putin?
no, i can't. i think i know what he wanted, but he couldn't have gone about screwing himself any better if he tried.
he wanted to keep NATO away from his border, but even if he had succeeded, Norway and Finland would have joined, probably faster than they are now. that would have invited further war, and he probably would have used tactical nukes, or chemical weapons, and invited a confrontation with NATO.
before the war started, he was direly misinformed about the status of his military, and the status of operations in Ukraine that would have facilitated his takeover, but since this has started, we've learned that not only is his military poorly trained and inept, all of his hardware is in a sad state of repair, and it's questionable if many of his nuclear devices are still operational. i would estimate that at the very least, half of his warheads are non operational, and cannot be effectively repaired.
the human ego can be a fragile thing, and it appears that putin's ego is tied up in being the leader of a world super power. it would also appear that he is going to either have to give that dream up, or elevate the conflict in Ukraine, which cannot end well for russia. they're already short of men and material, and have no place to call reinforcements from that won't leave them with an unprotected flank.
this is when a reasonable person would call for peace talks, but putin isn't a reasonable person.
War is an inevitable thing, if noone does anything to prevent it. USA could have stopped it before it started.
Politics is a bitch. You eat or you are eaten nowadays. Politicians dont know anything about virtues, strong back, moral or ethics, only MONEY . This is why everything is going south. We have different meters or yards for different people. Izrael is molesting, killing palestinians for 60 years and we got used to it. Bush jr. Attacked Iraq couse of the neverfound weapons of mass deatruction, destabilised the whole region, later they organised a coup in libiya, couse moamer gadafi refused to sell oil for dollars. Later the Isis gained strenght and made havoc in the region. Siria? Afganistan? How many people died?
But they really arent people, they are muslims you all think. Their life is worthless and not like ours. We are catholics we have the almighty god, they have only alah.they are not educated, they are socialised in local culture, they dont know shit.
You all went to school, but havent learned about human rights.
Just my 6 min.
I an not a native english speaker, so i opologise for syntax and semantix errors. Br
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