
Nobody knows how many switchblade drones or other types Uncle Sam is sending, they make switchblades in Turkey and other places under license too. 100 is a nominal number, because the Russians will be finding them or their remains anyway. I expect a lot more switchblades and other kinds of very effective military drones to be delivered, it's a great opportunity to test it out in war. Besides, I expect most next generation US drones, even cheap ones, will be starlink controlled anyway. If this is their thinking they could give Ukraine a lot of military drones! They want planes, but for most things planes do, American military drones can do better and they have just begun to receive those. Just the reservists will be using commercial drones by summer, they will need everybody they have to man the new systems from America alone. Though I can see infantry units still using small commercial DJI minis because they are so useful for the fight on the ground.
How military drones became a decisive factor in the Russia-Ukraine war | DW News

Drones have been an important weapon on both sides of the Ukraine war. The unmanned aircraft do many jobs, from providing video images from the sky, to launching missiles to destroy military or civilian targets. Reports say the US is now sending ultra-light switchblade 'suicide drone' devices to help Ukraine. But will it make a difference in the war against Russia?
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Generally speaking, former republicans know how to deal with current Republicans and also know how to deal with Vlad, because they are much the same. They speak the same way and think the same way, one has total power, the other only has some, for now.

Joe: It's Time For Putin To Start Worrying What The U.S. Thinks

President Biden is standing by comments that Russian President Vladimir Putin can't remain in power, saying he had been expressing his 'moral outrage,' not signaling a policy change. Joe Scarborough explains why it's time for Putin to worry what the U.S. thinks about his actions in Ukraine.
Ukraine War: Ukraine forces have some 'success' near Kyiv as Russian forces are pushed back

Ukrainian forces claim to have had some successful counter attacks in the battle to hold Kyiv, according to security and defence expert Michael Clarke.
Help is on the way and soon they might be flying something different, now that Uncle Sam is delivering them. I would have thought they would have had more support, but I don't imagine that will be an issue moving forward. If Uncle Sam comes through on effective drones, what the Russians have seen so far, is nothing compared to what they will experience in a couple of months.
Aerorozvidka, the elite drone pilots unit that changed the face of Ukrainian resistance

Russian potential for major offensives in Ukraine 'exhausted,' says analyst

Russian forces have taken a 'severe beating' from Ukrainian forces and do not have enough manpower to replace soldiers at the front, says Konrad Muzyka, an independent defence analyst in Gdańsk, Poland.
The Ukrainians released a list of over 600 of them, so that might have something to do with it.

the list is here

well i guess someone was listening.......gernades from drones.....phreaking spelling...smh

Unless they find them effective and useful, they will soon be driving Military drones from Uncle Sam, the flood gates have opened last week. Don't believe everything you see in the news, Uncle Sam wants to hide his involvement as much as he can. Sure America sent 100 switchblade drones, but Turkey and the UK also make them under license and there could be hundreds of more coming from them. The Russians will find their remains in Ukraine, but we did give the Ukrainians 100 of them...

I still think if you can starlink control one, one of those big agri drones that fold up and fit in the back of a half ton and lift 30+ kg can probably drop a half dozen anti tank bombs per sortie. They don't even need to be remote controlled, but are guided by GPS to a half meter accuracy and can be sent on way point missions to automatically destroy a half dozen vehicles a mission. Then they come back and land automatically, no radio transmissions from the ground or drone, everything is automatic and the drone can already do most of it. The exact location of the targets is captured by a high flying military drone and it's relayed to the crew who program them into the drone before take off.

I see they are using cell phones to relay drone video directly to the artillery, so the gun crews can observe the fall of shot directly with a God's eye view and adjust accordingly. All it really takes is a custom app that a small group of nerds can come up with pretty quickly. There are other apps that turn cell phones into walkie talkies, with your unit on an encrypted network, useful for reserves and guerillas. Push a button and your on the local artillery net and can call down fire, another phone hooked up to the drone can send them a live stream and GPS coordinates of the targets. Everyday modern technology used in war to great effect, at least in this war.