
I wonder how many of those big octocopters folks gave them, they ain't cheap, but can lift a load and drop anti tank bombs straight down at night on parked vehicles. Smaller drones could drop hand grenades though, with fuzes timed to explode just before or as they hit the ground. One of those big octocopters could destroy a dozen tanks or APCs parked at night, in a few sorties and it appears they can carry more than one bomb. They could have dozens of the big octocopters by now, many donated, they are normally used to spray fields and carry big tanks of liquid, others are used to carry big cinema cameras.
Ukrainian Drone Dropping Grenades RKG-1600 Destroys Russian Tank and Self-Propelled Howitzer

These have been around for awhile and are made by several manufacturers. This one holds 30 liters of liquid and that equals 30 KG with the pump and other spray gear say 31 Kg so it can carry 70 lbs. worth of bombs with that other shit removed.
They probably don't need something this heavy to dump 10 or 20 pound anti tank bombs with shaped charges onto a parked tank from a couple of hundred feet up at night. I was wondering how many things like this or a bit smaller the Ukrainians have? Between NLAWs, Javelins and other anti tank weapons and a fleet of these alone working at night destroying many more, it must be hard on Russian tanks and perhaps why the Ukrainians have been finding so many empty and serviceable, they've become death traps for Russians. The Ukrainians now have a lot more tanks than when they started the war with, even accounting for the ones they had destroyed. The Ukrainians are using over a 1000 modern anti tank rockets a day, with a 90% kill rate, so the fighting must be ferocious.

Then again operations of this kind could only really just be beginning, now that they've seen the utility in war. They have have had time to request and receive donated or purchased drones are modifying them for war and training teams to use them. There could be many more of these night attacks in a month as readily available commercial equipment is modified and crews deployed. One crew with a drone and a half ton, could destroy a dozen or more tanks and other parked vehicles every night from miles away.

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These have been around for awhile and are made by several manufacturers. This one holds 30 liters of liquid and that equals 30 KG with the pump and other spray gear say 31 Kg so it can carry 70 lbs. worth of bombs with that other shit removed.
They probably don't need something this heavy to dump 10 or 20 pound anti tank bombs with shaped charges onto a parked tank from a couple of hundred feet up at night. I was wondering how many things like this or a bit smaller the Ukrainians have? Between NLAWs, Javelins and other anti tank weapons and a fleet of these alone working at night destroying many more, it must be hard on Russian tanks and perhaps why the Ukrainians have been finding so many empty and serviceable, they've become death traps for Russians. The Ukrainians now have a lot more tanks than when they started the war with, even accounting for the ones they had destroyed. The Ukrainians are using over a 1000 modern anti tank rockets a day, with a 90% kill rate, so the fighting must be ferocious.

This might be dumb, but is there bomb spray?
This might be dumb, but is there bomb spray?
Wouldn't take too long to strip that junk off and use the payload capacity for anti tank bombs. They ain't nothing special and drop straight down after hovering over the target at night, hard to miss and the bombs can be quickly and cheaply made. What makes this so interesting is they are using quickly available commercial equipment that can be quickly modified. There are few bottlenecks and they should be able to expand operations very quickly. These appear to be very effective and not expensive at all compared to a javelin, the bomb it drops should cost about $50 bucks and can be built in any machine shop from steal pipe. It's an obvious no brainer! Two half tons with soldiers and one drone guided by other drone intelligence could cause a lot of damage in one night of fun.
Wouldn't take too long to strip that junk off and use the payload capacity for anti tank bombs. They ain't nothing special and drop straight down after hovering over the target at night, hard to miss and the bombs can be quickly and cheaply made. What makes this so interesting is they are using quickly available commercial equipment that can be quickly modified. There are few bottlenecks and they should be able to expand operations very quickly. These appear to be very effective and not expensive at all compared to a javelin, the bomb it drops should cost about $50 bucks and can be built in any machine shop from steal pipe. It's an obvious no brainer! Two half tons with soldiers and one drone guided by other drone intelligence could cause a lot of damage in one night of fun.

Ok thanks. I thought they had spray-deliverable antithing things.
This might be dumb, but is there bomb spray?
Here's a wild idea that this thing can do, it normally flies GPS waypoint missions anyway spraying fields. Since Ukraine is friends with Uncle Sam they can get even more accurate GPS fixes than is normally possible, say a half a meter. Well since a highflying drone has precisely located all the targets at night and quickly transfered the data to the drone crew, they can punch in the precise location of say a half dozen targets for a big drone before take off. The drone the flies autonomously to each target, hovers and drops the bomb automatically, then proceeds to the next target, video recording everything too. So they can knock out a half dozen tanks automatically from miles away and relax and have a smoke while it's doing it. When it returns, it lands automatically, they either load it with bombs again and go for another mission, or fold it up and leave.
Here's a wild idea that this thing can do, it normally flies GPS waypoint missions anyway spraying fields. Since Ukraine is friends with Uncle Sam they can get even more accurate GPS fixes than is normally possible, say a half a meter. Well since a highflying drone has precisely located all the targets at night and quickly transfered the data to the drone crew, they can punch in the precise location of say a half dozen targets for a big drone before take off. The drone the flies autonomously to each target, hovers and drops the bomb automatically, the proceeds to the next target, video recording everything too. So they can knock out a half dozen tanks automatically from miles away and relax and have a smoke while it's doing it. When it returns, it lands automatically, they either load it with bombs again and go for another mission, or fold it up and leave.
Cool but no
Cool but no
Sometimes my imagination gets the better of me, but not in this case, they have 7 years of experience with drones, have a special organization with priority and it's so blindingly obvious. The main thing is it has been demonstrated to work in practice manually dropping bombs and a test to see if it could work autonomously isn't hard to do. Commercial drones and help are readily available and people easy to train. If one of these gizmos can destroy one tank a night it would be worth the trouble, much less a half dozen manually. Autonomous operation might allow for longer range missions, some one way, it can carry 30KG of explosives after all!

Here is 100 grams of plastic explosive vs a washing machine,
Sometimes my imagination gets the better of me, but not in this case, they have 7 years of experience with drones, have a special organization with priority and it's so blindingly obvious. The main thing is it has been demonstrated to work in practice manually dropping bombs and a test to see if it could work autonomously isn't hard to do. Commercial drones and help are readily available and people easy to train. If one of these gizmos can destroy one tank a night it would be worth the trouble, much less a half dozen manually. Autonomous operation might allow for longer range missions, some one way, it can carry 30KG of explosives after all!

Here is 100 grams of plastic explosive vs a washing machine,
I take a step back. Wanna see it done a few times.
I think President Biden just called for Putin to be overthrown in the speech he made in Poland.

Anyone else catch that?

"For Gods Sake This Man Cannot Remain in Power." Joe Biden 03/26/2022

Sound like a call for ousting Putin.
They started walking that back as soon as he said it. What he meant to say. . . . . was that poot-poot can't wield power outside Russia.
I take a step back. Wanna see it done a few times.
Me too and so would the ones doing it or trying it! Remember the Russians have no way of dealing with these and they can be easily modified to see at night and in infrared A fleet of these properly deployed just dropping bombs manually at night could make a big difference, the Russians usually park at night and sleep in a commandeered house close by. Their only defense would be to park in garages at night and they might be tracked by other drones when they do, First bomb blows the roof off and the special one destroys the tank inside garage.

As I said they have an experienced military unit and civilian support infrastructure, now they have donated equipment and if they request something specific they will get it ASAP, sometimes free.
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Me too and so would the ones doing it or trying it! Remember the Russians have no way of dealing with these and they can be easily modified to see at night and in infrared A fleet of these properly deployed just dropping bombs manually at night could make a big difference, the Russians usually park at night and sleep in a commandeered house close by. Their only defense would be to park in garages at night and they might be tracked by other drones when they do, First bomb blows the roof off and the special one destroys the tank inside garage.

As I said they have an experience military unit and civilian support infrastructure, now they have donated equipment and if they request something specific they will get it ASAP, sometimes free.
If nothing else, small bombs from quiet drones could be massive morale killers.
They are used for spraying fruit trees, that sort of thing. I saw a fellow from Alabama who had a company who's drones spread tree seeds after fires and mudslides. Lots of different uses.
It's the military importance of everyday modern technology that is important. Just cellphones make a huge difference in communication and gives every local reserve officer direct access to a military network anywhere in the country. Commercial drones have become powerful and ubiquitous, and in this war at least, unexpectedly useful as weapons and for other things too. Information is important on the battlefield and a phone allows communication and navigation with maps too and small cheap drones that fit in your pocket gives a God's eye view that commanders love.

Like NLAWs, Javelins and Stingers, they have changed the nature of land warfare and have made smaller nations strong and big tank armies almost useless, along with attack helicopters and close air support in general. Infantry is king of the battle field again, or will, be when they backpack switch blade equivalents to take out the artillery too.
I dunno how many combat soldiers the Ukrainians are fielding now, I believe they had upwards of 150K, though I've seen several estimates. However Ukraine must have had a draft of some kind and there must be many thousands of retired soldiers from the past decade who can be quickly recalled, other older vets can lead and man local defense forces. They have had over a month to rapidly expand the army with new volunteers and those with previous military service. So lets say they've had enough time to train and equip 100,000 new recruits along with veterans, NATO helping of course. Could this be what is fueling the new Ukrainian offensive operations, along with a flood of new modern anti tank weapons?

When the Ukrainians can drive the Russians back far enough from the capitol and they dig in defensively, then they can use a small army force backed up by a lot of reservists (they should have a couple of million by now and had hundreds of thousands before) can hold them in their defensive positions. Then the bulk of the army can head for another front, those on the west of the city can move to the east side and drive the Russians back even further and some can be deployed in the south to defeat the smaller Russian army there. Vlad has several small armies that are not mutually supporting and each can be defeated quickly in succession by a superior force. If the Ukrainians can bag several thousand Russians trapped south west of Kyiv, they would be on a real roll.

I imagine they are having classes of soldiers graduating from training every week by now and are rapidly expanding faster than the Russians can deploy forces into the theater, to the extent they can. The way to a sure victory is to use overwhelming military force and having an army 3 or 4 times larger than the Russians can do that. There are even enough left over soviet arms and equipment to do it and they have bought lot's of time for training and organization. So if the plan is to eject Vlad from the entire country and Crimea while handing him his ass, then a nice big old fashioned army using modern arms and old soviet stuff is the sure fire way to do it.
If NATO wasn't training Ukrainian soldier en mass before, but giving say seminars and specialized training on weapons systems, it will be now. I would be shocked if NATO or EU countries were not assisting in training thousands of Ukrainians at their facilities in the EU. I think the experts concluded awhile back that this was the way to go and I think the US and EU want Vlad decisively beaten so that he is weakened as much as possible at home. If they want to get rid of Vlad, then kicking his ass out of Ukraine will help a lot and the way to do that is with a big infantry army, that is well equipped with modern weapons, infantry is king again on the battle field and turn tanks into junk with shoulder launched weapons
@doublejj said he was thinking about getting a DJI mini or some other drone ya use with a phone, this might be useful, I have something similar I can put a phone in and fly or watch movies with, it also has a removable 5.8 Ghz diversity receiver and FPV screen in it. Phones aren't used much for FPV, the latency tends to be high, but DJI has low latency. These would be great for flying a DJI and the high resolution view is spectacular with these. The DJI mini requires no FAA drone license to fly.

They do make ya look like a dork though.
Fly FPV With Any Drone (DJI Mini 2 with FPV Goggles)

Interesting spin (I know you're just posting for the info BTW, and it's appreciated). I never heard of it so I did a quick 2 minute search. It's great to see both sides of the spin cycle in action though!! Lots of laughs to go all around.

I go from disgust and say I am not going back to see what the party line is saying but a couple of days later I am curious how they are dealing with changes on the ground.