
If nothing else, small bombs from quiet drones could be massive morale killers.
Small shaped charge bombs or modified Bazooka rounds dropped straight down on the thin top armor of the tank or APC will render them useless or destroyed, doing it at night means the crew lives, but they are kinda useless without their tank. Some might not park inside and hope their tank gets hit without them in it, a sensible choice for those who wish to live!
Freedom of speech and the plain truth, but it's up to the Russians, they will live like shit for as long as they are under Vlad's or his lackey's thumb. I think Vlad could be looking at a coup and if that happens, his cronies and his political party will be in deep shit. Many in the army think he and the government betrayed and humiliated the army and the country, while ruining their lives and those of their families, their kids have been freaking out for a month. They might also resent many of their friends slaughtered, wounded or blamed for others blunders and corruption.
Mar 26, 2022 - Press ISW

Russian forces continued their unsuccessful efforts to move into positions from which to attack or encircle Kyiv, claims by First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Sergei Rudskoi on March 25 notwithstanding. The Russian military continues to concentrate replacements and reinforcements in Belarus and Russia north of Kyiv, to fight for positions on Kyiv’s outskirts, and to attempt to complete the encirclement and reduction of Chernihiv. Russian activities around Kyiv show no change in the Russian high command’s prioritization of the fight around Ukraine’s capital, which continues to occupy the largest single concentration of Russian ground forces in Ukraine. The Russians have not claimed to redeploy forces from Kyiv or any other part of Ukraine to concentrate on fighting in Donbas, and we have observed numerous indicators that they have not done so. The increasingly static nature of the fighting around Kyiv reflects the incapacity of Russian forces rather than any shift in Russian objectives or efforts at this time.

I like the shit-storm myself.. How about you?

Interjecting Polarizing ad-lib? It works for Putin and Trump so why not "back at them?" Remember disinformation does work.

What does anyone want? 20 Minutes on how Trump's administration is the best ever and how the election was stolen?
Oh wait the USA would have pulled out of NATO before confronting Putin if Trump was President.

Also funny is that Americans are very supportive of what Biden is doing. Ukraine, Economy and the ilk but they are not happy that Biden is the one doing it. Go Figure.
Freedom of speech and the plain truth, but it's up to the Russians, they will live like shit for as long as they are under Vlad's or his lackey's thumb. I think Vlad could be looking at a coup and if that happens, his cronies and his political party will be in deep shit. Many in the army think he and the government betrayed and humiliated the army and the country, while ruining their lives and those of their families, their kids have been freaking out for a month. They might also resent many of their friends slaughtered, wounded or blamed for others blunders and corruption.

It's hard to get a straight story in the news. Case in point those MIG 29s from Poland. Yet, this seems to be something vague that could metastasize in the body Russia.

Interesting ad-lib. Rally the people of Europe. My experience is that they are not like the USA. The USA is an Island unto itself.
I like the shit-storm myself.. How about you?

Interjecting Polarizing ad-lib? It works for Putin and Trump so why not "back at them?" Remember disinformation does work. . . . . . .
Common wisdom says not to push a man with nukes too far. Joe Rob adlibbed, from what I have read. It is possible he cleared it with his national security guys, but I doubt it.

I would rather he stick to the script.
It's hard to get a straight story in the news. Case in point those MIG 29s from Poland. Yet, this seems to be something vague that could metastasize in the body Russia.

Interesting ad-lib. Rally the people of Europe. My experience is that they are not like the USA. The USA is an Island unto itself.
Like America they have history, it's more recent and it was nasty, both with Hitler and later with Stalin for those in the east. They have come to appreciate liberal democracy and know what it means as much as Americans. They thought they could live with the bear next door after we civilized him a bit, but now they all know how bad Vlad is. They also know how weak he is and that they can whip him conventionally by themselves, especially now that German has gone strong. Courage is contagious and so is hope, Vlad's blunders present great danger, but also great opportunity too and big changes in Europe are underway.

I believe the Ukrainians will whip the Russians and eject them from most of the country including the south with in a couple of months. Both the Russian army in Ukraine and the Russian economy will collapse by then, but they could hold areas in the east, there will be no peace while they are on Ukrainian territory. I believe the Ukrainians will do this the old fashioned way, by raising and training an army several times larger than the Russian forces available and I think we are seeing the first graduates of that army in action with the recent offensives. They will defeat Vlad's several small armies in succession, cutting them off and forcing surrender or destruction. Those forces that retreat towards the border and set up defensively will be held largely by reserves, while the army moves on to the next front.

Belarus could be the next domino to fall and is ripe for revolution or a coup, if they attack Ukraine it will be game over for the régime.
I was reading some shit about why Putin was so confident that it would take just a couple days to take over. Supposedly the FSB was given billions in untraceable cash over the years to bribe Ukrainian defence officials etc to not put up resistance when the invasion happened. They had been stealing it all and lying to Pootin. Then when he told them he was going in they freaked then leaked Pootin's plans to the US hoping that when Biden beaked off about it like he did Pootin would change his mind. Now they're all running scared.

Tried to find the link but no luck. Biden did seem to hit the nail on the head about the invasion before it happened tho so sound plausible to me.

Suddenly Republicans don't like a president to "tell it like it is." Putin is a ruthless, corrupt, brutal war criminal who threatens the world with chemical and nuclear weapons, and murders and jails opposition. He also literally threatens the sovereignty of every other country with his mafia-style, cyber-criminal armies, whether those countries are democracies or not.

The world acknowledges that Putin must not remain in power.
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The thing about war, it's the fighting that determines what happens, not the talking. If much of the Russian Army is cut off in the north, those folks and that equipment are out of the fight. Plus we will be able to keep the arms flowing with less threat to the convoys. Something Russia hasn't proved it can do long term. I don't think Ukraine is going to settle for anything less than pre-2014 boundaries.
I'm not quite sure of Crimea's history,I believe it, it may have been Russian territory initially,but then was cede to Ukraine in the Soviet days where Russia would never foreseen losing access to it,So I'm not positive,but it's strategic access is undeniable,I can't see Putin just giving it back barring a total say uncle Russian defeat,this is THE most important asset in this whole land grab gambit by Russia,far more meaningful than the Donbass region.
Many will say that, like in America, but in America, things sailed on as before, there wasn't sudden censorship imposed and the bottom didn't fall out of the economy, while being shunned by the world. Trump's supporters didn't see the buying power of the salaries and pensions cut in half and empty store shelves in a month and in two months it will be much worse. Not just the powerless will want to know what is really going on, many of the powerful and midlevel government people will want to know why their lives have tuned to shit and their kids and grand kids are freaking out.
Of course they want to know,they'll want to know why the world has suddenly turned their backs to Russia and why Russia is now the blacksheep of the international comm.,one man's strategic follies has caused this result and if he can be removed from the Kremlin without doomsday it will benefit mankind. Russia has been an enigma as far as transfer of power is concerned,and the best result is a more moderate,reform minded leader.who seeks to bring Russia's economy more up to standard and holds less hostility towards the West. A leader who can shed Russia's paranoia of being invaded and I'll tell you what,if Russia ever suffers a land grab by an adversary,it will come from Mr.Xi and not NATO IMO.