
I saw some good boots on the dead. Need to use everything. Wouldn't hurt to have some Russian uniforms around for false flag operations too.
The west seems to be equipping them with everything they need, the shortage of quality body armor might indicate they are building a large infantry army and need some equipment in short supply, they have tons of soviet arms, no shortage there. I see some of the territorials are using soviet era body armor, the uniforms and equipment are largely the same for both sides, they need colored tape to tell themselves apart on the battlefield now.

When they go on special operations at night, there will be a drone above like God who can spot every person on the ground and direct them around enemy forces to their objective. I don't think the Russians have much night vision equipment, a lot might have been sold on the black market, the Russians sleep at night. However the Ukrainians with our help should be able to see at night and take advantage of sleeping Russians. I've seen the mounts for the gear on their helmets, but I've never seen any displayed.
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That western rational perspective doesn’t apply to Putin
i don't know if it does or not...i know he's a fucking dick, a fucking dictator, a fascist, and a criminal...but i don't know anymore if he's crazy, or just way the fuck overestimated the "might of russia"....and now he's just fucking pissed, and thrashing about, trying to get something out of the deal. donetsk, and a land path to crimea might satisfy him, but if i was the Ukrainians, i wouldn't fucking go for it, if it took a year, two years, i'd kill every fucking russian soldier that crossed the border, i'd move towards his borders with mobile systems and launch missiles back at him, i'd mine harbors, blow up bridges...what the fuck ever it takes to not only kick him the fuck out, i'd take crimea back as well....FUCK putin...but he ain't insane
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VK, Russia's largest social media platform, has been hacked. Messages were sent to users that tell the true nature of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The US has sanctioned the head of Russia’s largest social network

Vladimir Kiriyenko, a Putin ally and son of a former prime minister, came to run VK Group after its founder was pushed out

The result forbids one of the country’s most powerful tech executives from doing business with any US entity
if that fell 12 days ago, by now NATO has disassembled it, mapped every circuit, explored every defensive measure, and by now knows how to counter them...
Hypersonic down in the weeds - maybe one of those flying dong drones intercepted.

But seriously would stay the fuck back from it.

View attachment 5105634



Does not look like one to me. Also the video that is suppose to be the missile, there are two booms. Is it explosions at the site? If it were a supersonic missile we would hear a sonic boom. Would it be louder than the impact? Or would the narrow nose angle lessen the boom (my thought). With that in mind the one on the ground does not look much different than a regular missile.



Does not look like one to me. Also the video that is suppose to be the missile, there are two booms. Is it explosions at the site? If it were a supersonic missile we would hear a sonic boom. Would it be louder than the impact? Or would the narrow nose angle lessen the boom (my thought). With that in mind the one on the ground does not look much different than a regular missile.
Looks like a hypersonic cruise missile using a ramjet, it was gone over the horizon by the time the sonic boom caught up to the guy with the phone.
Russian Chechen soldiers were badly defeated by Ukraine and withdrew their troops back home.

Chechen troops Having suffered heavy losses from the Russian counter-attack, they are being considered to withdraw back to Russia.After losing hundreds of Kadyrovite fighters in the war in Ukraine, Chechen paramilitary forces are being sent to Russia, reports said Sunday. Fighter planes from Russia's Chechnya entered the war in support of the Russian army, with the aim of making a quick strike into Ukraine. but they were violently counter-attacked by the Ukrainian army and caused them to receive a heavy defeat.Russian-Chechen soldiers were badly defeated by Ukraine and withdrew their troops back home.
They go up with a bang, ya don't wanna be too close when ya shoot at one of these.

Ukrainian forces attack 2 Russian TOS-1 thermobaric weapon systems, get a direct hit on 2nd attempt

Ukrainian soldiers attack 2 Russian TOS-1 thermobaric weapon systems.

They miss on their first attempt and send the Russian soldiers fleeing on foot.