
If they do they will be slaughtered and there will be revolution at home, right at Vlad's forces back. Only a lunatic or a fool would follow such order, if they knew the situation and most do.
BELARUS TO DECLARE WAR TO UKRAINE! Ukraine fears a Belarusian attack

i would not count on any of that. Xi is a fascist asshole, but he's not stupid.
If and when he comes, it'll be hard and heavy, and fast. russia fucked up and cost themselves a lot, Xi won't make the same mistakes.
Taiwan isn't even 100 miles off shore from China. Xi would probably lead with targeted missile strikes on their defensive emplacements, some launched from the mainland, some from subs. in that chaos, he would call airstrikes, to cover his naval landing...which would be huge. If he decides to take Taiwan, i doubt anyone could do fuck all about it.
but as you say, that would not be in his best interest. he does a lot more business with the west and the EU than he does with russia, and he has to be seeing that most of the world now considers russia a pariah state, untouchable and unclean...he wouldn't want that same status for China, and wouldn't want to deal with the possible war it could cause.
With Vlad vanquished and the possibility of a new government in Russia Xi would screw himself by getting too close to Putin. Once Vlad is beaten, but still around he will be weak and trying to hang on to Belarus, especially if they attack Ukraine. This will allow the Europeans to deal with Russia by themselves, still in NATO, but little need for US troops there, they can then concentrate in Xi's back yard, America is done with the middle east. There is gonna be a real effort to open up Venezuela and Iran, opportunities that both recognize and they have better relations with the EU than America, so that could be useful. Putting those two online again would make a big difference, both have huge reserves. If Russia gets rid of Vlad and has free elections then sanctions can be lifted and when Russian oil comes online again the price will drop even more.

Meanwhile America and the EU should commit to a green new grid, EV's are coming any way with new battery tech. EVs are cheaper to produce have few moving parts and fewer parts in general, require less maintenance and are cheaper to produce than ICE vehicles. Solid state batteries or Aluminum Graphene batteries will give them long range, cheaper costs, greater fire safety, fast charging and long life. Auto mechanics will become more rare, since they have fewer moving parts to wear out and few fluids to leak on the roads, even braking will be dynamic with most used to recharge batteries and little brake pad dust generated. They will make sense because they will be cheaper to buy, operate and maintain than ICE vehicles. So in ten years Europe might have 75% of the cars on the road EVs in a decade and America might have 50%. EV's are a good second car choice for a two car family even now, used mostly for commuting and plugged in at night.
I'm glad it has come down to a straight up struggle between criminal autocracy and tyranny, against liberal democracy. We should try to help develop some near democracies or real ones and encourage those who aren't so liberal, to be more so and not abuse minorities, being a democracy by itself is not good enough these days. However allies need not be perfect just reasonable, there are nationalist democratic governments too. If they don't meet the UN standards however and move from nationalist strong man to tyrant who cheats on elections and suppresses the opposition or minorities, then relations should change. We don't need to support cold war western allied dictators this time, Vlad doesn't have an ideological cover like communism did, or money, or a soviet union, or conventional military power to project, he's a nuked up Mafia Don.
Russia Signals Possible Scale Back Of War Objectives

i would not count on any of that. Xi is a fascist asshole, but he's not stupid.
If and when he comes, it'll be hard and heavy, and fast. russia fucked up and cost themselves a lot, Xi won't make the same mistakes.
Taiwan isn't even 100 miles off shore from China. Xi would probably lead with targeted missile strikes on their defensive emplacements, some launched from the mainland, some from subs. in that chaos, he would call airstrikes, to cover his naval landing...which would be huge. If he decides to take Taiwan, i doubt anyone could do fuck all about it.
but as you say, that would not be in his best interest. he does a lot more business with the west and the EU than he does with russia, and he has to be seeing that most of the world now considers russia a pariah state, untouchable and unclean...he wouldn't want that same status for China, and wouldn't want to deal with the possible war it could cause.
agreed and lets not forget Taiwan is way, way smaller than Ukraine and not surrounded by western Europe.
Ukraine: Russia Imposing Russian Language Education in Occupied Regions
Russian officials are purging Ukrainian language education in the captured southern regions of Ukraine, are actively looking for publications that don't follow the pro-Russian narrative of the war and are setting up political agitation points for the ruling United Russia political party.

Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reported the seizure of literature on Thursday. The report focused on eastern territories of Ukraine, which Russia sees as a sympathetic stronghold, as well as freshly captured territories in the north of the country.

According to the report, Russia is using "military police" in the Sumy and Chernihiv regions in the north and Luhansk and Donetsk regions in the east to enforce the policy.

"They are most interested in books that focus on Ukraine's 'maidans,' the war in the East and other texts that cover revolutionary history," the report stated, using a term used to identify Ukraine's civilian-led insurgent movements. "Also, regular history books, scientific and popular historical literature is considered 'extremist.'"

Additionally, the report identifies historical Ukrainian revolutionary and Cossack figures whose names should not be mentioned in publicly available literature. They include Ivan Mazepa, a Cossack leader who gathered a militia of Ukrainian villagers and waged war against Russia in the 18th century.

Ukrainian language education is the other target.

In the recently captured Melitopol in the southern Kherson region, Mayor Ivan Fedorov reported that Russian forces have been visiting schools to coerce a switch to Russian. Fedorov was abducted and threatened earlier in the war but was released following mass protests. The city's population seems to be defiant to Russia's rule.

"I know that Russians have been going around every school and telling teachers to start using Russian starting April 1. Nevertheless, I always found there to be unity in public education in the city. I'm sure they'll all continue to prioritize our kids and their future," Fedorov said.

Russia is instituting the policy by creating local occupational administrations.

The intelligence report mentions administrations in all of the captured regions. Additionally, new reports have come from the southern port city of Mariupol's city council.

"Just near the city's borders, Russia has opened an office for the 'United Russia' party in the Metro mall," the report said. "According to the remaining population in the city, the office is distributing party literature, campaigning for Russia and giving out SIM cards named 'Phoenix.' The sim cards have been used in occupied Eastern regions since the start of the war in 2014."

One of Russia's justifications for its invasion of Ukraine was the claim that Russian speakers were being oppressed. The polling agency Rating, however, showed that those who consider Ukrainian to be the language most close to them has grown from 57% in 2012 to 76% as of Friday.

Moreover, the number of people who use Russian in day-to-day life has fallen from 40% in 2012 to 18% in 2022. In fact, the invasion has only increased the desire to switch to Ukrainian only in respondents, the poll analysis suggests.

Who do they think they are, republicans!

Non. Quebecois monsieur! :D

5,700, ain't that big a number of artillery pieces and rocket launchers. I'll bet the South Korean's know where everyone is and maps are updated several times a day, if Kim has the fuel to move them around. As soon as the order went out to muster the artillery troops, or order them to fire, or move to new positions and fire, SK would know of it and the map updated along with the defense system to deal with them before the first shot was fired with under 6,000, you could have multiple drones and rockets targeting each one, fire automatically.

As I said, this war has got a lot of people thinking about new possibilities.

“We assessed how North Korea might use their artillery as terror weapons,” RAND researcher Timothy Bonds tells me.

Should hostilities escalate on the Korean peninsula, the North has a problem. “The truth is that the North Korean military is not adequate for invading South Korea,” says Bonds. “They cannot maintain an offensive for very long and their forces would be very vulnerable in to air and ground attack.”

However, North Korea has another option: the 5,700 long- and medium-range howitzers and multiple rocket launchers along the 160-mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea. These weapons are heavily fortified, including tunnels that allow the guns to emerge to shoot a few quick rounds and then duck inside before enemy aircraft and artillery can destroy them.

Equally worrying is that many North Korean guns are within range of Seoul, the densely populated South Korean capital with almost 10 million residents in the city and 25 million with the greater metropolitan area. North Korea has famously threatened to use its artillery to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire” since the 1990s, should war erupt between with South Korea and its ally the United States.
We are talking 70 yrs. of DMZ preparation,most fortified positions on earth bar none,no man's land circa 1916 on steroids,tunnels for special forces incursions are everywhere,at no point in history has a situation existed where opposing sides have had 70+ yrs. to improve positions and strategize over a line of demarcation while in a technical state of war,so many possible scenarios exist that it is impossible to speculate,one bet I wouldn't make is that the North's soldiers won't fold or desert,Fat boy and his pappy and grandpappy absolutely keep their people in the dark,no Western culture creep is happening to the North Koreans,that said I believe that if a Western ass kicking was in progress on N.Korea that China would be all in same as before.
I believe we need to respect the official exchange rate of 95 rubles to the dollar instead of the international rate of 102.
I watched Peskov slithering like a lively earthworm being baited on a hook during his interview w/Christianne Amanpour,pathetic,and reminded me of an old commy Georgi Arbatov being shall we say evasive in spouting the party line w/Ted Koppel in the 80's,where the BS is so thick and ridiculous that the interviewer loses patience and can't hide their discontent from the camera.
Bizzare comparison of the west's response to Putin's invasion to US right wing grievances against "cancel culture" and even drags a children's book author into the mix. My guess is that he's trying to sway right wing radical Republicans to his side with his complaints. Maybe it will work, everybody on the right seems to be addled.

Vladimir Putin Claims Russia Is Being Canceled Like J.K. Rowling
Russia's president lamented "cancel culture" during a televised diatribe against the world's condemnation of his Ukraine invasion.

Putin likened the world’s condemnation of Russia to the backlash that “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling received for controversial comments about the transgender community. Rowling was “canceled,” Putin said, “just because she didn’t satisfy the demands of gender rights,” according to an interpreter’s translation.

“They’re now trying to cancel our country,” he continued. “I’m talking about the progressive discrimination of everything to do with Russia — this trend that is unfolding in a number of Western states.”
He added: “They’re now engaging in cancel culture.”

Putin demonstrating after being thoroughly exposed as a lying propagandist, how to do the shameless 'Just keep selling' troll for the world.
I hope they are passing out condoms. The shared stress of war will ignite a lot of foxhole love affairs.
In the reserves married couples often serve together and many of the women regular soldiers are war widows, some since 2014. Young single women will usually have a boy friend serving with them or in another unit. War speeds everything up, including history, both personally and nationally, it shakes things up a lot.
. . . . . . . . I do not think they can take Crimea especially with the Russians know how it would look if they did.
The Russians losing would not go over with the party line telling the population their version of reality. . . . . . . . .
The thing about war, it's the fighting that determines what happens, not the talking. If much of the Russian Army is cut off in the north, those folks and that equipment are out of the fight. Plus we will be able to keep the arms flowing with less threat to the convoys. Something Russia hasn't proved it can do long term. I don't think Ukraine is going to settle for anything less than pre-2014 boundaries.
Kremlin TV Descends Into Screaming Match Over Putin’s War Failures
As Russia’s war against Ukraine enters its second month, the grim picture of destruction and suffering is breaking through on state-controlled television. Before the invasion, military experts predicted a rapid takeover of Russia’s peaceful neighbor in a matter of minutes. Now that the reality is starting to set in, they’re grimly surmising that it will take several decades to subdue freedom-loving Ukraine.

State TV’s talking heads have tried in vain to paint a rosy picture of the Kremlin’s invasion, but the cracks are starting to show. On Thursday, with screens depicting dramatic images of demolished Mariupol flashing behind them, hosts of the state television show 60 Minutes, Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, tried to point out the “positives.” They noted that Russia promised to pay compensation to some Ukrainians from the “affected” territories—10,000 rubles each, amounting to a mere $100 dollars.

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In the reserves married couples often serve together and many of the women regular soldiers are war widows, some since 2014. Young single women will usually have a boy friend serving with them or in another unit. War speeds everything up, including history, both personally and nationally, it shakes things up a lot.

I know hiking isn't war. But it is amazing the number of married people who have trail wives or husbands for the duration of the trail. Shared hardships and joy, stress, adrenaline spikes and comradery will make strange bedfellows.

Free thru hiker joke:

Sex doesn't happen all the time on trail, but when it does, it's in tents.