

Well-Known Member
here everyone did what they could for helping ukraine, from donating blood to people giving their hotels for the refugees. There are camping tents at the border with hot food, tea, clothes, everything they need and from there they are taken to a hotel, a person that puts their house at disposal, whatever a warm and cozy place is found for everyone.The medium wage here is like $500 and only the rent is 300 for a bedroom apartment(one living room one bedroom), a piece of cheese like 5 bucks and a chicken $10. I work in pr and advertising and the wage for a junior(in my case 22 yo amd master’s degree)in copywriting or creative is 800 maximum. In Ukraine the life is the same as here, especially after urss and communism, but how could we not help them even though we were threatened not to help, we don’t really have an army to help with but…
But a lot of people on this planet only know us for gipsies and thefts, like only gipsies and romainians steal in this world:)) i was at harrods in london and one old man asked me if i was russian(haha) because i’m pale and blone, i said no i’m romainain and he was like YOU’RE TOO WHITE TO BE ROMAINAN and i was like bro wtf
Just got home, did something change?
Tupac; Changes.

Racists everywhere, hate filled arseholes whose only manly boast is the size of the massacre of innocents they create, their filthy progeny safe in underground cities of excessive luxury hidden in the mountains beyond sight but not reproach.


Well-Known Member
Appears to be genuine and it's an indicator of how much shit Vlad is in now. He made a major strategic blunder and should have concentrated forces to cut off western Ukraine, Capitols don't mean much in war these days, they can be moved to wherever they hold territory. NATO is going all in and eastern Poland will become a vast military camp focused on training, equipping and supplying the Ukrainian army, we can't go in but our weapons and training can.
Has anyone seen this? I was going to post it this morning, but ran out of time.

State media put out a story that had been written before the start of the operation declaring victory. They forgot to postpone it when things didn't go as planned.



Well-Known Member
How's this for a message from NATO: Any Russian soldier who defects to the west or surrenders to the Ukrainians will be offer asylum in the west, paroled and paid (in the traditional military sense). I wonder how many hungry conscripts between a rock and a hard place will take them up on it? Once mad Vlad is gone they can go back home if they want or emigrate to the west. :lol:

The details of the offer can be spelled out on the leaflets distributed to the Ukrainians and of course it will be online too. The back is a right of free passage to the west (unarmed) and a promise of good treatment until they get to the west. It would be a major humiliation to Putin all these young lads on parole in western Europe, being tourists and checking into police stations every now and again. Most are 19 year old conscripts and they can also call their mothers who will be worried about them.
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Well-Known Member
How's this for a message from NATO: Any Russian soldier who defects to the west or surrenders to the Ukrainians will be offer asylum in the west, paroled and paid (in the traditional military sense). I wonder how many hungry conscripts between a rock and a hard place will take them up on it? Once mad Vlad is gone they can go back home if they want or emigrate to the west. :lol:
They are going to believe it when we have not resettled the Afghans we should have?


Well-Known Member
How's this for a message from NATO: Any Russian soldier who defects to the west or surrenders to the Ukrainians will be offer asylum in the west, paroled and paid (in the traditional military sense). I wonder how many hungry conscripts between a rock and a hard place will take them up on it? Once mad Vlad is gone they can go back home if they want or emigrate to the west. :lol:
if they do, make sure they have a front seat in front of the ICC, camera testimony


Well-Known Member
How's this for a message from NATO: Any Russian soldier who defects to the west or surrenders to the Ukrainians will be offer asylum in the west, paroled and paid (in the traditional military sense). I wonder how many hungry conscripts between a rock and a hard place will take them up on it? Once mad Vlad is gone they can go back home if they want or emigrate to the west. :lol:
It’s likely that many will defect when they realise Putin is killing kids but it probably won’t make any difference as Vlad has bigger targets in mind. He has few troops but many nukes.
I knew it wouldn’t take long to get to: glass every Russian city as @Roger A. Shrubber implied


Well-Known Member
They are going to believe it when we have not resettled the Afghans we should have?
Hey these 19 year old boys aren't Afghans, they are young white Christian males, the usual resistance to immigration and refugees will be largely silent in Europe and America. I don't think many will end up staying anyway, I don't think Vlad is going to survive this, then they will go home. This gets them out of the war, is great PR and humiliates Vlad. Particularly when others online see them living the good life in the west while waiting out the war. Every weapon they give up goes to a Ukrainian.
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Well-Known Member
Eritrea Seeks to Evade Sanctions Through Russia, China Alliances
Mere weeks after the January 05, 2022, engagement that took place with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who commiserated with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki about international sanction against his government, on February 07, 2022, Isais has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and African countries, Mikhail Bogdanov, who is also Deputy Foreign Minister. There were few details concerning the substance of this Eritrea-Russia meeting, but it was reported that the parties decried “external interferences and illicit sanctions,”. The Eritrean Research Institute for Policy and Strategy (ERIPS) believes these alliances with China and now Russia will not benefit the Eritrean people, countries in the region or American interests.

In an executive order issued in September 2021, President Biden warned of sanctions against parties involved in the fighting in Ethiopia and the Treasury Department has levied sanctions against the Eritrean Defense Forces and the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) stating “Eritrea’s destabilizing presence in Ethiopia is prolonging the conflict, posing a significant obstacle to a cessation of hostilities, and threatening the integrity of the Ethiopian state,”. The Eritrean regime’s attempt to evade the sanctions seems to be taking a sharp turn for the worse.

It is well known that the regime of Isaias Afwerki has consistently sought the friendship and support of authoritarian regimes, such as the Middle Eastern countries to hold onto power and to extend his influence with military adventures in neighboring countries. President Afwerki has now signed a new strategic but uneven relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and is working on one with Russia as well, undoubtedly as leverage to evade the sanctions and to take advantage of the rapidly deteriorating situation in the region where the Eritrean people’s, regional and American national interests are at stake.

With the potential of establishing political and military relationship with Russia, it appears that the Eritrean government is intent on expanding its military adventurism in Tigray and elsewhere in East Africa. This regime is known for instigating conflicts with neighboring countries (Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Yemen) since the early 1990s. The Isaias regime has regularly supported armed opposition groups against governments with disputes, including the militant Islamist al-Shabaab in Somalia, and these wars have led to the unnecessary loss of lives and instability of the region. The addition of heavy Russian weaponry will only exacerbate an already tense relationship between Eritrea and its neighbors. Absent an arms embargo on Eritrea and Ethiopia, the situation will only worsen, incurring an even greater humanitarian crisis and political instability in the region.

As part of Russia’s grand strategy of establishing political, economic, and military relationships with many African nations, Moscow has increased its activities in the African arms market. “Arms sales are a central element of Russia’s foreign policy and are closely controlled by the government to advance economic and strategic objectives. Russian arms sales provide an important source of hard currency, promote Russia’s defense and political relations with other countries, and support important domestic industries,” stated a 2021 report by the Congressional Research Service. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), as of 2020, Russia accounts for 49% of arms imports to Africa. The National Interest magazine also reported that Russia has sold arms to at least twenty-one African states, including such weapons as T-90SA main battle tanks (MBT’s), modernized BMPT-72 Terminator 2 infantry fighting vehicles, Su-34 strike fighters and Su-35 air superiority jets. As of July 2021, Rosoboronexport, the Russian state-tun arms exporting company, had signed over a dozen deals worth billions of dollars for the supply of Russian military products.

According to Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland, through Russian support of Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar with snipers, Mig-29 and Su-24 fighter jets, SA-22 surface-to-air missile, anti-aircraft systems, hundreds of flights delivering military logistics since 2019 and an estimated 1,200 Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group, Russia is managing to carve out a region bordering NATO’s southern flank. This could well be a preview of what is in store for the Greater Horn of Africa through the Eritrea-Russia alliance.

“Libya provides a vignette of how Russia pursues its strategic goals in Africa: expanding geopolitical influence through low-cost ventures that hold economic windfalls for Moscow and President Vladimir Putin’s close associates. In this way, Russia’s strategy in Africa is both opportunistic and calculating. It is opportunistic in that it is willing to take risks and quickly deploy mercenary forces to crisis contexts when the opening presents itself, similar to what Moscow did in Syria. It is calculating in that it aims to expand Russia’s power projection including over strategic chokeholds in the eastern Mediterranean and Suez Canal that could affect NATO force deployments in times of crisis,” stated an article by the George C. Marshall Center.

As ERIPS has stated earlier, it is critical for the U.S. administration and policymakers across the political spectrum to give particular attention to China’s economic, political, and military influence in Africa and particularly to the strategic nations in the Red Sea trade route. Eritrea has two ports: Massawa and Assab. China has a strategy seeking control of ports around the world, and these Red Sea ports are especially critical for the world economy. However, Russian interest in Africa also includes expanding geopolitical influences, weakening global democracies, holding strategic maritime chokeholds, and meeting its dire need for hard currency.

Despite claims to uphold and respect democracy, freedom, justice, and fairness, countries such as China, Russia and Eritrea are among world’s worst human rights violators. Having China and now Russia as strategic partners enables the Afwerki regime to access not only Russia’s voluminous supplies of military hardware and equipment, but also Chinese IT for intelligence and security, military technology, and weaponry. Thus, in ERIPS’ view, these alliances are solely aimed to strengthen the regime’s grip onto power and continue to cause pain and suffering on the Eritrean people. Moreover, these agreements are designed to allow the Eritrean regime to withstand sanctions and carry on with impunity its belligerence in the ongoing Ethiopian civil war that is destabilizing the Horn of Africa.


Well-Known Member
It’s likely that many will defect when they realise Putin is killing kids but it probably won’t make any difference as Vlad has bigger targets in mind. He has few troops but many nukes.
I knew it wouldn’t take long to get to: glass every Russian city as @Roger A. Shrubber implied
I sure as shit hope not, they've got Vlad by the balls and Belarus could be the next domino to fall, it's deeply unpopular government is propped up by demoralize conscript Russian soldiers. It is at the back of Vlad's line of advance on Kyiv and could explode in revolution, sanctions hit there too.


Well-Known Member
It’s likely that many will defect when they realise Putin is killing kids but it probably won’t make any difference as Vlad has bigger targets in mind. He has few troops but many nukes.
I knew it wouldn’t take long to get to: glass every Russian city as @Roger A. Shrubber implied
Cowardice is contagious among demoralized troops, but so to is courage, courage is highly contagious.


Well-Known Member
Yes. The manufacturers are saying they have efficiency up to the point where there is not enough heat coming off the motor and that electric heaters are needed. I can see heated seats helping out some but you still need to keep the windows free of frost.
Our older Prius especially, when it's cold outside, the gas engine runs a whole lot, dropping your mpg.


Well-Known Member
It’s likely that many will defect when they realise Putin is killing kids but it probably won’t make any difference as Vlad has bigger targets in mind. He has few troops but many nukes.
I knew it wouldn’t take long to get to: glass every Russian city as @Roger A. Shrubber implied
The longer this goes on, the more likely a single bullet in Moscow will end it.