

Well-Known Member
I mean.......I would think that, at some point, people who frequent a pot forum would turn their media off, smoke some really good homegrown weed, and realize some things about media. It kind becomes a big algorithmic echo chamber after a while.
No disrespect intended, I just realized that all myself a while back and it was extremely liberating to break free of the mass media mind-fuck that exists on almost every screen everywhere. I find the "How Much Longer" threads here to be far more entertaining now anyway.
I tend to take nice long breaks from it all. But since the democracy that I live in is being attacked in the hopes of keeping Trump in power I didn't think it was a great time to have my head in the sand.

I recommend a nice system of checks and balances when it comes to anything and everything online.

My check, AP news. Anything that I am questioning, I check with them. They are the best free information resource and will tell you as much as possible about what and how stuff is known. And they are non-partisan, so you don't get caught up in the echo chamber and when reading stories. Reuters is solid too. Outside of them, I wouldn't trust anything free to not be using you as the product.

My Balance is my wife. She grew up completely different than I did and has a completely different skill set and is pretty much always looking for bullshit out of me and has sent me back to check stuff on the AP often because it sounds like click-bait I read on Raw Story.