

Well-Known Member
Calls have grown for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to resign or be impeached, after a bombshell report revealed that he lied to Congress about internal Biden administration recommendations that the U.S. suspend weapons shipments to Israel over myriad human rights violations — a move that one advocacy group said is “egregiously illegal.”



Well-Known Member
Some have said Hezbollah is a terror group, only because they have successfully protected their country from US backed-Israeli invasion and actual terrorism.. this has been planned for a long time: "an opportunity that must not be missed," says former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, who believes that "this is an opportunity to reshape the Middle East."

Israel invaded Lebanon in June 1982, ostensibly in response to attacks launched on it by the Palestine Liberation Organization from southern Lebanon.

After an agreement, the PLO left for Tunisia but Israel’s military stayed in Lebanon, supporting local proxies in the civil war and contributing to the Sabra and Shatila massacre. Right-wing Lebanese militia, in coordination with the Israeli army, killed between 2,000 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians in two days.

Several Lebanese groups formed to repel the invasion, one was from the Shia Muslim community, traditionally a quiet demographic.

Hezbollah was the brainchild of Muslim leaders, reportedly supported by Iran, and given the mandate of repelling Israel.

By 1985, Hezbollah’s fighting power grew to the point that it, along with allied groups, was able to force the Israeli army to withdraw to the Litani River in south Lebanon.

Israel declared what it called a “security zone” along swaths of the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Policing that security zone was the Christian-dominated South Lebanon Army (SLA), typically reported as an Israeli proxy force, which continued to support the occupation of south Lebanon until Israel’s withdrawal in 2000.

The whole situation is dire and inhumane. Disgraceful the USA is funding it all.


Well-Known Member
Calls have grown for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to resign or be impeached, after a bombshell report revealed that he lied to Congress about internal Biden administration recommendations that the U.S. suspend weapons shipments to Israel over myriad human rights violations — a move that one advocacy group said is “egregiously illegal.”

Some have said Hezbollah is a terror group, only because they have successfully protected their country from US backed-Israeli invasion and actual terrorism.. this has been planned for a long time: "an opportunity that must not be missed," says former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, who believes that "this is an opportunity to reshape the Middle East."

Israel invaded Lebanon in June 1982, ostensibly in response to attacks launched on it by the Palestine Liberation Organization from southern Lebanon.

After an agreement, the PLO left for Tunisia but Israel’s military stayed in Lebanon, supporting local proxies in the civil war and contributing to the Sabra and Shatila massacre. Right-wing Lebanese militia, in coordination with the Israeli army, killed between 2,000 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians in two days.

Several Lebanese groups formed to repel the invasion, one was from the Shia Muslim community, traditionally a quiet demographic.

Hezbollah was the brainchild of Muslim leaders, reportedly supported by Iran, and given the mandate of repelling Israel.

By 1985, Hezbollah’s fighting power grew to the point that it, along with allied groups, was able to force the Israeli army to withdraw to the Litani River in south Lebanon.

Israel declared what it called a “security zone” along swaths of the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Policing that security zone was the Christian-dominated South Lebanon Army (SLA), typically reported as an Israeli proxy force, which continued to support the occupation of south Lebanon until Israel’s withdrawal in 2000.

The whole situation is dire and inhumane. Disgraceful the USA is funding it all.
I wont say it is disgraceful to support a ally when they are in a war. And while it sucks ass that the nation we are currently forced by our laws to support in this is being led by a dick head who is trying to escape his nation's justice system, they are still our allies. And no matter how hard Isreali government is trolling our democracy here in America as it continues its war, our country is not going to walk away from the people of Isreal.

I do agree that it is dire and inhumane though. I really hope that all the innocent people in the crossfire between these dickheads stay as safe as possible. And work to oust the murderers out of power as soon as possible.

BTW I really find Al Jazeera sketchy as shit. Not saying that about your link, just them in general, because I like to mention it any chance I can. They rank right up there with the Putin rags like the hill and most the other online 'news'-esque media sites that pretend to be news because they mostly tell the truth as long as it doesn't counter whatever narrative that the dictator that owns them wants sold.


Well-Known Member
“We should step back from the brink. The fundamental regional factors that feed the escalation of violence, including the supply of arms, technical assistance, and training to non-state actors, extrajudicial killings and continuing illegal occupation of Palestine, must be central to the sustainable search for peaceful solutions,” the experts said. “Turning a blind eye to the deteriorating catastrophe in Gaza and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, will not help in finding a solution to the deteriorating situation in Lebanon.”

The actions by the Israeli military and the government’s blockade of Gaza, including severe restrictions on humanitarian aid, have inflicted profound trauma and suffering on Palestinian children, which has had a disproportionate impact on children with disabilities. As of September 18, ongoing Israeli strikes and ground operations have killed more than 41,000 Palestinians, including more than 16,750 children.

I wont say it is disgraceful to support a ally when they are in a war.
While I would agree with you if this was a "war", but this is genocide and mass exodus of Palestinians and Lebanese. US-funded Israeli terrorism and psychological terrorism, not to mention the thousands of innocent Palestinians locked up without charges that are tortured and raped in Israeli prisons. Zionists are murdering innocent people in cold blood,continued bonbing of infrastructure and stealing more land with illegal settlements. Disgusting and repulsive!