More like 5 months from my reading of the tea leaves, Crimea could take longer, but the longer the war the more complete the destruction of Russian military power will be, but it will mostly move off of Ukrainian soil by fall. We don't want peace at this point, we want the destruction of Russian military power and their economy. We want to eliminate their ability to project imperialist power onto its smaller neighbors, the end of the war will not mean the end of sanctions, not until the crimes against humanity and war crimes have been addressed. This is what it looks like when Vlad sticks his cock in the meat grinder and it's sucking him in while he screams and thrashes.Wars still going i see. Looks like another 5 years plus from what i was hearing today on the radio.
The world is basically divided into two camps, totalitarian governments like Russia and China and liberal democracies like America and Canada. Those countries who live by the rule of law are enforcing international law and an economic system that has uplifted the lives of billions. Russia broke that law and the peace along with treaties it made with Ukraine in exchange for 1700 nukes they had. The objective now is to destroy Russian military power and eject them from Ukraine, they will be fucked for a generation.… and I’m def not ashamed to say that I’m not balls deep in the current World strategy, but it’s interesting to see different points of view in this section.
Thank you for that breakdown insight.. and for giving us old farts some breaking news with some perspective. I don’t exactly keep a finger on the pulse of thingsThe world is basically divided into two camps, totalitarian governments like Russia and China and liberal democracies like America and Canada. Those countries who live by the rule of law are enforcing international law and an economic system that has uplifted the lives of billions. Russia broke that law and the peace along with treaties it made with Ukraine in exchange for 1700 nukes they had. The objective now is to destroy Russian military power and eject them from Ukraine, they will be fucked for a generation.
Will be going on for years. Hopefully it wont be longer than the Iraq war. A few Eastern countries could flair up this year as well. More riots and things to come for Europe. Going to be an interesting 5 years me thinks.Thank you for that breakdown insight.. and for giving us old farts some breaking news with some perspective. I don’t exactly keep a finger on the pulse of things
The state of readiness for a possible conflict w/the Chinese is alarming as a FK,If I was in China's shoes and seriously was committed to unleashing war in the Pacific,I'd be looking at a window that is now to the next 5 yrs.The US and allies have reached the conclusion that w/a cult of personality,repressive,nationalistic leader in Xi who has broken norms staying in power past 2(5) yr. terms that it is time to ramp up. The Chinese will never be in a better spot than now as they have pretty quietly built an impressive,modern navy in less than 20 yrs.,their ballistic,anti ship(hypersonic),and air to air missile tech is equal to and in cases superior to ours at this moment. The war on terror shifted doctrine and necessary resources in military procurement and combined w/a 30 yr. dividend w/no peer adversaries the US navy and missile tech has atrophied. We are now rebooting for a near peer adversary(China in the Pacific)with the following: A new frigate (Constellation class) being built finally to bolster the surface fleet w/a new capable smaller than a destroyer blue water surface combatant(the navy LCS prog is a disaster + the US hasn't had a frigate in 15 yrs.),Developing and deploying new anti ship missiles(some hypersonic) to replace antiquated Harpoon antiship missiles, developing 6 new air to air missiles (pilots in US aircraft are currently outranged by Chinese air to air missiles) of which at least 2-3 will be procured and in service in 2-5 yrs, redeploying and scattering bases in the Pacific to disperse assetts and make it harder to target our forces,new basing in the Phillipines which will be home to a newly developed,highly tech oriented Marine Littoral Regiment,as well as Japan,Australia,and South Korea upping their defense budgets and increasing co-operation,the UK now has capability to put skin in the game w/2 recently commissioned Aircraft Carriers flying F-35 B vert. takeoff stealth jets and is now participating in freedom ao navigation exercises in the South China Sea,and India is joining naval manoeuvers w/allies drilling for possible conflict. Mostly all of this is in it's infancy and time is needed to perfect and new armaments to deploy. So eventually the Chinese will be facing a formidable posse of well armed,well drilled,allied force. They are not vastly superior at this moment,and a successful campaign via Taiwan and the Pacific is not assured by any means,BUT the window for the odds for success based upon the capability of the US and allies are at their highest presently and 5 yrs. forward.As long as China stays out of Taiwan, for 5 years it should be interesting , they sound almost ready do something in 2 years
then the Muricans will say "hey Aussies, Uncle Sam needs you to help in the fight"
our current subs are a joke and we pretty much sitting duckswithout the yanks
they should just give us a few cheap old hand me down subs that are being put out of service in the US to train on first
get them refitted and back under sea, with Aussies in there or they wont be ready when the shit hits the fan
like do it yesterday
time to have a cone or two![]()
Hide what? That we're going to kill russia one way or another? who's trying to hide it? I'm proud of it.It sounds like the poster doesn't like the idea of "chewing up" the Russian army, personally I'm fine with the idea and the pentagon is happy, what's the problem again?
Friend, this will point you in the right direction.. . . . . . . . . . . . None of us will ever know the truth.
At 700 dead Russians a day, five more years would be. . . . . 1.27M dead russians. Not a bad outcome.Wars still going i see. Looks like another 5 years plus from what i was hearing today on the radio.
we're investing in new systems, replacing worn out equipment, i have faith that we're developing things that aren't common knowledge yet, and may not be until they're used for the first time. I won't say china has no chance, but i highly doubt they're working on anything we aren't working on a counter for, and a lot of their massive navy isn't that massive...The state of readiness for a possible conflict w/the Chinese is alarming as a FK,If I was in China's shoes and seriously was committed to unleashing war in the Pacific,I'd be looking at a window that is now to the next 5 yrs.The US and allies have reached the conclusion that w/a cult of personality,repressive,nationalistic leader in Xi who has broken norms staying in power past 2(5) yr. terms that it is time to ramp up. The Chinese will never be in a better spot than now as they have pretty quietly built an impressive,modern navy in less than 20 yrs.,their ballistic,anti ship(hypersonic),and air to air missile tech is equal to and in cases superior to ours at this moment. The war on terror shifted doctrine and necessary resources in military procurement and combined w/a 30 yr. dividend w/no peer adversaries the US navy and missile tech has atrophied. We are now rebooting for a near peer adversary(China in the Pacific)with the following: A new frigate (Constellation class) being built finally to bolster the surface fleet w/a new capable smaller than a destroyer blue water surface combatant(the navy LCS prog is a disaster + the US hasn't had a frigate in 15 yrs.),Developing and deploying new anti ship missiles(some hypersonic) to replace antiquated Harpoon antiship missiles, developing 6 new air to air missiles (pilots in US aircraft are currently outranged by Chinese air to air missiles) of which at least 2-3 will be procured and in service in 2-5 yrs, redeploying and scattering bases in the Pacific to disperse assetts and make it harder to target our forces,new basing in the Phillipines which will be home to a newly developed,highly tech oriented Marine Littoral Regiment,as well as Japan,Australia,and South Korea upping their defense budgets and increasing co-operation,the UK now has capability to put skin in the game w/2 recently commissioned Aircraft Carriers flying F-35 B vert. takeoff stealth jets and is now participating in freedom ao navigation exercises in the South China Sea,and India is joining naval manoeuvers w/allies drilling for possible conflict. Mostly all of this is in it's infancy and time is needed to perfect and new armaments to deploy. So eventually the Chinese will be facing a formidable posse of well armed,well drilled,allied force. They are not vastly superior at this moment,and a successful campaign via Taiwan and the Pacific is not assured by any means,BUT the window for the odds for success based upon the capability of the US and allies are at their highest presently and 5 yrs. forward.
not nearly enough, can we step that up? I'd really like to see over 1k a day dead russians...At 700 dead Russians a day, five more years would be. . . . . 1.27M dead russians. Not a bad outcome.
One day this week they did hit the 1K mark. Bad overall for Russia, but they are dealing with their prison overcrowding problem.not nearly enough, can we step that up? I'd really like to see over 1k a day dead russians...